Single And Hating It

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Active member
Feb 8, 2011
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Hello Everybody,<br><br>Well, I just got my van yesterday.&nbsp; It's a 1989 Dodge and it's a fugly bastard, but it's mine!&nbsp; I need to customize it and make it more homey.&nbsp; It's scary because it's new, but I am excited too!&nbsp; I am hoping that there might be a man out there that would be interested in traveling with me, having a relationship, and is kind of handy/experienced in van dwelling.&nbsp; If there's any takers, drop me an e-mail, as I don't think to check this forum regularly since it doesn't seem to be set up to e-mail me when responses get posted.&nbsp; Thanks!<br><br>[email protected]<br><br>
You might have better luck by filling out the profile with a little info and maybe a photo....good luck...<br>Bri<br><br>
Hello Drifter,<br>I also miss certain things about being in a relationship, but I was in the wrong one, so I do not miss it.&nbsp; I am in the process of a divorce with my wife,because we grew apart.&nbsp; She has not made it an easy process, so I feel your pain.&nbsp; About the van - Just remember&nbsp; that some things can be so ugly they are cute, like bulldogs.&nbsp; If you keep the engine and drive train well maintained, you should be fine.&nbsp; As long as it is road worthy, who cares what it looks like, make it your own.&nbsp; Paint a mural on the side or get a cheap paint job.&nbsp; As long as you are happy with it, that is all that matters.Pay attention to the brakes and transmission, because a lot of '80s-'90s dodges had problems in those areas.&nbsp; Good luck with your new lifestyle.<br>
<P><FONT size=3>I never mind driving a fugly vehicle!&nbsp; I think that by being fugly, it's less likely to attract the attention of someone looking for something to steal.</FONT></P>
Agreed Cyndi, a pretty truck don't make you a better person either.<br>&nbsp;I have come to believe that if it is paid for, your already ahead of the guy paying interest for a depreciating vehicle, no matter how cool his is.<br>
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
"Don't worry about what other people think. They don't do it very often."
"If you can build it and pilot it down the road - You can call it Cool!"
"If you own it outright - it's a good vehicle."

Lookit my old Chevy - people either cringe, shy away from it and call it a big'ol POS, or they're drooling, begging for a ride and trying to buy it. Don't care either way, 'cos I love the thing. It's MINE.

Once you clean out and customize your van - it will be all YOURS and you'll like it just fine <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
<FONT size=3>Excuse the type size. I can't get any commands to work right on this forum, it seems. Here it looks like a billboard.</FONT><br><FONT size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<br><FONT size=3>But, do I ever agree with the above. A solid used van&nbsp;beats newer and high-tech any time. I have a 16 year old one that just keeps going and going and going. And leaves me money to spend on $3.50 a gallon gas and such that would be prohibitive in a new van, even if there were any full size ones.</FONT><br><FONT size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<br><FONT size=3>And, tailor-making your own interior lets you build your nest to suit. What could be better?</FONT><br><br><FONT size=3>Other than two to travel, that is.</FONT>&nbsp;<br>
I am no longer single, but was when I started vandwelling. I think you are on the right track looking at other folks who are living in vans already. Trying to get past normal dating issues is enough fun, add in someone that doesn't get the lifestyle and it would be a pretty big hurdle. My wife, Heidi, and I were both already vandwellers and became interested in each other after realizing we were always completing each others thoughts online when responding to the yahoo vandweller group posts.&nbsp; With that in mind, maybe getting your "voice" out there so people can find out who you are would be helpful. It sure couldn't hurt! <br><br>The big thing of course with two folks living in a single van is to really be closely connected. It will take a little time to figure that out, if you and any perspective partner meet up, make sure, at least for a while, that you keep both rigs so you have a place to go if you have to or want to. Without that option, things could become way too stressful in that small space. <br><br>As far as having a fugly vehicle, well, beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder as mentioned. Of course, having an ugly rig doesn't mean you shouldn't try to make it look as decent as possible. Keep it looking well maintained etc as they tend to attract unwanted attention when they look like a road hazard too. Do the best you can with what you have and you can't really go wrong <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br>&nbsp;<br><br>
give it some time Drifter, you may learn to love being single. i sure do! don't think i can ever go back to a life of being told when it's time to eat or&nbsp; poop. also i think it's pretty hard to find a match by posting an online ad.&nbsp; there was a time when i tried the online dating thing. met a bunch of desperate women who starting talking about being in a relationship at the first meeting!! not to mention they didn't look like their pic. <br>
you must have a very understanding wife. none of mine would let me in the bathroom while they were "getting ready". in a one bathroom house that means I ain't poopin' 'till i'm allowed in.<br><br>being single, i can eat dinner in the head if i want, i don't but i could!<br><br>
<font class="Apple-style-span" face="Arial"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">Hi Drifter,</span></font><div><font class="Apple-style-span" face="Arial"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">I think you're going to find what you want, regarding a partner. &nbsp;You're not afraid to voice your wishes. &nbsp;...You know what you want. &nbsp;...Likes to travel, wants a relationship, and is handy... I applaud you for putting it out there. &nbsp; Keep being brave and keep your heart open. &nbsp;Stay strong in yourself. &nbsp;...Now, because I'm old enough to be your mother,&nbsp;<img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="">.....&nbsp;be sure that he deserves you, respects you, and is kind to you.</span></font></div><div><font class="Apple-style-span" face="Arial"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">Katie</span></font></div>
A dog is a great companion. Unless you need something that dog can't do for you. Then yeah, uh nevermind that suggestion.<div><br></div><div>Steve</div>
that reminds me of a quote from my favorite author, Edward Abbey.<br><br>"when a mans best friend is his dog, that dog has a problem"<br><br>
<font class="Apple-style-span" face="Arial"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">High Plains Drifter,</span></font><div><font class="Apple-style-span" face="Arial"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">Thank you for sharing! &nbsp;What a great outlook and a heartwarming message. &nbsp;.....There are no consequences are there! &nbsp;...Happy for you!</span></font></div><div><font class="Apple-style-span" face="Arial"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">Katie</span></font></div>
It has been m experience that I am more successful when simply "allowing for options" than in any attempts to "force" any desires, whether romantic or otherwise. That is not to infer that I "take anything that comes along" but&nbsp; to say that "allowing" has presented me with options and experiences that I had never considered, and I have repeatedly discovered that I did not necessarily "know" what I wanted until I "know" what I do not.<br>I believe in synchronicity, but not in coincidence.<br><br><br>
Drifter:beautiful simply beautiful.&nbsp; I could never put it that well.&nbsp; Thank you.&nbsp; Ed<br>