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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2017
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Hi Everyone,

Long time no see.  I am asking for your good thoughts and prayers for the people and animals in Southern California.  I believe it highly suspicious that a fire in Ventura county jumped 30 miles to Los Angeles (Sylmar) with no fires in between...Besides losing homes and personal property (devastating), horses died in Sylmar and people left their cats...and the sad and scary now...

Thank you.
for sure not racial slurs, that will not be tolerated here. highdesertranger
XFILE36 said:
Hi Everyone,

Long time no see.  I am asking for your good thoughts and prayers for the people and animals in Southern California.  I believe it highly suspicious that a fire in Ventura county jumped 30 miles to Los Angeles (Sylmar) with no fires in between...Besides losing homes and personal property (devastating), horses died in Sylmar and people left their cats...and the sad and scary now...
Thank you.
Long rant here........
Over the past years, I've seen these fires attributed to all manner of things: illegal drug farming in national forests, welders working on ranch fencing, yahoos on OHVs on hillsides, inappropriate campfires, downed power lines, sparks thrown out by lawn mowers + rocks, etc etc. Some underlying issues are seasonal winds/weather patterns, hilly, inaccessible terrain, ever increasing human activity in areas that are essentially deserts - i.e. a wet season where growth explodes, then no rain for months at a time.
Hopefully we don't also have some misguided losers out there doing this.
Looking at the summer's fire in Napa, you can see well built homes (stucco siding with tile roofs) built 10 feet away from the next house, with dried-out trees in between. All on fire. In central Calif, I still have one neighbor with a wood shake roof - has enough $$ for 6 cars, but not a better roof.
Before one of the big fires a few years back, wife & I looked at homes in Squirrel Valley, Lake Isabella. Mostly larger lots, but with almost continuous, dried-out tree cover- literally leaf to leaf. Gave me the willies just driving thru there. Wife thought I was over-reacting, but the next summer, it all burned. Driving thru this past spring, there was knee-high dry brush around all the homes that remained. Other communities in that general area today look just like Squirrel Valley did before it burned.
End of rant....
My second take on the fires has been "perhaps some earth first zealots random terrorist " as we are fearful of wild fires having much to lose not not so the Native People with their wisdom and foresight being able to move entire village out of harms way. I see it as a major part of living in a densely wooded area. I pray for the animals and people.
Almost There said:
Good grief, those fires are hundreds of miles away from the Colorado/Arizona border.

There is no point in even 'keeping an eye on them' in regards to the RTR.

Fear mongering at it's finest IMO!...sigh!

Yeah, hundreds of miles from the RTR but what about folks that are planning to go west after the RTR or are heading west right not NOT planning on going to the RTR.  It's just a frikkin map were you can see what and where the problems are going on so you can plan ahead IF you were heading in that direction.  I guess information is taboo to some folks....   I won't say anything about it snowing in South Texas as well and all along the southern Atlantic seaboard so nobody can prepare for bad driving conditions and the need for more heat when they get there.
I saw on the news this morning an arson was caught in Orange County.
Actually, it was Anaheim Hills, which isn't in Orange County.
Almost There said:
Good grief, those fires are hundreds of miles away from the Colorado/Arizona border.

There is no point in even 'keeping an eye on them' in regards to the RTR.

Fear mongering at it's finest IMO!...sigh!

For your information, some of us were extremely close to the fires.  I guess the "tribe "mentality really doesn't mean family, for SOME people here.  If it doesn't directly concern you, I guess you could care less, by your comments.  I was just asking for good thoughts and prayers.  What did it cost you for that?    Geez...