Roof Rack for High Top Van

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Feb 20, 2015
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:huh:  :huh: I am a full time van dweller in Central Florida who is currently living in my Condo of a van, my Braun hightop E-350 econoline. I have taken this thing about 20k miles in the few years I have had it. I have configured the interior for full timing and am finally doing some finishing work on the cabinets.
The most important thing for me to do now is be completely off grid but comfortable. I need a fridge, custom lights and a small entertainment system. To accomplish those goals I need a solar set-up and so I need a rack for the roof. Given the huge amount of clearance I cant find a rack to fit my needs. Is there anything out there? I seem to recall a guy on here that had a roof rack on the same van. Anyone know anything?
:huh:  :huh:
Sweet van you've got there.

Are you certain your fiberglass top isn't sturdy enough to mount to directly? I was hesitant to do that, myself, initially... but I've mounted many things to it now...
If you have usable gutters, I would go with a gutter mount high top roof rack.

I'd be inclined to say that gutter mount is not an option on that. Many of those tops mount in a way that the gutter is not usable.
But I would say no reason not to mount directly to the top and reinforce inside as needed. If all your putting up there is a couple panels definitely mount to the top.
I have a high top with a real odd shaped fiberglass top. I used Thule racks and they've held up strong and tight over the last two midwest winters. I used stainless bolts to attach my solar panels to the rack and where I attached to my van I drilled thru a couple inches of fiberglass.

Bob did a post on my van build a while ago. If you type in the search bar on his blog "innovative van conversion" I think? You can take a look at them. Goodluck!
I do have usable rails I think but cant find a high enough extentions to clear the roof. I have checked with but they do not make a rack to fit my roof, plus very pricey. I like the flexable panels as well but in Florida it is better to have the rack shading the roof to keep the heat off of the van.
Off Grid 24/7 said:
If you have usable gutters, I would go with a gutter mount high top roof rack.


I really think that would fit, where do you get it?
all my conversations about the shapes of some hi-top's have been explained using aerodynamics. The large panel on my rack gives shade enough
and the ss screws (many) have worked well
Bolt through to the steel rails you have under the top. I presume this photo from your photobucket is the same van (Some were not)

Use Dicor sealer under the brackets and over the bolt heads once you have it all fastened down. Dicor is made for RV's and can be found at any camping world or rv parts store. Don't use RTV, Silicone or caulk. They won't last.
