Residency and Disability

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Well-known member
Aug 5, 2016
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I am mid application for Federal Disability. I have been a Nomad for almost a year and have been getting mail at a friends house. I must find a new place of residency. I have been doing research on the residency options and the companies that work out of those states. 

In terms of a Federal Disability Application does anyone have any first hand experience they might impart.

It looks like the big three options for residency are FL,TX, and SD. The big options are Escapees and AmericanHomeBase. For SD specific there seem to be several local options.

Notifications when mail arrives and the ability to have it scanned and e-mailed is a big plus.
Do not rely on a commercial service for your legal residential address. Only use that for you mailing address and forwarding needs.

Find another friend or trusted family member for your domicile address if at all possible.

None of this is specific for Disability.

All your financial, legal and gov database entries ideally would be in sync.
Zizzer_Zazzer_Zuz said:
I am mid application for Federal Disability. I have been a Nomad for almost a year and have been getting mail at a friends house. I must find a new place of residency. I have been doing research on the residency options and the companies that work out of those states. 
In terms of a Federal Disability Application does anyone have any first hand experience they might impart.
It looks like the big three options for residency are FL,TX, and SD. The big options are Escapees and AmericanHomeBase. For SD specific there seem to be several local options.
Notifications when mail arrives and the ability to have it scanned and e-mailed is a big plus.
you are 100% correct about those 3 states!
when i was driving an 18 wheeler and living full time on the road i did a lot of research on this issue of residency- and the best i found was just NE of Houston, Tx (it is a large RV park- i forget the name- but Google should produce results) REMEMBER to be OFFICIAL you must have your DRIVERS LIC in the same state- and your vehicle REGISTRATION! then u can use for everything (IRS, SS, BANKS, Amazon, etc)

i don't know why John said these are not legit? BUT for sure he is right "the best solution and the cheapest is a friend"! BUT these services are 100% LEGAL!
if John is correct then all you need is a USPS BOX- very cheap- BUT will not work for MOST legal matters- ESPECIALLY Drv Lic & V Reg- AND EVEN with a USPS BOX you will need a PHYSICAL address to get the box

things to look for
1st is ACCESS (in my case it was hard to find a place i could drive an 18 wheeler)- i ended with a UPS Store and it worked great-
2nd REMOTE access (ONLINE, FAX, & FORWARDING) i think everyone offers forwarding! but online is where the service scans the envelope so you can review online AND THEN you can choose to have them open and SCAN or FAX- this option will make your life easier!
3rd of course is COST! 

one other thing CRVL did a video on this topic (and many others) just search YT
BUT after they DROPPED THE BALL on the CHEAP INTERNET OPTION i don't know how much faith i have in his advice! just use your common sense!
John61CT said:
Do not rely on a commercial service for your legal residential address. 

I hear you but it's not always that simple.  

Whether you know it or not you will ALWAYS have TWO official addresses. For most people they are always the same. Everyone has a residence and a mailing address. 

Mail forwarding services are just that. All they do is receive your mail and send it to you. Establishing residency is another matter and has advantages and disadvantages. 

Would having my mom recieve my mail and have her address be a good choice? Well, my insurance premiums would go up A LOT, my state taxes would be high, my vehicles would all have to be inspected immediately and again every two years.

If I could find a friend in my current State that would be OK I suppose except I would have yearly inspections on my vehicles, one in January and one in August. My insurance would remain the same but I would still have to pay State taxes in a State that I don't really live in.

Friends and family go on vacation, have emergencies, drop the ball, whatever. Different States have different vehicle inspection rules, different tax rules, different social services like food stamps and cash assistance, and health care plans on the exchange etc etc etc etc.

Also, Vermont is a great place to register an RV, especially a school bus, even as an out of state resident. No problem! So, it seems like all of your info is either made up, out of date, or wrong.

So, would you like to continue telling me how to live or do you have something constructive to add?
brucedevauxone said:
i don't know why John said these are not legit?
You misunderstood I include USPS as **not** OK, same as other commercial **letterbox** services.

RV park is fine, marina with liveaboard etc.

Some use homeless shelter / charity provided address, maybe OK.

But nothing better than a real S&B home where you have a personal relationship. Not to save money, you still need the commercially provided **mailing** address from a forwarding service.

Just do not rely on them to continue to work for everything in the future.

Only exception IMO some states apparently have court affidavit setups with dummy address they provide, but I dunno details on that.
Zizzer_Zazzer_Zuz said:
So, it seems like all of your info is either made up, out of date, or wrong.
Each of us has to solve our own unique issues.

I agree that some will be stuck with some aspect that are not ideal.

Vehicle reg and property is a completely OT issue, millions of people have multiple homes, businesses, vehicles registered in different states.

I'm only talking here about your **legal domicile** address, where you claim to have permanent residence, where you can vote locally, where you get called for jury duty what your DL shows.

And my only claim s that, if the is the same address you use for mail forwarding, at some point some agency or brokerage or insurance co whatever is going to kick it back and say sorry you can't use that address.

And Murphy says that will be at a very inconvenient time, maybe very expensive to fix.

By using a real residential S&B address for that legal domicile purpose you will remain OK as all these databases continue to get linked up and the Feds keep closer tabs on us for "law & order" "anti welfare health insurance fraud" and "security" purposes.

Exactly **how** you accomplish that is up to you.

Or of course feel free to ignore it.
not all states have vehicle inspections and some like Arizona, Nevada, and California only have them in certain areas. the other areas have no inspections. highdesertranger
that is a good point before 9-11 it was not such an issue 
but now the government wants better control of who we are and WHERE THEY CAN FIND US
even in the last few years since i retired and now have a real home things have changed a lot
but really i never had any problem with the UPS Store mailbox that i used as a permanent address- even jury duty, drv lic, IRS, banks, insurance, V registration, etc-
of course i am a law abiding citizen- JUST did not have a home because i lived and worked in my truck (over 10 years)- would not make sense to pay for a home when i was never there! no matter what the government wants- that is similar to any FULL TIME RVer- except that i had an employer who had a GPS on my truck so they always knew EXACTLY to the FOOT where i was at!!! LOL even better than a home address!
i never had any warrants or any criminal activity where the police would come to my address (at the UPS Store) looking for me- i am sure that would have caused some issues-
The more relevant recent trend is anything financial or gov, there are "database cleaning" vendors used specifically to make sure they only accept valid residential addresses.

Some still don't use them, but more do every year.

Plus the databases getting cross-referenced, lack of consistency becomes a red flag.

Some stuff only relevant for higher income people, but the day will come they get down to the truly indigent and they'll probably figure out just how many non-homeless permanent nomads there really are, and eventually come up with more official solutions where we aren't forced to feel like scammers or second-class citizens.

But those wheels do turn slowly.
Totalitarianism, authoritarianism, dictatorship tendencies

have nothing to do with left vs right.

The losses of our civil rights that have come from being in a perpetual fear-mongering created scam "war on terror" have mostly come from those who claim to value "freedom" the most.

"Socialistic" Europe is the only part of the world actively trying to secure legal privacy protections to counter the rise of tech's very real war on privacy.
I checked with escapees about domicile issues.  They do several states.  One is South Dakota.  South Dakota is aware of issues.   If you sign a form that when you stop nomading you intend to settle in the state.  Then you get a domicile address from escapees and you can use their mail forwarding address if you want.   I called the dmv in South Dakota and confirmed the domicile issue is legal.  I checked with insurance company they are ok with it.  I checked with my bank ok.   I did a social security search on domicile laws and it says if your address is where you intend to reside after travel it is legal.

So when I am ready I am going to use the escapees address and mail service.   Also South Dakota only needs a receipt for one day to establish residency.  They want the rvers business and are making it easy.