RTR roll call

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GotSmart said:
HEY!  I resemble that remark, and I will not even be there!   :(

:D   What you said  :D

Jewellann and Queenie

PS     GS   Queenie has a new playmate.  A orange striped tom cat that is about 4 or 5 months old & born in the woods behind my apt.  His sister runs so Queenie chases her until she hits the end of her leash.  I hope to find them a home or I'll get in touch with the no kill shelters in the area.  I'd keep Tom Kat except I'm only allowed one animal.  I'm keeping them fed and watered and taming them a little.  Hope u r doing ok.

If I haven't lost count, this will be my sixth RTR, third year to talk on Lithium house batteries. Still in my Aerbus class A.
jimindenver said:
Hi Matt. Welcome to the forum.

I'm finishing the mods on my trailer and plan on pointing the nose of the truck south come the first of the year heading to the RTR. I look forward to seeing you there but one question. Are you done with nursing school? Some of us could use some patching up. ;)

Well Thanks for the morning chuckle Jimindenver!!!!
Now, I must clean off my pc screen, all the coffee makes it hard to read. lol
Sharon   :D
Still in Ehrenberg, I have had successful cataract surgery on both eyes . I will be up and at em in another week. I may make a short run to Kofa, not far from Quartzsite after my recheck.
Diane, it was you and Dennis and others here that gave me the courage to go through with the repair of my birth defect. Thank you.
And we too, shall be next to Tony and Karen, Sassy, and anyone else near the main fire pit! This will be our 7th RTR. We come early and stay late.
The first time we tried to find Dome Rock for the RTR in the dark and even with directions, had to be led in by Cheri and Bob. We'll never forget it.
Husband said, "What are you getting us into? We don't know anybody. Do you think we'll be ok?|
Well, now, it's " I'm so glad we did this!" and we shall continue to to do for as long as we can. Our friends are so important to us and we delight in seeing everyone.
And I'll be there!

I'm with Diane in Ehrenberg for now but just got 3 new DeLormes in yesterday so I can find all kinds of neat things to do between now and the RTR....who knows what kind of trouble I can get myself in to now...may even drag Diane with me...we kind of make for double trouble wherever we go... :D
not this one, and not next jan 2018. --- but Jan 2019 will by there. Can I reserve a spot given the crowds are sure to jam the RTR then? lol.
I will hold you a spot. I will PM you on where to send the check. LOL. highdesertranger
I'll be there for my first RTR. I'm finishing up with Amazon in another week or two. Then im going home to Connecticut for Xmas. Maybe stay a week. Then head out west for a few months. I don't have any plans until late March/April
Good to see so much enthusiasm.
You're a perfect example of how people that give it a try can become happily addicted to this life.

Almost There and Dragonfly "the Desperwaldo's" Where are they now?????? Skuh kuh kuh kuh
I will be there also.
I also use a generator. Do the generator people park in a certain area? I do not want to make enemies at my first RTR. What are the acceptable hours to run a generator? I do not run it at night.
Thanks for the info.
How far out you want to park depends on what kind of generator you have.

If you've got one of the quiet ones that can't be heard from 100 yds then 150 yds is a good place to be... :D 

If you've got one of the built in ones in an RV or one of the noisy generators that can be heard a country mile away even upwind....well then... :D :p 

Obviously, if you see all your neighbors out and about and it's, say after 9 AM then okay. If they're all still asleep, not so much. Same goes for the evening. 

It's all a matter of common courtesy.

Oh, and make sure you give Bob at least a quarter mile - he detests generator noise at any time of the day.... :angel:
Made it to the summer RTR and sure want to go to the winter RTR. Being on the east coast it's ~2600 miles one way so 7000 round trip with some wandering. Not sure if I'll go yet. I'll know the day before I leave!

Greg and Jessie (the leashed pup)
GMC hitop extended van 
vtwinkicker on youtube
Yeah, just realizing it's 2,700 miles each way for me too. I guess I'll just have to stay out there longer!
I plan to leave central Kansas around the 8th or 9th. It's about 1100 miles one way and I want to stop in Flagstaff at NAWS and pick up some solar panels & a charge controller. I'll be in the GadgetVan a White 06 G2500 Savana Hi top extended. It won't be finished, but it should be livable. See you all there - Rick aka Gadget
I plan on being there too. This will be my first. I also have a generator, the built in noisy one. lol I hope to be able to figure out my solar needs and get solar installed while I am there, so a generator won't be much of a problem then.

We'll be there as well.
We do have a generator, but usually don't run it much.
I always cringe when hubs wants to turn it on.
At most we "need" it for 30 min in the morning, but we are not early risers.
I plan on being there, if my job doesn't refuse me the time off, but I will be late getting there
Blue Ford Ranger with a bleck cap
No idea where I'll wind up parked
I started to edit 'bleck cap, but it's sort of appropriate lol