service dogs

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2016
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Do any of u have experience with them. From what I am reading u only have to have a disability, permantant and total, through government, like ssdi? Don't need to register or have dr. Note?

I go see dr on Thursday and wanted to be informed. Thanks!
Bindi is an ESA (emotional support animal), and frankly, that is the easiest way to get a pet registered. You really don't need to prove anything for a simple registration, but it will provide a card you can carry. (It is illegal for anyone to ask what service the animal provides). As a wartime vet with PTSD issues, my VA dr had no second thoughts about prescribing an ESA tho that paper isn't really needed.
There is a lot of info online with a simple g00gle search.
BTW...Bindi does not wear a vest, has no special training, or anything but a little tag on her collar with her registration number.
Bindi&us, so awesome how u put bindi first in your username:). Thank u that confirms what i was reading. To register them for emotional support u need the dr. Note but not for service dog. She is emotional support. I had no idea that is what would happen when I got her. But I could not travel where I do and feel safe without her. Like your doc mine will have no trouble writing it. I wasnthinking the other day, he is one of the few people who will really get why i do so much better when traveling. He knows how hard I have tried to make this house thing work. Thanks so much!
Yogidog said:
Do any of u have experience with them. From what I am reading u only have to have a disability, permantant and total, through government, like ssdi? Don't need to register or have dr. Note?

I go see dr on Thursday and wanted to be informed. Thanks!

Don't know how it is everywhere. In Florida there has been an increasing backlash against fake service dogs whose owners take them where they do not belong because they can get away with it. There is also a growing clash of disabilities. Remember the allergic boy on the airplane? Especially if it would be difficult for you to have the dog if it could not accompany you everyher, make sure that your disability and need are legally recognized and that your dog can meet tightened requirements.
Omg yes on Florida on the scamming with disabilities and dogs! I was down there for a year doing this and it was so sad, they were ruining it for those that really need it and have trained dogs. I didnt even want to do it there because of the controvesy. I was going to add to my earlier post that I will use this option responsibly and sparingly. 

Yes I will also have my ssdi papers showing I have ptsd. I will act respectfully if anyone has difficulty with it. 
II want it now while I am in cold climate so she can come into churches after night ofncold. This environment will be fine with it. They wouldn't want her frezzing out there.
I love Florida and miss it but itncan be wild down there! Never seen so much crazy happenings, never dull. Great training to think quickly. When it wasnreally hot, i would be afraid to go in and pay for gas, worried everything including the dog could be gone when I got back out! U are so right. Sure do miss it, fun times! Hope u are enjoying it. Thanks
If you have the registration card you do not have to prove to anyone what your disability is. That is law backed by the American Disabilities Act of 1990.
bindi&us said:
If you have the registration card you do not have to prove to anyone what your disability is. That is law backed by the American Disabilities Act of 1990.

Under the ADA you do not need any form of ID. There is NO national registry. You CANNOT "register" your dog online. Under federal law that means NOTHING. it's a SCAM. The only way you qualify for a service dog is if you are disabled and cannot function in one or more major areas such as working etc. Service dogs are extensively trained, sometimes for upwards of 2 years. There is no certification even though most will have their dog pass a public access test and pass their canine good citizens test. Emotional Support Animals are not the same. They do not have to be task trained, like an SD, and have absolutely ZERO public access rights. You cannot take them in public. They are allowed on planes, and in housing where otherwise pets are not allowed. That's it. A Therapy Dog MUST be certified and has no housing or public access rights. They are 3 distinct jobs with NO overlap. Most retired SD's will be ESA tho.

Under the ADA a business can only ask 2 questions regarding a service dog. 1. Is this dog required because of a disability? 2. What tasks has this dog been trained to perform?

That's it :) also a service animal can only be a dog and under certain cicumstances a miniature horse. No hybrids of any kind (wolfdog or coydog)
Kitt, thank u,what is a coydog, I have wondered about mine, when I crossed the border into Mexico at palomas, the wild dogs looked alot like her, but they were bigger, thanks so much.


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There's a difference between a working service dog and an emotional support dog. The legal protections accorded to each, differ also.
Very true Cyndi.
As to the registration simply provides an easy way to identify the animal in it's role without whipping out a medical letter in daily situations.
Yogidog said:
Kitt, thank u,what is a coydog, I have wondered about mine, when I crossed the border into Mexico at palomas, the wild dogs looked alot like her, but they were bigger, thanks so much.

A Coydog is a coyote crossed with a dog. Could be high content, mid, or low content. It depends on the percentage of coyote they have in them, same with wolfdogs.

