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Well-known member
Jul 21, 2012
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WELL i know nothing has been posted in here for a long time.. so i figured id write something . I'm a single guy. and i know we've touched this subject in a few other places.. But i figured i'd write a new topic here. <br /><br />It sucks being single in general for me anyway. not everyone. but&nbsp; I would LOVE to meet a girl who is into the whole van dwelling thing. or whom is a van dweller her self. i'm 30. and i know that's probably rather younger compared to a lot of other dwellers.. and when i look into the future.. i really don't see it being very likely that i'll find that. that sounds real pessemistic but thats just my own thoughts. <br /><br />also im not sure how most of you guys do it.. or how often you are with other dwellers in general. i dont mean girlfriend /boyfriend , husband/wife thing.... or if van dwelling is more of an "individual/significant other" activity. i guess my version of it would be , me always with other dwellers, traveling as groups .. is that common? maybe thats just my insecurities about being alone talking. lol. But if im being honest with myself.. i guess i need that. or want that anyway... also.. has anyone ever done that before? met someone and began traveling with them.. maybe from the net, or other things.. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> sorry i know i write a lot always every post i write.. then i say sorry. oh well. hope to hear back from some people
Thanks Tony and Karen. This is what I seek. People&nbsp;and freedom. From the outside looking in, I will probably try to meet up with these people someday.<br />@Johnny.&nbsp; Sometimes when we are most relaxed and happy with ourselves and accepting that we (let me replace the we with 'I') are not perfect nor is anyone else, someone comes along at the right time to enjoy and love. Not all love and relationships last but so what? If you respect each other and care enough to let someone follow their own path even if&nbsp;they only crossed yours for a while, will you be better off? I like to think so.<br />Enough psycobabble from me.<br /><span style="color: #ff00ff;"><strong>Dragonfly</strong></span>
Being alone is probably the hardest thing about this for me. I have been doing this less then a month, so Im hoping it will get better. But I would be interested in traveling with others. Im hoping to meet up with others when I winter in arizona. I haven't been in a relationship for a long time. There are aspects of that I miss, but also its not that big of a deal to me. I dont look for it anymore. If its meant to be it will happen.&nbsp;I hardly ever read books, so that is something I am trying to do more to pass the time.
I hardly ever read books, so that is something I am trying to do more to pass the time.
<br /><br />Give Louis L'Amour a try. His 100+ books have given me endless hours of entertainment and only require a small light to read by inside and no energy required outside. Find a secondhand book store and you can get them&nbsp;cheap. My home town has one of these book stores&nbsp;where you can trade in books you've read for ones you haven't, which makes reading even cheaper. He has so many books in print that once you've read one you can come back months later and read it again and it's like reading it for the first time. Of course, I'm blessed with a bad memory, which helps. Good luck.
There is one of those stores by me too. Same here on the memory. When they sent me to the line to get my memory I couldn't remember where it was.<br />&nbsp; Now where did I see that book store.<img src="../images/boards/smilies/confused.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" />
I'm way, way too old for you but wish you well in your quest. <img src="../images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
I'm still looking for a van. I know about being alone though. I have spent enough alone time the way it is. Sometimes I prefer it that way. However, being alone is hard enough for me at times the way it is so I'm not so sure how well i'll handle it long term. I intend to stay out of cities as much as possible, in the wilderness as wilderness as it can be (Where the Wild Things Are). In a better world there would be someone full of buttery goodness and awesomness to share that kind of life with and put up with my oddities. The current situation has chances of that happening as slim to none. I'm always hopeful tho.<br /><br /><br />
<span id="post_message_1274425404">Sometimes when we are most relaxed and happy with ourselves and accepting that we (let me replace the we with 'I') are not perfect nor is anyone else, someone comes along at the right time to enjoy and love. Not all love and relationships last but so what? If you respect each other and care enough to let someone follow their own path even if&nbsp;they only crossed yours for a while, will you be better off? I like to think so.</span>&nbsp;
<br /><br />^^awesome <br /><br /><br />
I thought you were married???
mockturtle said:
I'm way, way too old for you but wish you well in your quest. <img src="../images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" />
Yeah i have a crap memory and reading isn't one of my best subjects .. well not reading but comprehention. although i do enjoy it from time to time so i do intend on at least picking up a few books to kill time out there. keep my mind off things.. but i do think about this stuff a lot. and ill check out those links you posted. also its a nice thing to read that i'm not the only one who thinks about this. And youre right.. i guess most of my worry is about having that sense of community. growing up i've always been a part of a social community and i don't want to lose that just because i want to choose a different path in my life. i have a feeling when i get out on the road i'll be working on "gatherings" a lot. in different places that i travel. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> also the post about just waiting for it to come to you.. i guess we differ in that. I believe if you want something, even a relationship that yo uhave to grab it. i know people always say just be patient and wait and once you stop looking , that something will find you... well.. not if youre 2000 miles away in the middle of the woods by yourself... LOL.. i believe we have to go out and get what we want <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> and id like to do that (hence me even being here in the first place trying to get into the lifestyle of van dwelling) <img src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
I agree with Willy--My dog is my best buddy, but i guess if you aren't an animal person that would be a problem....<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; I think once you get things going you'll see that it doesn't have to be a lonely journey. Campgrounds, campsites, small towns always have great bars and grills, it's all about new things and discovery.&nbsp; I've only run into 2 people that were turds in my 25ish years tent camping.&nbsp; idk, hope that helps?
<p>You know I used to be a lot more social. The last big thing I did was swing dancing. That kept me out at least 4 nights a week, not counting major events, and/or parties for one reason or another. It's not that I don't enjoy mixing it up with a crowd any longer, but I've really come to value my alone time. I guess I'm just over it really.&nbsp;<br /><br />When the day comes to leave. I've stockpiled quite a few books on my kindle to help pass the time. I plan on getting another dog where me and my beagle will be busy training the new pup. Hunting for rabbits and other assorted small game will also keep us busy/feed the dogs. I'm thinking of writing a book so the research for it will take up some time.&nbsp;<br /><br />The dogs will keep me company, and I'm pretty sure I'll get my convo on when stopping for gas or groceries. Mostly I intend to get that need filled at meets or visiting family and friends.<br /><br /></p>
yeahh i totally plan on getting a dog once i hit the road too or right before . <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> and i think that is true too.. the little side convos and what not along the ways would help a lot
I believe if you want something, even a relationship that yo uhave to grab it. i know people always say just be patient and wait and once you stop looking , that something will find you... well.. not if youre 2000 miles away in the middle of the woods by yourself... LOL
<br /><br />Hey Johnny, you can always try this:
sidat202 said:
I thought you were married???
mockturtle said:
I'm way, way too old for you but wish you well in your quest. <img src="../images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" />
<br />Yes, I am!&nbsp; My husband is in a nursing home and I visit him every day.&nbsp; <img src="../images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /> He is the love of my life and I am not in the market.&nbsp; Just making a light comment.&nbsp; Sorry it was misinterpreted.&nbsp;&nbsp;
&nbsp;i believe we have to go out and get what we want and id like to do that&nbsp;
<br /><br />Johnny,&nbsp;Careful what you wish for you just might get it.
I've been extremely fortunate to have the same travelling companion since 1973; married since 1979. But she's one of a kind. &nbsp;I couldnt be happy with anyone else.
maybe ill post a add on okcupid.. caveman looking for club? <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> LOL
If you decide to get a pet of some kind, I think you should name it 'Glory'.&nbsp; 'Gutz and Glory', get it?&nbsp; <img src="../images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />&nbsp; You could put that on your van, too.