highdesertranger said:we would throw chunks of the hard closed cell foam boards into our water troughs. this would keep the suns rays off the water to control algae growth.
Pretty ingenuous. What industry was this? Agricultural?
highdesertranger said:we would throw chunks of the hard closed cell foam boards into our water troughs. this would keep the suns rays off the water to control algae growth.
highdesertranger said:here's another unscientific observation. we would throw chunks of the hard closed cell foam boards into our water troughs. this would keep the suns rays off the water to control algae growth. this foam did not seem to absorb water and some were in the troughs for 20 years and more. also the foam cups that coffee and soda comes in, if they would absorb water then they would leak. highdesertranger
RoamingKat said:So, now I am back to looking at Ecofoil.
So..what do I use to keep the foil away from the metal walls of the van? I read that the aluminum will cause corrosive reaction with that metal.
akrvbob said:I disagree, you're back to using polyiso which is the very best thing you can use.
Did you read this above:
"Typically, polyiso foil-faced sheathings have perm ratings of less than 0.3, which is 3-5 times better than common extruded polystyrene products. For this reason, polyiso is the best insulation for cavity wall applications."
VJG1977 said:The big thing that I got from this is how the water absorption test is done.
For example, the material standard that defines
properties for all XPS and EPS is ASTM C578.1
It requires that polystyrene insulation be
tested for water absorption in accordance with ASTM C272.2
C272 requires the polystyrene sample to be immersed in water
for 24 hours, and weighed immediately upon removal from
immersion to determine the amount of absorbed water
The primary concern with water absorption in home building is when the foam is buried next to a foundation wall.
How many years of normal use in a van wall would it take to match that exposure?
I believe any expanded polystyrene, extruded polystyrene or polyisocyanurate unfaced or foil faced will work fine in a van. I may have missed it but has anyone had a problem with any foam other than open cell spray?
akrvbob said:It might be interesting to set up a poll and ask people "Based on your experience, which is the best insulation for insulating a van?" But, ask anything you want to ask.
I'm not sure if you can do it or not, if you can, go to the bottom of the page and on the far left are some options I think everyone can see them. The bottom option is "Add a Poll to this thread."
If you don't see it, and want me to, I will sit it up for you. Just decide what you want the choices to be.