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Well-known member
May 14, 2015
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the surface
So we went and did it.  Put our hard earned monies down on a 'custom' cargo trailer.
Added whistles:  fold out rv step at side door, 12v roof vent, aluminum (closeable) air vents (not plastic), ladder rack for things/and solar, rear barn doors, v-nose, stab jacks, a sliding window, and we decided to opt for 'not white' but 'metallic road-dust' ...  you'll see.  :D

I have been planning the interior, as I wait for it to depart the factory.

I PROMISE- as soon as there is an actual trailer- the pics will commence.. lol   :cool:

First order of business will be to insulate it.  Then re-apply walls, and then the 'fun' will begin.

Ideas include:
how to build a folding single/double bed/couch that folds against the wall for cargo space as needed and can safely and comfortably hold 2 grown adults and 2 dogs. (check)
how to be able to afford 'refrigeration' (maybe check..?)
how to have a bedroom, living area, kitchen, bathroom, storage, and..  all in a small space..  (still working on that)
how to be able to afford the stuff to build the interior..?  (whoa!  Check!  story to follow)
have the solar, so just where to put it
how to keep the build-load balanced...  hmm....
Looking forward to the pictures!  I'm debating whether to buy an older travel trailer or do a cargo trailer build.
And now I have the "Firefly" theme song stuck in my head ;)
mayble said:
And now I have the "Firefly" theme song stuck in my head ;)

"Take my love, take my land. Take me where I cannot stand. I don't care, I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me."

While I'm sure most people around these forums aren't scifi fans, the overarching themes of Firefly and Serenity really fit well with this lifestyle. Freedom, adventure, and the desire for government to not dictate how we live our lives are ideas that anyone here should be able to relate to.
NickTheoBennett said:
"Take my love, take my land. Take me where I cannot stand. I don't care, I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me."

While I'm sure most people around these forums aren't scifi fans, the overarching themes of Firefly and Serenity really fit well with this lifestyle. Freedom, adventure, and the desire for government to not dictate how we live our lives are ideas that anyone here should be able to relate to.

Been through the war, seen me some ugly, now it is time to be on my way. And, by my pretty floral bonnet, I'm gonna have me some adventures!
Well, another solution found.
One of these Engel drop-in 40 is on the way...

Now to rearrange my 'kitchen' plan to accomodate it.  

Figured I didn't need a ton of fridge space- so for the price (you do Not want to know) I am quite happy with it.
Got the call- our new travel-home to be will be ready for pick up (pun intended..) this weekend.

Yes, there will be pictures.
Sharon, the sales lady, says several customers have inquired about it. Apparently we put together a nifty looking and well appointed little rig. :cool:

I am looking forward to seeing it in person. And working on the build!

oh- and the fridge didn't work out. Seller canceled the transaction. :(
They cancelled the transaction? That sucks! Gao yang jong duh goo yang.

Congratulations on your new rig! Gohn shi

Well, at least we got to visit our trailer.

We went to pick it up, and were going over it, when I noticed that they did not mount the roof racks in the right places.
I wanted one at the rear and one about mid way (7 feet apart ish) - but for some stupid reason, they put the other one all the way at the front (about 13-14 feet apart..  really guys?)
And I am not quite comfortable trying to span a gap that far, to then mount solar panels..  too much opportunity for torque and disaster..  So it goes back to the factory for either a fix, which hopefully doesn't jack up the front rail.. or, more likely, just adding a 3rd rack mound in the middle.  They will call us Tuesday with word from the mfgrs.

BUT-  Knowing y'all, I Did get Pics.  
Serenity1.jpg  Serenity2.jpg

Still hoping to make RTR, but considering the Niao shi de du-gui at the factory could say it could be another 4 weeks for the fix...  not sure if I have enough time to finish enough of the build to make it.  *sadness*


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yeah that is way to long of a span. they should just add another in the center and not charge you. the trailer does not have to be finished for you to come to RTR. there are no build police there. lol. highdesertranger
Yeah- I want the solar installed, the walls insulated, wiring done, and hopefully the bed built before wending RTRwards...  need to have a way to recharge the dogs!  ;)
Got the news that the factory will just make/ship a third roof rack down, and the dealer will put t on and give us a call.   Could have the trailer by this weekend.... maybe
Nice rig, hope you get it all done in time for RTR, if you can get it 'bearable' I bet some of the tribe will be willing to help finish it

Must admit- I got a grin from the thought of some of y'all painting walls and hanging curtains..  lol