Stealing Solar Panels

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Mar 13, 2012
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Hey everyone.&nbsp; I am a soon to be van-dweller, I'll be traveling alone and will have at least one solar panel on the roof of my van.&nbsp; <br><br>My question/concern is this: how do you prevent your solar panels from being stolen?&nbsp; They are high-value items and in this economy where people are stealing everything under the sun, I would think they would be frequently targeted.<br><br>Now I love my van and all, but I do plan on being away from it for big chunks of time during the day.&nbsp; Is there anything I can do other than 'park smart' to ensure my solar panels will still be there when I come back?<br><br><br><br>&nbsp;<br>
if you have a few hundred you can spare.. camoflage them.. get a full sized roof rack, put a wooden frame around it and plywood on the bottom.. mount the panels on top of that.. pretty much would make them unnoticable for most folks.<br><br>
william_k said:
Hey everyone.&nbsp; I am a soon to be van-dweller, I'll be traveling alone and will have at least one solar panel on the roof of my van.&nbsp; <br><br>My question/concern is this: how do you prevent your solar panels from being stolen?&nbsp; They are high-value items and in this economy where people are stealing everything under the sun, I would think they would be frequently targeted.<br><br>Now I love my van and all, but I do plan on being away from it for big chunks of time during the day.&nbsp; Is there anything I can do other than 'park smart' to ensure my solar panels will still be there when I come back?<br><br><br><br>&nbsp;<br>
I had two expensive fiberglass ladders bungeed on my truck for ten years in Denver, Colorado in every neighborhood imaginable with no problems. <br><br>Maybe it wont be a problem.<br><br>*Sending you safe thoughts*<br><br><br>
Yeah, I am starting to think that maybe I am over worrying again.<br><br><br>
Concealment is best. I've also used a type of safety sheet metal screw that has a head that requires a square shaped bit, that few know exists or have. I actually prefer them over all other types, Philips head etc. They are easy to use.
I'm designing a tilt rack system for my Dodge van that will use one small padlock to secure the PV panel to the van for each PV panel when it's in the lowered position. This should discourage a quick grab type theft, which is the one I worry about.
Stealing solar panels from a van requires tools and energy. Something few low life care to deal with. They prefer things easy to carry and sell. (like cell phones) Not much market for used solar panels.

Worry about things like the neighbors dog ruining the perfect shine on the freshly washed tires. That is more of a probability.
akrvbob said:
I've never heard of anyone having their panels stolen. It's the last thing I'm worried about!

Portable ground mounted PV panels and small generators are high theft items. Haven't heard about van roof mounted panels being nicked yet.
You could ream out the mounting bolts to make them much harder to unbolt, and use red locktite to make it even more difficult. Install one or more disk locks - harder to cut than regular padlocks. A really determined and equipped thief WILL steal them, so we can only make it too hard for the ill-equipped opportunist thief to bother with. This isn't really too hard. Opportunists are lazy. Always an easier mark down the road.
I tend to agree that there is very little chance someone will steal the solar panels off of your roof. Especially if it's a very high roof, like a step van. They would need a ladder just to get up there.

Nevertheless, I will spend a few extra bucks to buy tamper-proof hardware to use for the install.

Because that's what an optimistic paranoid does.:)

For years auto manufacturers have used what we call "shear bolts" on the ignition cylinder where it attaches to the steering column. It usually secures two c shaped brackets. you simply tighten them until the head shears off, leaving only the tightened bolt. This requires a cutting tool to remove the cylinder...if someone is worried enough, might be a viable solution. Be well my van dwelling, freedom loving, awesomely cool friends. - Slim.
I've never heard of it happening, never had anyone try it on my van, and no longer worry about it. Thieves like to be in and out in a few seconds and take something they can easily pawn like a laptop or generator. Solar panels are bulky, difficult to remove, and there isn't a huge market for individual single panels.

If I were a thief after a solar panel I'd get one off a remote highway sign, not off a van someone might be watching or sleeping inside of.
I think it's pretty low on the list of things stolen nowadays. 10 years ago when they were much more expensive is a different story. but tamper proof bolts couldn't hurt. in some camping areas here in so cal what you really need to watch is your food and beer. don't leave ice chests unattended. highdesertranger
My panels are portable on stands. When I'm camping, they are leaned up against my van and covered with a small tarp at night. Haven't had a problem yet, however, if I don't like the traffic I've seen during the afternoon, I can put them inside easily. My dog would alert me anyway, and probably scare anyone too close to the van off before they could get the panels loose.
Times are changing. This is the first time we have "lost" stuff other than cans of soda from our food cart (we're pretty sure it was folks in fancy high end RVs that simply didn't want to pay for the sodas). We know for sure that we have lost a 50 ft roll of PEX. We suspect other stuff is missing as it should have been with the PEX and it's not there. That's not to say the other stuff isn't packed away in the former food cart.
Owning insurance agencies for nearly 20 years have taught me that drug addicts and the homeless will steal anything they can if given the opportunity. This includes the control knobs of a car's cassette deck, if they can't pull out the entire deck. Yes, the knobs and yes, this is a cassette deck. Crappy CRT TV's that comes with old conversion vans are stolen, mine was. These are worth -$10 to -$15 as it costs money to dispose.

The reason they probably don't go after solar panels is because they probably don't see it or assume that no one is going to mount something of value outside of the vehicle in plain sight. Mainly though, it's because it requires tools, a flashlight and climbing on top of the roof, attracting unwanted attention. Much safer to ransack a van's insides.
Reducto said:
I've never heard of it happening, never had anyone try it on my van, and no longer worry about it. Thieves like to be in and out in a few seconds and take something they can easily pawn like a laptop or generator. Solar panels are bulky, difficult to remove, and there isn't a huge market for individual single panels.

If I were a thief after a solar panel I'd get one off a remote highway sign, not off a van someone might be watching or sleeping inside of.

You think Like me :)..
You can always get those stick-on solar panels and roll them out on top of your van. Bob even detailed how to install them in one of his posts last year or so. I believe it was one of those high-top vans with the fiberglass add-on top. Those flexible panels follow the contours of the van top really well. The only downside is that they're about 60 watts each, if I recall correctly.

Some others use the higher capacity hard panels and put them out in the daytime, pulling them inside at night. This wouldn't work well in a lot of cities and towns, though.