Rookie at my age.

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Aug 26, 2020
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Good evening, all I Dennis I'm currently live in Kalamazoo, Michigan,  I'm am starting my Cargo Trailers build this week and hope to make it to the desert Southwest this winter,if all goes as planned.  Im 65 and retiring this year at some point.  Hoping to make like minded friends and enjoy my senior years. Thanks
Welcome to the CRVL forums Dennis! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
I turn 65 myself soon and should be down that way myself after the holidays. Spending them with kids in the Pacific Northwest. Maybe we’ll cross paths... Enjoy the ride, good info on this site.
Welcome Dennis. I’m sure you’ve been following all of Bob’s videos etc. This is the best place to go for kindred spirits and information. I probably won’t run into you as I am pretty much exclusively East Coast. I always dream of going to RTR have for many years but reality is reality. I am 66 living on Social Security only find it’s not very social nor is it very secure. But hey it’s something. I have been full-time and since June 1 I’ve been part time or for many many years. I’m in a conversion van that I converted into a home. It ain’t fancy but it’s mine. Good luck with that trailer build. God bless them out nomads all of them.
Hello Dennis, my name is Reuven and I'm 69 years young. I'm brand new to this living on the road adventure, I left Indiana a couple of weeks ago, and plan on  traveling until only God knows when.  First day out I drove a little to long and got tired about 4 in the afternoon. Not realizing, which hasn't really sunken in yet, that I'M IN NO HURRY. Instead of pulling off and resting I kept driving. In Iowa there was an orange cone a little to far into the driving lane. I couldn't have avoided it but thought that it wouldn't be a big deal if I ran over the base of it. Bad idea!  I fit what I thought was a soft rubber base but turned out to be very hard. So when I hit the bottom of the cone the top of the cone came back and hit my driver side mirror and cracked it. I'll be picking up a new one in Huron S.D Thursday.

The moral to the story is "I am not a hurry" I'll be taking my time from now on, when I get the least bit tired it's time to pull off and enjoy the scenery. Life from now is a vacation and I have no plan on it ending soon.

I have a 2003 Lincoln Town Car that I took the passenger and back seats out of and put a floor down. I plan on Sleeping in a tent when able, otherwise I'll be sleeping in the car, which may sound rough but it's really pretty comfortable.

Well Dennis I wish you the best. Take you're time, there's no hurry.

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