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Please remember that we do not allow the pros and cons of guns ownership, carrying and/or usage to
 be discussed on the forum. It's all been said. The threads are searchable if you care to look.
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This is not a discussion about guns.
The subject is what do you carry for self defense and are you prepared to use it
I have and walk with a cane. My own homemade cane. It is hefty. Using it, I practice my military bayonet training (not about stabbing, I think they may call it Pugil Stick today). I practice just about every day. No blades, no bullets, but no shit, I will not be assaulted.
My old pirate friend had her sayings, and one I remember is ".. kill the ones with guns first, don't give them a chance to react .."
I have to use a cane also. That's why Irish love their shalalie, it has a big knob & the bumps so it won't ship out of your hands. I have to use a 4 leg cane so they won't do me any good but check them out they may work for you. They are briar roots.
Gr8ful said:
I have to use a cane also. That's why Irish love their shalalie, it has a big knob & the bumps so it won't ship out of your hands. I have to use a 4 leg cane so they won't do me any good but check them out they may work for you. They are briar roots.
  And they are beautiful.  An important part of defense is how you carry yourself. A confident, head up aware attitude goes a long way to deter any considering you a victim.
owl said:
What do you have on hand and are prepared to use?

This is what I use:
  • Beagle early warning - this is very important as he gives me time to assess the situation and think about my reaction.
  • Boat horn - very loud (120 dB) and an unnatural sound.  Gives any predator pause = more time.
  • Bear spray - very effective in a confined space with no wind (van), not so much in cross or head winds.
  • Lead spray - .44 mag or buckshot.  Defense at a distance.
And I practice, a lot.

Gr8ful said:
I have to use a cane also.

I personally don't want an assailant to get that close.  I am a slight built male and the weight I have added later in life unfortunately is not muscle.  I will probably loose at hand-to-hand combat, especially to an assailant that doesn't feel pain.  Also it is easy to disarm untrained person in a confined space like a van.

Pleasant Travels said:
 . . . he kept a snub-nosed shorty .44 magnum in his waistband loaded with the loudest most bright blindingly flashy Hollywood blanks available . . . you COULD choose to simply try to bluff with blanks.

I would offer three cautions:
  1. Understand the laws in your residing jurisdiction.  
  2. It only works in populated areas.  If you are secluded blanks offer little protection.
  3. It only works on mentally stable assailants.  I had to shoot a rabid raccoon that wouldn't leave me alone; noise, irritants wouldn't work.
More off topic posts deleted.
3 strikes and you're out.
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