Solar cooking

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Hi Auntie....<br />
<span id="post_message_1274616355">ok, just musing. i have an old small sat dish i might see if i can get off the side of the house.<br /><br />but, i don't know, why not a cheap smaller lampshade? spray paint it silver inside and out. put small round metal grate in bottom with shade upside down. put pot in baking bag on that? <br /><br />if i get a spare few this week, i will try it, see how it works.</span>
<br /><br />Why not????? Some cookers don't even have reflectors...I saw one made out of a couple cardboard boxes, insulated, painted black inside and covered with glass...and cooked in...<br />Bri
careful with the paint. at high heat a lot of that stuff releases toxins. especially the metallics.
solar cookers international sells a folding solar cooker, made of cardboard coated with shiny stuff. It works good, and they you have a pattern so you can make more of them to cook more than one dish. they also sell a water pasteurization gadget so you can tell if the water got hot enough to kill germs. Not too expensive if you want to experiment. I think I will try solar dehydrating of food on the roof the the cheap ole used RV I (hope to) get soon. I use a tin-roofed shed now, slow but works OK.
So today after my yesterdays experiment with the windshield cover oven I made, I am going for the home-made Solar cooker that Kappydell suggested...I'll make it myself tho.<br /><br />I baked two things, a cornbread one day and an apple Betty thing the next...The cornbread got thrown out and the betty got finished in a broiler/oven.<br /><br />It is plaenty hot and sunny here but it needs to be focused more I think...<br />Bri