Recommendations for Corner Trim Tape

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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2017
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So, I'm redoing my corner trim - it's actually not bad, and looks to have been done fairly recently (butyl trim tape still malleable unlike behind some of the lights) but somewhere along the line some sloughed on a bunch of silicone and it had cracked.  Thought better deal with it and see what I have.  I removed all that stupid hateful stuff this weekend and pulled back some of the trim and feel pretty good about it so far.  No rusted nails and the wood is a little splintered on the edges but all hard.  No rot so far.  I will be re-stapling and then I decided I wanted to use the method I've seen where you first tape before putting the trim back.

There's a special product developed for this and a video for putting it on here: 

Here's what I'm wondering - this stuff is cheaper than Eternabond, but once you add the outrageous shipping (I'm so spoiled by Amazon Prime) it's almost the same as the same size as the same length roll of Eternabond.  $30 vs $31.50 total. However I only need about 20 feet of it, not 50.  So I'm debating whether Eternabond would do the same thing as I know for certain I could use the Eternabond for roof patching as needed.  Of course I'd probably want wider Eternabond so maybe it's half a dozen of one and six of another....

Appreciate any thoughts and opinions!
Eternabond is really good stuff on flat surface but sometimes corners didn't want to lay down for me. If you are sealing the small joint at the corner you might look at windshield ribbon. It comes in several forms and sizes but even the thick size can be stretched to form smaller diameters. It is a lot like Eternabond's center without the vinyl tape and stays pliable and sticky for years.
Just fyi, I used the product above and liked it - had wide gaps between the metal edges, and if it holds up think it was a great idea. Some of it showed but doesn't look half as bad as the stupid silicone the PO used in places :)