Gideon33w said:
Either way, we should be teaching new members (and old) to convert everything to WH for the sake of our sanity. This would also make explaining the sizing of a solar array far simpler.
I agree, but batteries are not normally rated at watt-hours, and solar panels are only rated in watts or amps, (voltage of course also) so incoming folks get confused in a hurry doing the calculations if they have not had some background in this stuff.
So, WH is often the result we seek, usually, but we have to trip over amps and volts getting there.
BTW, my early years were spent in electronics, as if you could not tell.
Three years in high school vocational electronics, then one year in college level electronics, followed by four years on the job electronics repairs, component level, practical experience.
And 2 years in there working in electronics retail sales and marketing. And I painted houses part time for extra money too!
Plus 30 years working with electronics in the ham radio hobby, building and servicing repeaters, radios, power supplies, duplexers, antennas, mobile electronics, installing emergency comm centers, building computers, installing digital, voice, and internet communications systems, etc etc etc...
Its who I am...the truck driving thing was just to put beans on the table and a roof over my head.
Many years ago I discovered that for me, electronics was a really fun hobby, but made for a lousy career, in my part of the world anyway. I suppose if I had moved to silicon valley, and went to work for Apple or Motorola, we would be having a very different conversation.
Anyway, thanks for the vote of confidence!