Realistically. How much would it cost per month to?

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Well-known member
May 7, 2017
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Stealth park or boondock in Texas each month, no credit card bills no other debt but cell phone, car insurance medication which comes to a total of $235.00 out of the $755.00 a month. Is it doable? Stealth parking with money left to save or even with boondocking?
If you have  a disability income I suggest you get a Federal "ACCESS PASS"  they are free and good for a lifetime.  Saves money on gate fees and camping if you use a hookup campground spot.  A member here BobBski { I prolly mis-spelled that} has a captains log and spent time in TX a few months ago.  I'm from Dallas and one of the things I like about TX is the wide variety of landscapes.  Deserts in the west, lakes and forests in the east, Gulf Coast to the south, and plains in the Panhandle.  I like lakes and shade myself.  The pass is good on BLM land, National forests, and Army Corps of Engineers sites. and maybe others that I can't remember right now.  There are web sites that list free spot to camp/park.  Maybe someone will post them.  I'm in a semi meltdown right now so my CRS....{can't remember shit} is kickin' in big time.

Wow, I didn't know about the federal access pass, I am on SSI/SSD for mental issues. I will look more into it thank you Txjaybird, and I am so sorry you are having a meltdown right now. I hope things get better.
I assume you are looking to stay in one area or city? If so, you may want to look into your local Fraternal organizations (Moose, Elks, etc) to see if they have "camping allowed" at their lodges. A monthly donation (and discreteness) can go a long way with those groups.

Traveling around would be one of your largest costs, so the more you drove the higher your cost of living would be. See

You can find a lot of free campsites at
Great advice so far!

  You have a lot of options for free camping in Texas. If you must stay in one area many Walmarts allow RVers to stay overnight. Switch between stores and stay as unobtrusive as possible.

 Walmarts are good in a pinch but it's much nicer to be out in nature. Here's a link to forests and grasslands -

  Small towns often have free or inexpensive campgrounds where you can stay for a limited amount of time. This site is a mixed bag of camping spots with many small campgrounds marked.!Texas&query=region

  Texas either has very little or no BLM lands but does have Corp of Engineer lakes where Access Pass will get you discounts. The COE website is terrible for researching so I use -

  Texas rest areas and the little picnic table stops along rural roads allow 24 hour stays. These are good if you're traveling.
t&k had 666 thanks,had to fix that

i hear texas might have a ranch/farm or two,maybe you can swing a deal to cleans some horse stalls or whatnot in exchange for parking by the river and going fishing on the weekends
$520 a month after your fixed expenses is not much, but it should be doable. If you spend $250 for food, $50 into an emergency fund, $100 for gas, that leaves you $100 a month for entertainment and miscellaneous. It's a lean, tight life but I think it's possible.

I'd thnk about getting a New Mexico State Parks pass for 8 months out of the year. For $225 you can stay at any NM state Park for the whole year for free. Most of them have showers and for $4 per day more you can get electric to charge your batteries. They have lots of high elevation parks that would be cool all summer. The other 4 months when it's cold, go south to the Texas gulf and camp right on the gulf. That's a good life!
Dwade81 said:
Stealth park or boondock in Texas each month, no credit card bills no other debt but cell phone, car insurance medication which comes to a total of $235.00 out of the $755.00 a month. Is it doable? Stealth parking with money left to save or even with boondocking?

What do you spend, now? Is the $755 what you will have as a reliable income - pension, social security, disability?

Only you can determine what you will need. TV? Phone? Internet? Doctor/dental/eye exams? Haircuts? Savings for van repair and maintenance?
gcal said:
What do you spend, now? Is the $755 what you will have as a reliable income - pension, social security, disability?

Only you can determine what you will need. TV? Phone? Internet? Doctor/dental/eye exams? Haircuts? Savings for van repair and maintenance?

Already had eye exams and that includes cell internet, i got dental and haircuts I would just buy clippers and shave. dr is covered by my insurance. I am on SSI/SSD.
akrvbob said:
$520 a month after your fixed expenses is not much, but it should be doable. If you spend $250 for food, $50 into an emergency fund, $100 for gas, that leaves you $100 a month for entertainment and miscellaneous. It's a lean, tight life but I think it's possible.

