Here's a quick story on wool and mold and it's totally unscientific and just a personal experience. I bought a few military surplus blankets made from wool. They arrived and smelled of moth balls so bad, it almost knocked me out when I opened the package. I washed them a dozen times and still couldn't get the smell out. Left them in the basement wet and forgot about them. Went down a month later and they were covered in mold. Threw them away and never thought about em again until today. Don't know if it was the chemicals from the moth balls, the wool or the other fabric used in the construction of the blanket that led to mold growth, but it was covered in mold.
After the fact, I read if you buy military surplus wool blankets, and they smell of moth balls, to just leave them in the sun for a few days and the UV rays will kill the mothball odor. Not sure if this works, but from here on out I will pay retail and buy non mothball non military surplus wool blankets.
Having been in the construction industry for 20 years, I can assure you that insulating a small tin box (a van) and a wood house isn't two of the same. Therefore everything you read about home insulation can't be equally applied to insulating your van. In a world of chemicals I wouldn't overly worry about synthetic insulation. As Bob mentioned, the pollution the van produces will kill you long before the insulation does. On top of that, do you worry about the foam your seats are made out of, the plastic on the dashboard, what's inside your mattress, the plastic bins your clothes are in, the coatings on your dishes and pans, packaging your food comes in, the dyes used in your sheets, filling inside your pillow, foam used in your mattress, varnish used on cabinets, finish used on wood floors, all of which can, will, might, could, off gas etc etc etc. Even in home construction, it's always the insulation people get hung up on and yet there are 100's of other things in the home that could be doing the same thing. Not to say it's not worth doing your due diligence but if you aren't dissecting every chemical that comes into your life, probably not worth over thinking insulation either.