RTR roll call

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jimindenver said:
Bob, I hope I see you later in the summer. You will be sending the girls right?

They wouldn't have it any other way :)
Kmmech said:
Hello all! I have spent a lot of time reading these post, but first time posting. The wife, our pug Leeloo, and myself are doing everything possible to make the rtr. Will be a first. We sold.our truck camper a couple months ago, then decided to make the trip. Today we went and bought a 5ver. The first hurdle was my employer not understanding that I really.want to go. So to make a long story short, I am now unemployed. So now I have to make the rtr to make it all worth it. Hope to see you all soon.

Funny how employers want 2 weeks notice, but if they want you gone it is today.
When I asked for approval for me to use three days of vacation time in January to go to the RTR, I was pretty sure the answer would be no. Imagine my surprise when the boss lady said yes!
This is my first RTR. I'm throwing stuff in my cargo trailer and will leave tomorrow from Oregon. Weather hopefully cooperating.
I'm excited
happy trails

I'm putting this post here instead of elsewhere because it applies to only those people who are attending RTR.

I want to buy a decent used men's mountain bike.  If anyone going to RTR has such a thing they would like to sell, please send me a PM and let me know about it. I'm not looking for anything high-end, but also want to avoid department store bikes.


I'm running late...got sick so I won't be there for the start
I want to buy a decent used men's mountain bike.



At Quartzsite you can find all kinds of stuff, you might find the bike you want.
Well it looks like I will be leaving Illinois on the 12th. Got the time off work. So excited as this will be my first RTR and I feel the gateway to the true life style I seek. I really look forward to meeting and seeing you all. Watching you all on youtube and instagran feel as though I already know you and this will be a chance for you to know me. Look forward to seeing you all in a week. ollllllllo

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RVtrek said:
I'll be at the RTR, it's my first time.  I'll be in a brand-new cargo trailer that will be just barely livable, being used as a glorified tent for now.  An older tan-colored F150 towing the rig, assuming the whole contraption doesn't break down on the way!  (I'm coming from MN!)

I have no generator at this point, and only a little solar.  Well, technically the solar is sitting in my living room since I don't even pick up the trailer 'til Tuesday.  Yep, I'll be living/building/camping all at the same time.

Looking forward to meeting everyone!

PS: Oh, yeah, I'm terrible with names too.  I forget them about 3 seconds after I hear 'em.

We share the same situation!  Excited to meet you.
That's a great story! What an adventure.. Good news is, it will be way warmer in Quartzite than Minnesota :)

Drive safe!
Madpeep said:
Because of the cold? Or because of Storms/Snow/Ice? I have a propane heater that I can use to combat the cold. It's how I'm managing here in CT

Vagabound said:
Just as added insurance against all of the inconvenient stuff that winter can bring.  That said, your route likely won't result in catastrophe and mayhem.  Well, let's hope not.  There have been quite a few winter storms and associated pile-ups recently.

Wish you nice and safe driving.


You guys/gals were right. I went SW until I hit snow, then rerouted SWS until I hit more snow, then SSW until I hit the Mexican border! 

well, not quite, but I'm getting closer
Hi all,

I'm still coming to the RTR, but I'm going to be arriving a few days late unfortunately. As it turns out, I'm in a part of the build-out now where I can't stop. In short, I have a lot of materials laying around that need to go into the walls and on the floor and I don't want to leave those materials sitting around in Nevada while I'm gone. So, I'm working as fast as I can to get those built into the truck, and then I will pack up and take off for Arizona.

Save me a hot dog,

I have had too many holdups and interruptions so won't make it at all this winter. Maybe the next one.
I am on the way, just arriving late Thursday or early Friday.

Reality caught up with us, not going to make it this month.
I'm bummed.
Well, hell, looks like i won't be there, couldn't get the time off work
Lousy job :(
Hi all,
After a few hurdles including the flu (skip this if possible), I'm parked about 400 miles away and will hopefully be there early afternoon Friday.
