FEAR What is good for and when it is not.

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hey,my evil goats dont stop there,a couple years before getting treed i was 6-8 and at the neighbors homestead when a goat came after us,the neighbor made it over the fence,i made it 3/4 and was sent flying into the wall of a shed,everyone laughed but me

i dont like goat milk,i dont like goat cheese,i dont like goats,well.maybe goat hamburgers
Gary68 said:
i dont like goat milk,i dont like goat cheese,i dont like goats,well.maybe goat hamburgers
From the sounds of it, goats don't like you either? If I had your luck with them, goat hamburger would be on my menu too. :p
Gary, I don't even like goat meat. I have seen a couple of grown Boer billys at about 350 lbs each stand on opposite sides of a new 4 gauge cattle panel and butt at each other through the panel. Before the day was over the panel was destroyed. Along with anything else they can reach. Go in their pen? That's fun.

They will concede though if they have been touched a time or two with a Hotshot. All you have to do is show it to them. :) lol
Most of the guys I know referred to The Southeast Asia War Games as 23 hours and fifty nine minutes of sheer boredom interspersed with 60 seconds of sheer terror. We (5th Marine Regiment) worked the Arizona Territory. In beautiful Quang Nam Province. We went a few other places as needed but that was our A.O. Fear was lessened by the Brotherhood you had with your fellow Marines. Patriotism and all that went to the wayside after the first time some took a shot at me.

After getting to Vietnam I was in a 'casual company' while they decided where to send me. When I got to my battery E 2/11, I was odd manout, I was an Arty FO (enlisted was called Field Artillery Scout Observer, sounds fancy, eh?) so the higher ups, in their infinite wisdom stuck me on O P (Observation Post) for a week. The second or third night we got a probe (just a few sappers trying the wire) on the OP furthest from me. That was OP 1, I was on OP 3 about 300 yards away but the entire battery opened up. I looked to my partner, there were two up and two asleep at any given time. He was gone. He yells from the fighting hole next to the OP to get the hell out of there, the built up OP was an RPG magnet. Sure as hell wish he had told me this earlier.

I never saw a bad guy, we expended several thousand rounds (the entire battery, plus fired a few Claymores.

I was sort of glad to get in the bush away from that.
Scott typed" a twerking beaver on methamphetamine I dry humped my way up that tree"

I nominate that for the best visual image of the year.
I don't know if it's the best but I know I don't ever want to see it..........or DO I? :p
Scott: "Never play poker with me! Fair warning. Just don't .... "

Is that a warning or a request???
"a twerking beaver on methamphetamine "

i dated her for awhile,didnt work out

Position one pair of aces. Calls the blind
P 2 Folds
P3 raises twice blind
P4 folds
P5 folds
P6 (Me) pair of 6's, calls. My favorite hand.
P2 calls
Flop K K 2
P2 checks
P3 checks
P6 (me) raise five times big blind.
P2 calls (after five minutes of hollywood)
P3 folds.
Turn is a 7
P2 checks
P6 All in.
P2 grinning turns over the weapons of mass destruction and says. "Sorry you walked into that"
P6 I flip mine and say; "Pleased to meet you hope you guessed my name."
River is a 6
Que the Rolling Stones....

I'll play with anyone for pennies, five dollar tournament or something. My 10 large Vegas days are far far behind me. One can still play like a professional for pocket shrapnel. When I get pocket sixes I frequently see a six in the flop, turn, or river. But I STILL DISLIKE GOATS!!
So sure I'll play but I count on being lucky. It has worked so far....

Thanks for the comments. As a writer it is hard to come up with "how to describe" "She tore the shirt to his navel and watched as sweat followed the fabric." STOP!!! Cliche editor tosses the Kindle and grabs the phone.....So I try to push it sometimes to create a lasting visual memory. Those are what bring readers back.

Gunny Yes the 99% sheer boredom, 1% sheer terror. Hurry up and wait and then.... So common in conflict.
TrainChaser said:
Scott:  "Never play poker with me! Fair warning. Just don't .... "

Is that a warning or a request???

Sounds like a challenge to me.
Quote Scott7022 "...I don't gamble with friends or women." end quote.

Sometimes I really wish this forum had a laughing button. :D
A couple of pictures from the 'good ol' days'




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Fear sometimes catches us totally flat footed. I was hiking in BC and I got turned around. Or Lost in correct English. But I knew I could not be lost. I can get an eight figure grid reference with a plastic compass. How could I possibly be lost! Well, I didn't have a map. I did have a compass and while I hadn't taken a bearing when I left the truck, I knew I was looking at the very same mountain I parked facing. My truck should be right there. It wasn't and the automated systems were kicking in.
How many cigarettes do I have? (I don't smoke anymore){Well cigars, but they don't count}
Survival kit
Time till darkness.
All these checks my brain was automatically doing as I felt myself slip into fear. When you get afraid you stop thinking.

Then I remembered something my father said.
"I will show you a way to tell exactly where you are, within inches, anywhere in the world for WHEN you get lost. Face the direction of the sun or the moon. Take your hand and place it directly over your head. Look at the palm of your hand. Now you know where you are. You are directly under your hand. So calm down and figure out where you need to be."

I thought he meant it as a joke. He hadn't, Dad never gave simple life instructions. I did this in the above lost situation and the fear flowed over and past me. I started to think again. The simple instructions interrupted the fear/panic response. I was on a cliff above my vehicle. Standing on the overhang showed me the truck. Walking back to the road I thought I drove down showed no tire marks. Only minutes earlier these signs were invisible.
An old backpacker saying: "I'm not lost--my campsite is".