Soap foam hand dispenser?

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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2016
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With all the stuff I have to do, I should kick my own butt for taking the time to post this.  But, you know how you get something stuck in the back of your head and it just itches until you scratch it?  Well ...

Somewhere along the way it entered my awareness that 1) most soap dispensers are hugely wasteful, and 2) the foaming type solve that problem.  However, the only ones I've seen are in office / retail restrooms.

Has anyone found a good soap foam bottle that any liquid hand soap could be used with?

Or, does the foaming magic require special soap as well?

My idea is to get one or more of these and keep using the same dispensing bottle with refills from huge, cheaper soap bottles.

Thanks for helping me scratch.

With all the stuff I have to do, I should help you with that butt kicking for getting me to read this...

Vagabound said:
Has anyone found a good soap foam bottle that any liquid hand soap could be used with?

Or, does the foaming magic require special soap as well?

My idea is to get one or more of these and keep using the same dispensing bottle with refills from huge, cheaper soap bottles.
I just bought this one from Amazon and am using it with Dr. Bonner's liquid soap.  According to comments, you can cut the soap with water (7 parts water to 1 part soap) and still get foam.  I cut ours about half and half.   They work great!
BradKW said:
With all the stuff I have to do, I should help you with that butt kicking for getting me to read this...


What're friends for, if not helping you waste time, right?  ;-)

Tussah said:
I just bought this one from Amazon and am using it with Dr. Bonner's liquid soap.  According to comments, you can cut the soap with water (7 parts water to 1 part soap) and still get foam.  I cut ours about half and half.   They work great!

Thanks, I'll check it out. That's just what I was after. :)

Anybody else mobile and rabid?

Brad, when you get done I need a hand with some butt kicking too. I wanted to read about this soap thing that dispenses hands. Don't you ever need a hand?  : )
I use dawn dishwashing liquid in the dispenser. Just mix with water. You can't really mess it up. If it's too watery just add a little more soap.

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I have a ziplock sandwich bag of Jergens bar soap slivers/leftovers.  I can send them to you.  PM me with your address.  Find a pump-style liquid soap dispenser bottle, break up one of the soap slivers and shove the pieces into the bottle, fill with hot water and let it sit for a day or so, shaking occasionally.

When you need to wash your hands, pump the bottle for some of your new liquid soap, add water, wash your hands, rinse and dry.

And please put me on the butt-kicking list.
Trebor English said:
Brad, when you get done I need a hand with some butt kicking too. I wanted to read about this soap thing that dispenses hands. Don't you ever need a hand?  : )

Yeah, that's the grammar you get at 2am from someone with jet lag ... even if they've been an English teacher for years. ;-)  Let me correct it:  Hand soap foaming dispenser.

Everyone else: Instead of "kick", I'm thinking about the work "kiss" and some other part of the anatomy. Go be grumpy somewhere else if you don't want to add valid helpful info about foaming soap dispensers. If I put effort into sniping all of your posts, it'd beat you into unconsiousness in less than a day, because Lord knows, there's ample opportunity. Help or don't help. Jeez.

Vagabound said:
...1) most soap dispensers are hugely wasteful...

You know, you are not required to push the pump down all the way.

If doing a partial push is too hard to master, then get a bottle with a flip cap (like a shampoo bottle. Hell, just use shampoo. It's all soap anyway.) Then just flip the cap, squeeze out what you feel is an appropriate amount, and flip the cap closed.
My foam dispenser is a Method foam hand soap bottle that I keep refilling with Dr. Bronners and water. I just don't push it down the entire way.

Regular dish soap, even mixed with water, put into the same containers does not produce the foaming soap, so it must be the soap and not the dispenser.

I was suspecting that, which is why my questions actually made more sense than some might have thought.  I wasn't struggling with the very old and obvious idea of partially pressing down the plunger.  50+ years of practice and you tend to figure things like that out unless you're completely oblivious.  

I just know, from working with systems and processes, that if you can use something fully, such as a dispenser plunger pushed fully down, and when that happens, it works appropriately, it is more efficient and more convenient, vs. trying to guess or manage it each time.  For example, Wendy's fast food places.  They figured out decades ago that the most efficient and cost-effective way to dispense ketchup was to have custom dispensers and custom paper cups, perfectly matched.  So, when you press down the plunger, fully, it perfectly fills the cup (vs. overflowing).  It doesn't require any guessing or skill, and people who are busy or distracted or have one hand occupied can still do it.   Exactly the way that simple, common, frequent used items/processes should be.

So, that's why I want a foaming soap dispenser.  Now we just need to figure out if any or most soaps will foam, or only special "foaming" soap.  We seem to have reports on both sides, unless Dr. Bonner's soap is formulated for foaming.  If so, then it appears that foaming soap is necessary.

OK, that's a lot about a small thing.

Vagabound, someone told me that it's our JOB to point out your flaws.
TrainChaser said:
Vagabound, someone told me that it's our JOB to point out your flaws.

Sorry, didn't know.  OK, carry on! 


P.S. - And you better eat your Wheaties! ;-)
Vagabound said:
What're friends for, if not helping you waste time, right?  ;-)


Only when they bring the bourbon.
We use Dial or Method foaming soap containers and then refill about 2/3 water and 1/3 any kind of hand soap or shower gel that we like the scent of.

We've been doing this for years, as my husband is a "three-pump" hand wash guy. We were going through a bottle of soap in about a week before we switched. I'm far too thrifty to allow that lol.
I ordered that twin-pack foaming soap dispenser, and the bottle of Dr. Bronners soap.
Filled them today and tested.
First one is filled 1/3 with Dr. Bronners. 2/3 water - fill slowly to prevent foaming in the bottle, and leave some space at the top to account for the inner neck.
It works as advertised, making a nice rich lather.
Second bottle got filled same 1:2 ratio with "Soft Soap" brand from the Publix grocer. Took a few pumps to get it going smoothly, but it works too. Maybe not quite as good as the Dr. Bronners. Looks like a bottle of either soap should last through many refills.
I rate this a good useful product.
KASibson said:
..., as my husband is a "three-pump" hand wash guy.  We were going through a bottle of soap in about a week before we switched.  ...

And now?

LeeRevell said:
I ordered that twin-pack foaming soap dispenser, and the bottle of Dr. Bronners soap.
Filled them today and tested.
First one is filled 1/3 with Dr. Bronners.  2/3 water - fill slowly to prevent foaming in the bottle, and leave some space at the top to account for the inner neck.
It works as advertised, making a nice rich lather.
Second bottle got filled same 1:2 ratio with "Soft Soap" brand from the Publix grocer.  Took a few pumps to get it going smoothly, but it works too.  Maybe not quite as good as the Dr. Bronners.  Looks like a bottle of either soap should last through many refills.
I rate this a good useful product.


Fantastic!  Exactly what I wanted to know. Thanks. I just love the hell out of DIY experiments.

Half-assed scientists of the world unite!



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