Some things just dont work out.

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Sid, have you ever considered that you've got the right idea but weren't ready for it yet. I only say this because you seemed so intent on giving this a go, and are disappointed that you're not getting to now.&nbsp;<br /><br />A good friend of mine advised me to stay put for a while longer when I was chomping at the bit to leave several months ago. Technically speaking, my old departure date was set for Oct 2012. I've pushed it forward a year because I simply wasn't ready.&nbsp;<br /><br />I don't want to see you give up on your dream, I mean if doing this is truly it. Since you're staying put, take a step back and rethink what you can do to accomplish being ready in a way that is acceptably comfortable to you. Then do it, and set a date that works. And don't fret if you have to push the date back.&nbsp; It'll make getting out there that much more enjoyable for you.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /><br />
Congrats Sid, overcomming the obstacles and setbacks is what makes Accomplishment so much Better. Staying on the path you want to go, is the most Important thing, and Staying Positive will Help you get there.
<p>Hang in there, Sid. I agree with the folks on here. It's just a setback.<br />We're all kinda suffering our own little setbacks this year, it seems... And yeah, a good number of us (me included) haven't really hit the open road officially.&nbsp;<br />Sure, I've driven out of town and all that, but I have yet to build the van home I always wanted.<br />Right now, my van is nothing more than a sleeping capsule. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" /><br /><br />Like you, I am staying put and just concentrating on earning some money to fund the dream bit by tiny bit.<br />I also got whammied with car repairs last month and was really feeling the pain too.<br /><br />While I cannot experience the full time life, I try to approximate it any way I can artificially. If I cannot cook in my van for lack of a kitchen, I cook elsewhere. I even try to get food that is either canned or does not need refrigeration for training purposes. It's just little things I do to make it seem like I am already full timing even though I cannot leave my spot just yet.<br />Little things to keep the dream alive in my head.<br />Last year, I bought a solar panel. It has yet to be opened from the box. I just bought it to make me feel like I am moving forward. Ditto with my porta potti. Never used the poor thing but I still lug it in the vehicle for no other reason but to cheer me up and keep me thinking about that "one day". <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"></p><p><br />Anyway, we all bounce back and recover at some point.<br />I hope something comes around for you and for everyone else on here.<br /><br />For now, we can cheer each other up and tell each other it'll be alright. This too, shall pass. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" /><br /><br />--Rod</p>