I'd thnk about getting a New Mexico State Parks pass for 8 months out of the year. For $225 you can stay at any NM state Park for the whole year for free. Most of them have showers and for $4 per day more you can get electric to charge your batteries. They have lots of high elevation parks that would be cool all summer. The other 4 months when it's cold, go south to the Texas gulf and camp right on the gulf. That's a good life!

I have 200 a month in foodstamps as long as I stay in Texas. so the food would be covered here. As for camping on the gulf that wouldn't bother me even during the summer, my question is where on the gulf because all the beaches now don't allow camping.
Adding $200 in food stamps kicks you up into a pretty comfortable life. Yes, you can live on that.

My concern is the Texas Heat--which is why I suggested NM. If you can endure the heat, your finances should work out okay.

How will they know you aren't in Texas? Get an address in El Paso and go there however often you need to maintain your food stamps.
I can only use my food stamps in Texas and when they reevaluate my case for foodstamps next year I will not be on them.

Also you mentioned buying a pass in NM I could stay 8 months out of a year there, does that mean just boondock or basically live in that one spot for 8 months for a total of 225$? Or stay 14 days in one location and move to another?
For $225 you can stay at any NM state Park for up to 14 days. The pass is good for the whole year. Most of them have showers and for $4 per day more you can get electric to charge your batteries. They have lots of high elevation parks that would be cool all summer. The other 4 months when it's cold, go south to the Texas gulf and camp right on the gulf. That's a good life!

Of course you can boondock at the many National Forests all across NM for free and save the money for the Parks Pass.

My thought was you could stay in NM and then go to El Paso every week or two to stock up and get the best of both. But maybe livingin a van in Texas all year won't be hard for you and that would the the easiest.
Thanks akrvbob, I got to find these camp sites in NM that have tent camping since I only have a car and no truck or rv or van. So I would be in a tent and would need to find ones that are okay with tent camping.
Dwade81 said:
Already had eye exams and that includes cell internet, i got dental and haircuts I would just buy clippers and shave. dr is covered by my insurance. I am on SSI/SSD.

Well, you will need eye exams every couple years. Do you have a pet? Pets need care, too. Get out a sheet of paper and keep track of everything you spend for the next few months. Subtract rent and utilities. That is your regular soending budget. Don't forget that some expenses, like gas and buying groceries in smaller quantities because of lack of storage space and propane and water - will probably go up, so give yourself some wiggle room.

Figure out what you need for reoccurring yearly expenses - auto insurance, oil changes, tune ups, medical, dental, veterinary exams, camp ground or gym memberships, and whatever amount with which you feel comfortable set asideq for repairs and emergencies. Divide by 12 and that is the savings deposit you make before you do or buy anything else. 

Ifvyou look at your numbers and they don't work out, you will have to figure out how to make them work. Maybe you can cut expenses, like paying your total auto insurance premium once every 6 months instead of incurring the addituonal fees of monthly payments. Maybe you can give up smoking. Maybe you will need to work at least parttime. If you have to work, remember to put half your paycheck away and buy blue chip stock with a good dividend that will continue to pay you when you no longer can work.
BTW, since you said you would be boondocking, I did not include campground rent. There are a number of options, there, and only you will know what you need.

As far as boondocking in cities or very populated areas, keep your van in good repair and immaculate, and move every 24 hours to help avoid citizen complaints to the police. Don't think you can get away with squatting in a desirable spot for days or weeks on end with no trouble. Watch JustinIncredible's Youtube videos and Nomadic Fanatic's early Youtube videos on how not to upset people and get hassled.
No pets, and that is my last pit of budget with 500 left. That is 45 cell phone, 20 to wash clothes on each week or every other week when I go to town. 20 for a gym membership to take a real shower when I am in town. 30 for thyroid meds, 50 every two months for my vitamins. Insurance will cover eye exams every year and glasses yearly. 500 is all I have to work with after my needed expenses.
Try it out for a month locally and see how it goes.