When I worked for a vet in SoCal, we got several snakebitten pets nearly every summer; once, three in one day. I asked my doctor if he got many people who have been bitten, and he said that most people go to the ER, and he mostly gets the aftercare. But he did warn me to avoid the cut/suck/spit treatment if possible, just get to a doctor. He said that he had heard of a guy who did the cut/suck/spit routine on someone else, forgetting some kind of cut he had in his mouth, and the venom got into that, so both of them had to be treated for snakebite...... As they say, no good deed goes unpunished.
And if you live around coral snakes (or are visiting the area), remember that some NON-TOXIC striped snakes just sort of resemble coral snakes. Remember this: Red next to black is a friend to Jack; Red next to yellow can kill a fellow.