bardo said:I got it between the seats and semi-sealed toward the drivers compartment with the heat hose out the passenger window....doesnt make a damn dent at 95f+
highdesertranger said:speaking of the cool suits I have a couple of those bandannas that you soak in water and they stay wet for hours. put one around your neck, they work pretty damn good for keeping you cool. of course in high humidity they really wouldn't do much. highdesertranger
bardo said:did you go to the 24hrsoflemons forum? lmao
tx2sturgis said:You laugh!
They actually make these for bikers:
itsmeagain said:Why spend money to cool the entire "room" when I'm the only one in it? Of course there would still be a need for ventilation, but not climate control.
tx2sturgis main problem with being in the heat is when I'm trying to sleep..
tx2sturgis said:..unless you camp in very hot, humid areas.
tx2sturgis said:If you imagined that you could pilot a hurricane, and needed to land, doesn't Florida look like a decent runway?
bardo said:its been so hot in ohio... I cant imagine florida
jimindenver said:On the A/C unit listed the 336/400 watt rating is not its running and starting watts. That is the ratings for low and high cooling settings. The surge although instantaneous if you have enough power is certainly higher than 400w...
[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Questionably Accurate Amazon Review:
[/font][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]So here are the four readings for you. I used a devise called a Wattsup Pro to measure. This device is an inline power monitor. Fan only Low 57.2 Watts, Fan Only High 60.3 Watts, Low cool w/ compressor 324 Watts and surprisingly High cool w/ compressor 336 Watts. So what that tells me is the fan low versus high shunts some of the power through a resister. Very little difference between low and high 3Watts Fan and 12Watts difference with the compressor. I will likely no longer run the unit on low to save energy again. Hope this helps. FYI during start up is did reach about 400 Watts on the meter. Not really the inrush power but gives you some idea of start up demand if you are planning a generator to run the unit. This is likely far more info than you needed. The unit also has what looks like a GFI plug with resets. It could just be a circuit protector.[/font][/font]