I know this has been discussed countless times before, but I am still having a hard time deciding how we are going to claim a state as our residence for tax purposes when we are moving around.<br /><br />Here are my concerns in order of priority:<br /><br />1) State income tax: I don't want to pay any<br /><br />2) Vehicle registration: We will have 4 things that need registering.<br /><br />3) State sales tax: The lower the better, esp if it is use tax for vehicles<br /><br />4) Jury duty: What happens if you are called and you are 1000s miles away<br /><br />5) ACA: I don't know that state will make difference in Obamacare<br /><br />Looking at Alaska, Wyoming, or Florida.<br /><br />How picky are the states in actually investigating if you live there? How long can you work in another state before having to claim residency there? Any tricks to get around having to register your vehicle in a certain state even if you stay there more than a few months?