Share one weird/odd/unusual thing about yourself

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Well, being "weird, odd and unusual" everything I do seems normal to me. I actually thought about this for hours before coming up with my answer.
I try most "old wives tales" and keep the ones that work... As a teen I suffered cold sores every time the temperature changed. A boyfriend's dad told me to wipe my finger behind my ear and then wipe it on the sore (as soon as I felt it coming on) and it would go away. It worked and I've done it ever since. However, I haven't had a cold sore in over 10 years, so maybe it's a cure, too?? I also put Vicks VapoRub on my kids' feet when they had a cold. It worked so well my son still does this and he's 19.
Van-Tramp said:
I dream in color (and smell) and die regularly in my dreams. It never really does hurt.

Wait, there are people that don't dream in color?
I never thought about if my dreams were in color....I'll have to take a picture next time.\

Have I posted anything weird odd or unusual yet ?
I'll keep trying but this is normal from where I'm sitting..........
I have a very sensitive nose..
Having worked as a bather/brusher in a vet clinic.. I know I can smell tape worm on a dog. As in- I can smell it in their chemestry..
A dog would come in and I would say "yep, this one has tapes." they would do a fecal, and I would be right 100% of the time.

I can usually also smell the difference between male and female dogs.

I can't wear lipstick- smells Toxic.
Or use some store bought personal care products.. lotions, deodorants, shampoos, etc.
TMG51 said:
I can move my hang-lows individually.

What.  You asked.

yea,what??? like with your hands or do you have some special muscles down there?
GypsyDogs said:
I have a very sensitive nose..

Me too.

Having worked as a bather/brusher in a vet clinic.. I know I can smell tape worm on a dog.... I would be right 100% of the time.

I've heard some dogs are trained to smell cancer. You know about that?

I can usually also smell the difference between male and female dogs.

I told my wife her best friend was pregnant more than a month she told her.

I can't wear lipstick-  smells Toxic.

As a kid Prell dishwashing detergent drove me crazy---you're slowly dropping pearl sucks. And God forbid I smell one of those things you shove in an outlet that's supposed to smell like a tropical island. Smells like New Jersey on a bad day in 1968 to me.
When I read this thread title, my first thought was "cool". My second thought was, "this is really going to bring 'em out of the woodwork".

Actually, it's been pretty mild. And interesting.


BradKW: I want that on a t-shirt.

Gary68 & TMG51: I'm not sure which of you to nominate for President of the Just Not Right Club. ;-)

I think it's impossible to read your posts and be in a bad mood afterwards. Thanks for cracking me up.

Gary68 said:
yea,what??? like with your hands or do you have some special muscles down there?

Without hands.

Vagabound said:
Gary68 & TMG51: I'm not sure which of you to nominate for President of the Just Not Right Club. ;-)

I think it's impossible to read your posts and be in a bad mood afterwards. Thanks for cracking me up.


You are quite welcome! Always glad to see another with a sense of humor.
Sometimes I know things that I shouldn't be able to know.  Ahead of time.  

It began when I was 6, and I got so scared in school because I thought my mother was dead (she was injured when my father turned left in front of an oncoming pickup truck, and stopped breathing in surgery).  

I kept worrying about a nice neighbor who had moved, and about ten days later, she died.  

I'm not normally superstitious, but the 13 of Apollo 13 really bothered me.

I was afraid for two weeks, feeling Death -- the vet clinic blood donor dog got loose outside and got hit by a car.  

Something seemed wrong with the back door...  before the burglar got in.  

I was just ready to leave home, shifted into Drive, and knew there was going to be something wrong with a bicycle.  About halfway to work, the guy hit the curb or ran over something, and went down right ahead of me, but the warning had allowed me time to stop.

I knew there was something alive on the road ahead, in the dark, around a blind curve.  It was a cow.  

Two lanes each way, older residential area, 35 mph, no street parking -- I had made a wrong turn trying to avoid heavy morning traffic, irritated, and then I saw a small shadow running toward the street on a concrete block wall; no child, just the shadow.  I slammed on the brakes and laid down rubber, trying to stop, couldn't leave the right lane because of cars beside me.  I got stopped just as the little girl, still running on the far side of the wall, fell off the curb and rolled up to my van.

This last one made me late for work, so I told one of the owners what had happened.  She looked at me funny, and said, "Never mind".  A week later, she walked into my work area and said she had put something in a box, and asked me if I could tell her what it was.  A voice clearly said in my head, "A stone with wings", and it came out of my mouth.  What the 'ell was THAT?"  She looked funny, and then walked to my work table and set the box on it, lifted the lid.  A ruffled seashell.

HOW?  WHY? And more importantly, why can't I win more than $2 in the lottery?
TMG51 said:
Without hands.

DUDE,i'm so pimpin you out,bachelorette parties and gay bars coast to coast
it's going to be a hit,dollar bills for everyone

not even going to ask how you learned/developed your special skill,just accept it and move on
Gary68 said:
DUDE,i'm so pimpin you out,bachelorette parties and gay bars coast to coast
it's going to be a hit,dollar bills for everyone

not even going to ask how you learned/developed your special skill,just accept it and move on

I'm game.

Also, how did you know TMG stands for The Mighty Goat? I haven't used that screen name in its full iteration for a long time.
My left thumb is 1/4 inch wider than my right thumb.

I was a right handed carpenter.   (WRONG NAIL!)  :s

Not as wierd as this thread is going, positively tame...  Just never mind.~~~
TMG51 said:
I'm game.

Also,  how did you know TMG stands for The Mighty Goat? I haven't used that screen name in its full iteration for a long time.

you said it somewhere,once the might goat enters your brain it doesn't leave
Okay, well, I'm still suing for trademark infringement.

Not really. Glad someone is paying attention though.
TrainChaser said:
Sometimes I know things that I shouldn't be able to know.  Ahead of time.  

You mean that's not normal?

Woke up from a nap, as a child, and went to ask my dad a question about plumbing.. just before the pressurized water line to the washing machine blew..
Would round up handfulls of candles before power outtages..
REALLY wanted to sit on a rock while at the beach.. to be there in time to save another girl's life.
Was visiting friends.. and HAD to go home.. just before a drunk threw a beer bottle through my front window. Saved the cat.
Avoided several car accidents, and advised others against things that would have worked out badly for them too.
Knew when my father died.

You mean not everyone does this stuff?
Gary68 said:
yea,what??? like with your hands or do you have some special muscles down there?

Now I think it's unusual.  LOL  I assumed you fellas had muscles or something there, so I thought it was like when guys can bounce their pecs separately.
Train Chaser and Gypsy Dogs
Maybe if you both got together you COULD win the lottery!?!?!?!

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