Wild dogs are much much different than coyotes or a wolf. They are simply feral dogs whereas a coyote or a wolf is a separate species altogether. Then you have your coywolfs! They are coyotes who interbred with eastern wolves.



Are both two GREAT resources if you want to read up on wolfdogs! Not too many on Coydogs but I've seen then mentioned numerous times on both blogs.
yep only 3 types of wild dogs in North America, Foxes, Coyotes, Wolfs and of course their Hybrids. all others are feral dogs which are a big problem in some areas. highdesertranger
YES. I was trying to find that link to post here but couldn't! Such a great page! That's where I learned a lot about the ADA when I first considered getting a SD for myself! Thanks for linking it
Snow Gypsy said:

InterestIng that people with allergies, which is a whole lot of people, are relegated to "special " dorms and get no special consideration in hotel accommodations at all, while people with service dogs are allowed almost anywhere. Severe allergic reactions are no joke. Like I mentioned before, clashing disabilities.
Thank you all for sharing your knowledge and experience.

My doctor just suggested he write me a note for my dog to be an emotional support animal, without me asking, really helps me feel I am on the right track.

I went in prepared from the info provided here. Thought I was going to have to make a case for why traveling helps me so much. Instead, I asked about doctors latest trip and he told me about his wife deciding she was going to spilt her year between out west and east. I said funny you would say that, and explained my plans of being here during the summer to be around one daughter then out west to be with other. He totally got it, all for it! Then suggested he write a note, almost cried. Mostly because I get tired of explaining this way of life. Now when I run into negativity I can end the conversation with "my doctor prescribed traveling me, your doctor may prescribe something different for your well being :)

From the reading and experience u all provided, I understand the difference between service and emotional support animals. For many people I think the Drs note would be effective. For those concerned with legalities I can share my legal knowledge.

Time to go train the dog to be the best service dog she can be, setting a good example:)

She will have increased self esteem with her promotion in life:)

Thanks so much everyone
Yogidog said:
Thank you all for sharing your knowledge and experience.

My doctor just  suggested he write me a note for my dog to be an emotional support animal, without me asking, really helps me feel I am on the right track.

I went in prepared from the info provided here. Thought I was going to have to make a case for why traveling helps me so much. Instead, I asked about doctors latest trip and he told me about his wife deciding she was going to spilt her year between out west and east. I said funny you would say that, and explained my plans of being here during the summer to be around one daughter then out west to be with other. He totally got it, all for it! Then suggested he write a note, almost cried. Mostly because I get tired of explaining this way of life. Now when I run into negativity I can end the conversation with "my doctor prescribed traveling me, your doctor may prescribe something different for your well being :)

From the reading and experience u all provided, I understand the difference between service and emotional support animals. For many people I think the Drs note would be effective. For those concerned with legalities I can share my legal knowledge.

Time to go train the dog to be the best service dog she can be, setting a good example:)

She will have increased self esteem with her promotion in life:)

Thanks so much everyone
I thought the Dr used the term "emotional support" animal. That is not a service dog. Please don't abuse the system. There are so many people who really need actual service dogs to perform the functions they need to live as normal a life as they can. Why stir up hard feelings against actual service dogs by antagonizing people?
hey yogidog,  in your posts it has been sounding like you are really getting things rollin' towards being mobile.......congrats to you    :D     i am as slow as a 3 legged turtle trying to sort things out     :huh:     iv'e gotten a lot of good info about "service" animals and "emotional support animals" from replies to questions on these 2 groups of animals.    You don't sound like the kind of person who would  "abuse" the use of a "esa or  "sa". or stir up hard feelings against service animals by antagonizing people.    there must be a reason you gave a "thank you" to someone that sounds like they are  accusing you of are waaaaaaay nicer than I!!! 

                                           Happy Trails    :)       TEXASJBIRD

gotta go find my sharp pointed stick      :rolleyes:
Tjaybird said:
hey yogidog,  in your posts it has been sounding like you are really getting things rollin' towards being mobile.......congrats to you    :D     i am as slow as a 3 legged turtle trying to sort things out     :huh:     iv'e gotten a lot of good info about "service" animals and "emotional support animals" from replies to questions on these 2 groups of animals.    You don't sound like the kind of person who would  "abuse" the use of a "esa or  "sa". or stir up hard feelings against service animals by antagonizing people.    there must be a reason you gave a "thank you" to someone that sounds like they are  accusing you of are waaaaaaay nicer than I!!! 

                                           Happy Trails    :)       TEXASJBIRD

gotta go find my sharp pointed stick      :rolleyes:

He might be way nicer than you. Better at reading comptrehension, too. He recognized the difference between someone pointing out what may have been a slip of the tongue (keyboard) and someone making an actual accusation.

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