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Has anyone tried this? Or know anyone who has done this? I have a friend currently visiting Thailand and he wants to teach English there. He completed a 1,000 hour certification course in teaching English overseas, and now wants this to be his new career/life path after having exhausted his previous careers. This all seems rather intriguing to me. I might even pay the $1,000 fee to complete the teaching course myself. The annual teaching stipend isn't much I'm guessing, but then again, cost of living is way low in places like Thailand. My friend says one can easily live comfortably in Thailand (or similar S.E. Asian countries) for between $1,000 to $1,500 monthly. An American on Social Security can get by pretty well for that amount of monthly income. Heck, you can't even pay rent in a major metropolitan city in the U.S. for $1,000 to $1,500, at least not in my neck of the woods. Rent prices go for $2,000 and up for a 1 bedroom apartment in a decent neighborhood in my area. A garage space is extra, usually at least an extra $150 to $200 monthly. Absurd. All the young hipsters working at Facebook and Google aren't helping matters any either.
Here's an example of a course for learning to teach English abroad:
Here's an example of a course for learning to teach English abroad: