Single And Hating It

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<P><FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3>You go, girl...&nbsp; Shake what your momma gave ya! </FONT></P>
My mom gave me a bottle of nitroglycerin, I don't think that's what I should be doing with it.
No one breaks into a fugly van.<br><br>-The Tuckerbag<br><br>PS: I <i>really </i>want your hat but those are always too small for my huge dome... <br>
<FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3>Count your blessings that you're single.&nbsp; I've been with a nightmare of a woman for the past 3 LONG years... If it weren't for her 2 dogs (that love me more than her), I'd have waved goodbye&nbsp;2 years ago<IMG src="" align=absMiddle border=0><BR><BR><BR>Sorry for the tangent... Anyway,&nbsp;be patient!</FONT>&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR>
<P><B>To 4x4tour-</B><B>You might want to listen to some of us older members. Life is short and the years pass by and you will look back and ask yourself why you stayed so long.&nbsp; Being single is wonderful. I do have a man friend, we are companions. When we get grumpy, he goes to his home or I to mine. </B><BR><B>When living in the moment isn't pleasurable most of the time, its time to move on.</B><BR></P>
AJ..<div>get out, get out, get out...</div><div>take it from me,, two nightmare marriages back to back.. get out...</div><div>I feel so much more at home now in my Truck or Van, and so much happier! Overall happy.. get yourself a dog, or ask to visit your shared puppies, and get out..</div>
<FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3>All great advice...</FONT><BR><FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<BR><FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3>Hence,&nbsp;my current&nbsp;Van project.&nbsp;&nbsp; lol&nbsp;&nbsp; Chit's gonna hit the fan when I start showing the house for rent... </FONT><BR><FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<BR><FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3>Just installed&nbsp;my&nbsp;Inverter/charger yesterday, along with the microwave and slide-out rack for my Engel Freezer. <IMG src="" align=absMiddle border=0></FONT><BR><FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<BR><FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3>Im still waiting for my 200amp alternator (to run the&nbsp;microwave without using any&nbsp;battery amps).&nbsp; lol&nbsp; </FONT><BR><FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<BR><FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3>I still have the drivers side cabinet/sink areas to do (have the sink/faucet etc... just burnt out, mentally, and its like 100 degrees every day.&nbsp; </FONT><BR><FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<BR><FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3>Here is what Im shooting for, but in a gray/tan/charcoal theme (see attached). </FONT><BR><FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<BR><FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3>The other issues are the THREE 100lb dogs.&nbsp; The german shepherd is mine, but the other 2 depend on me for everything, and one of them has cancer.&nbsp;&nbsp; </FONT><BR><BR><FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3>Also, I have a spare V10 engine that I want to rebuild and chuck in there, before my trek.&nbsp; Current engine hs 200k on it, but it runs like a top...&nbsp;&nbsp;I just never know how prior owners treated her (the, so having a new engine would be additonal piece of mind.&nbsp; But, this all takes time... <img src="/images/boards/smilies/frown.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"></FONT><BR><BR><BR><BR><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3>Oops, didn't mean to hijack a thread.. <IMG src="" align=absMiddle border=0></FONT>&nbsp;<BR><BR>
4x4tour said:
<font face="times new roman, times, serif" size="3">All great advice...</font><br><font face="times new roman, times, serif" size="3"></font>&nbsp;<br><font face="times new roman, times, serif" size="3">Hence,&nbsp;my current&nbsp;Van project.&nbsp;&nbsp; lol&nbsp;&nbsp; Chit's gonna hit the fan when I start showing the house for rent... </font><br><font face="times new roman, times, serif" size="3"></font>&nbsp;<br><font face="times new roman, times, serif" size="3">Just installed&nbsp;my&nbsp;Inverter/charger yesterday, along with the microwave and slide-out rack for my Engel Freezer. <img src="" align="absMiddle" border="0"></font><br><font face="times new roman, times, serif" size="3"></font>&nbsp;<br><font face="times new roman, times, serif" size="3">Im still waiting for my 200amp alternator (to run the&nbsp;microwave without using any&nbsp;battery amps).&nbsp; lol&nbsp; </font><br><font face="times new roman, times, serif" size="3"></font>&nbsp;<br><font face="times new roman, times, serif" size="3">I still have the drivers side cabinet/sink areas to do (have the sink/faucet etc... just burnt out, mentally, and its like 100 degrees every day.&nbsp; </font><br><font face="times new roman, times, serif" size="3"></font>&nbsp;<br><font face="times new roman, times, serif" size="3">Here is what Im shooting for, but in a gray/tan/charcoal theme (see attached). </font><br><font face="times new roman, times, serif" size="3"></font>&nbsp;<br><font face="times new roman, times, serif" size="3">The other issues are the THREE 100lb dogs.&nbsp; The german shepherd is mine, but the other 2 depend on me for everything, and one of them has cancer.&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><br><font face="Times New Roman" size="3"></font>&nbsp;<br><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Oops, didn't mean to hijack a thread.. <img src="" align="absMiddle" border="0"></font>&nbsp;<br>
<div><br></div><div>Chit will be shredded.</div>
<P><FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3>I know... Tee Hee!</FONT></P>
I legitimately believe that you have to be ok with being alone before you are truly ready for a relationship.
I'm in upstate SC. Didn't think there were very many drifters in the east. Will probly make a few shorter voyages before I officially launch.
Why would someone who is happy with being alone ruin that by getting into a relationship?
Elaborate a bit on HOW you go about looking for a Base Camp location?? I think this is an important topic, especially for this group. In other words, where do you start in finding a Base Camp Location, who do you approach, what resources or media would you use or what would you be looking for when driving the area of interest?? I guess I'm asking alot here ... sorta looking for a mini How To manual. I want to establish some sort of beachhead in and around the Blue Ridge Mountains somewhere around Staunton Virginia so your post got my attention. I'm just not sure how to go about it without BUYING property.&nbsp; I would guess you'd be looking for a certain person who owns a certain type of property and you would strike some kind of deal where you might offer....what?? Your thoughts would be much appreciated. As well as anyone else.<br><br>
vonu said:
Why would someone who is happy with being alone ruin that by getting into a relationship?

If you meet someone who makes you feel that your life would be even richer if a large portion of was spent in their company.
I went back and forth on this one last year and decided against dating. My reasons were mainly that I'm leaving and don't want to be tied down to this city (or any other). It's not that I wouldn't like to share my life with someone but due to the aforementioned reasons, put the thought out of my head. I always figured I would once I left but ... the reality is I'm just not sure how this works with two people living a mobile lifestyle. I don't want to wind up being one of those guys where the only female he's touched in ten years is his dog. That reads so wrong, but you know what I mean.<div><br></div>
I find it&nbsp;fun to read what other people have to say&nbsp;about being single. I was married for 17 years, and I'll take being single over a bad marriage any day (and I'll leave any other discussion of the ex&nbsp;in the past where he belongs).&nbsp;The longer I've been single, the more satisfied I've been with my life in general, and the more "me" I've been able to be (a confused statement, but anyone's who's tried too hard to make something bad work will probably understand). I do envy a few married couples, but more often being around married friends reminds me of how lucky I am.<br><br>I'm&nbsp;much more interested in&nbsp;making friends with others on the road&nbsp;(when I get there)&nbsp;than finding a relationship. Relationships are wonderful things, but I think I lost my ability to trust pretty thoroughly, and that's not a fair thing to inflict on anyone. But friends, yes. As a friend says frequently, friends are the family you get to choose.<br>
gipsyweaver said:
I find it&nbsp;fun to read what other people have to say&nbsp;about being single. I was married for 17 years, and I'll take being single over a bad marriage any day (and I'll leave any other discussion of the ex&nbsp;in the past where he belongs).&nbsp;The longer I've been single, the more satisfied I've been with my life in general, and the more "me" I've been able to be (a confused statement, but anyone's who's tried too hard to make something bad work will probably understand). I do envy a few married couples, but more often being around married friends reminds me of how lucky I am.<br><br>I'm&nbsp;much more interested in&nbsp;making friends with others on the road&nbsp;(when I get there)&nbsp;than finding a relationship. Relationships are wonderful things, but I think I lost my ability to trust pretty thoroughly, and that's not a fair thing to inflict on anyone. But friends, yes. As a friend says frequently, friends are the family you get to choose.<br>
<div><br></div><div>We must have different definitions for friend and relationship, because I have individual platonic relationships with each of my friends.</div>
gipsyweaver said:
<div>Marriage = YIKES!!!<div>Friends = Goodness!
<div><br></div><div>Never been married myself. Not that I didn't want to, nor was I in a rush to do so. I simply haven't met anyone that I've felt that strongly about. I've seen equal arguments for/against it. I'm undecided having not experienced it yet.&nbsp;Friends is something I've never had issues with.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>This really is more of a strong curiosity to know how those in this lifestyle make it work. I mean those who met after the fact and didn't start out together.</div></div></div><div><br></div><div>Sorry for the para-quote. It's my way of addressing you and distilling the original post.</div><div><br></div>