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Jan 29, 2020
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Rust Belt
I’ve been reading here for months and I’ll be starting my nomadic journey in 2 months but still have so much to learn.  Been watching Bob’s YT videos for a year as well as a ton of others.  It is overwhelming with so much info but I wanted to get a head start on it.

That being said all the videos and reading shall help but nothing like experience learned doing it! So a male mid fifties I’ll embark on the nomadic life traveling and boondocking for a year which will be sufficient to assess if it fits me.  I’m freely doing it and know most people regret the things they didn’t do more so than the things they did.  

I wish my journey would have begun in the fall so I’d head down to AZ where seeming most congregate for the winter.  It will be beginning summer so everyone will have dispersed by then to all over the states or in very tiny groups.  Perhaps another thread but would be nice to hear the spots people boondock in the summers as I hope to stay mostly Rocky Mountains to the Pacific coast where possible.

Was hoping to get to learn from some of the experienced ones in person kinda like an internship but that will be difficult for summer.  Anyway glad to be here and hope to continue to enjoy life and learn here.
Welcome Malkmus to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.

Welcome Malkmus - the best time to start out as a nomad is years ago, the second best time to start is now. Good luck and keep in contact.