Your van looks good and I'm sure you'll enjoy van life (once the tranny is cured of its ills).
Figuring out what to do with "down time" is one of the hardest things for lots of folks. Discovering libraries is a good start. Good place to relax without being disturbed or hassled.
Being of "that age", we also stop into senior centers as we travel. Most have wifi, books to trade, and Margie enjoys joining the card games/bingo while I lounge and chat with locals. Lots of them have lunches also.
We visit museums and find quite a few free activities along the way.
Dollar menus are a cheap way to cool off and snag some free wifi, as well as restrooms when we're in towns. (when they're not busy we never have a problem hanging out a while).
BTW...Bindi is registered as my ESA (Emotional Support Animal) so she gets to go into places we do. Its a great relief to know she can enjoy air conditioning indoors when the weather is roasting the van. (she's usually busy being "Miss Cute Center of Attention" a good way).
And, one of her favorite things is riding in the basket of the electric handicap carts in the stores
Not being bored and being comfortable are the keys to a happy van life.
Oh, one little suggestion...a cordless drill is a very handy tool to own.
:idea: The trick to running those 2 1/2" (or any)
skrews is to pilot drill with a bit just smaller than the threaded shaft...and square drive is better than phillips