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Now how can we help with your road forward ?

I just bumped your rep points for surviving this ordeal !

Maybe now , Serenity will be more fitting for this thread !!!
GypsyDogs said:
y'all were watching for that post, weren't ya?

and I am still boggling at the number of Views this thread has.. though it is not really surprising.

Sorry that they tried to stick you with this:


Now go out and find this:


"You buy this ship, treat her proper, she'll be with you the rest of your life."
Wow...just read this thread and all I can start with is...Wow...

That is utter and complete BS from that company. From manufacturing, customer service and just plain service standpoints. If they had any kind of morals or heck even dignity as a company they would have refunded/replaced that trailer long ago.

Story time:

At one point in the past I was working for a small technology company (won't bother putting the name because most haven't heard of them anyway) who used and purchased about a dozen or so servers from Dell literally every month. I worked there as the server technician rebuilding these servers as needed.

Well, time went on and I noticed a trend in a specific hard drive model. It tended to go out more than the other brands they tended to send us as replacements. So I gathered up some data (meaning I put together a spreadsheet complete with charts and graphs) and contacted technical support at Dell. First level, obviously, did nothing. Second level tried to say I was installing them incorrectly (seriously?). By the time it was all said and done I had been through the tech support manager, the regional manager, the area manager, the CEO of tech support, the customer service CEO and finally Michael Dell himself (we had some great conversations...he's actually a pretty funny guy).

In the end not only did they stop sending out that particular drive, but they sent me four cases of a MUCH better brand of hard drives to replace the faulty ones as they came in.

Now THAT is how you do customer service. Granted I had to climb the corporate ladder but they made it right at a pretty large expense to themselves (not only the cases of hard drives themselves, but purchasing more expensive hard drives for not only their service department but their assembly lines as well).

This issue with the trailer was completely ridiculous. Not to mention how you were treated by their supposed customer service department. Personally I would still contact they news folks and get them to do a expose` to hopefully keep other people from getting ripped off.
Holy crap. Friggen soap opera. Get a lawer and settle for 10X the cost of the trailer and give the lawyer 3x.

Except it's often not worth the mind space. Screw those guys and move on.


Sorry for all this baloney in your life, GypsyDogs.
RePosting the end result
GypsyDogs said:
Done- Short, polite, and simple.
He reimbursed for cost of trailer AND titling fees.

No paperwork but signing title over to him.

The blasted 'sponge' is gone from my driveway, and life.

I do greatly appreciate all the help, support, feedback, and indignation I got from you all.

Feel free to reference this thread to people considering cargo trailers.. not as a warning away from them.. but as real life experience to consider. (kind of like the advice to have your vehicle inspected by a mechanic before purchase)
Holy carp! That was hard to read. I've never seen that specific brand trailer around the SE where I live and travel. If I see them, I will avoid at all costs.
I'm in the market for a cargo trailer and now I know which one to avoid.

I am sorry that a company would put you through this ordeal and can only imagine what other folks have gone through, many that we will never hear from.

Thank you for sharing.