quick question for jonhhy canuck

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Sep 22, 2011
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hey jonhhy i was just wondering how your making out with your unisulated truck topper now that the weathers getting colder? see i live in peterborough ont and im thinking about doing the same thing as you. just wanted to know if your ok heating it or if you have some idea's for a newbie like myself. If anyone else has any info regarding this matter plz feel free to point out anything i might need to know<br>
I live full time in Durham Region in my Ford Box Truck. It would have been easier if I did not want to use the back for work related storage and transport.<div><br></div><div>The Mr.Heater works fine and unless it is blasting wind I am normally not cold. Right now I am getting 3.5 days out of a 20 pnder, soon to hook up another 20 pndr then 7 days. After Xmass I will be experimenting with a 100 pndr and some regulators, to drop down to the 31psi that is needed then hopefully I can go a month and save a lot of money.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>&nbsp;For a while I lived in an Alaskan Camper on the back of a Chev pickup, in BC in the Northern and Interior. I had a radiant ontop of a propane, the windows and doors were almost always open as it was so hot in that little area!</div><div><br></div><div>John's truck cap is not insulated, I would have put up some Durofoam, shiny one side down personally. That is what I have most of in my Box truck now.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>He might not see the post unless you email him directly. Sometimes we miss the current, newest posts due to computer glitches.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>All in all I am mostly warm, if I had the heater in my Astro Mini Van, work van, I would be cooked out with the heat! Smaller and less drafty than the bigger box truck.&nbsp;</div>
Hi there,<div><br></div><div>My 1500 btu Coleman works just fine. Take a look at my thread, Simple Survival Expedition. I have complete instruction on the install. I don't have insulation in my cap. The cap has too many&nbsp;irregular&nbsp;curves. But it is such a small area, it does not take much to heat.&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>
thanks for the replys guys i rent a 20x20 garage for 150/mth in which im restoring my deseased uncles old truck 87 gmc shortbox 4x4 so i have acsess to eletrical but in the mean time i was thinking about buying a old truck and living in that till the gmc is done&nbsp; i just wanted to know how well you guys were staying warm now that the weathers getting cold. i tryed to run one of those small oil filled radiator heaters in the jeep for a night and almost froze my butt off lol so i was thinking maybe one of those micro heaters or maybe a 220 construction heater. what do you think? BTW dose anyone have links to companies that sell pickup camper shells or the hightop like jonhhy has?<br>
The Space Cap is the top of the line truck cap. There a lot of used for sale. You can have side windows installed as well as a roof vent, deep cycle batteries, solar panel, etc.<div><a href="http://ontario.kijiji.ca/c-cars-veh...parts-accessories-spacekap-W0QQAdIdZ339474286" target="_blank">http://ontario.kijiji.ca/c-cars-veh...parts-accessories-spacekap-W0QQAdIdZ339474286</a>&nbsp;<br><div style="text-align: center;"><img src="http://imgc.classistatic.com/cps/kjc/111217/730r1/4896mk0_20.jpeg" alt="Kijiji: spacekap"> </div></div>
I looked at buying a Space Cap. But I have a Quad Cab with a short box. These are the best fibreglass caps made. If I were you I'd take a look at them. You'll have it forever.
<div>Are these the same SpaceKaps you're talking about Johnny?&nbsp;</div><div>I contacted my local truck cap dealer, &amp; they said they couldn't find the price list for these caps.</div><div>I like the SpaceKap Diablo. On the webpage, click on the link that points to "models".</div><div><a href="http://www.4are.com/product/spacekap/" target="_blank">http://www.4are.com/product/spacekap/</a> </div><div><br></div><div>Here's a pdf for the Diablo:</div><div><br></div><div><a href="http://www.4are.com/pdfs/SpaceKap_Diablo.pdf" target="_blank">http://www.4are.com/pdfs/SpaceKap_Diablo.pdf</a> </div>
<div><font face="Arial">SpaceKap is&nbsp;manufactured&nbsp;by&nbsp; <span id="ctl00_mainBody_lblOwenrNameAll" style="line-height: 15px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); text-align: left; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); ">Fibrobec, Inc.</span><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); line-height: 15px; text-align: left; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); ">&nbsp;in&nbsp;</span><span id="ctl00_mainBody_lblOwnerAddressAll" style="line-height: 15px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); text-align: left; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "><span style="line-height: 1.3em; ">Beloeil,</span></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;Quebec. Near Montreal.</font></div><div><font face="Arial"><br></font></div><div><font face="Arial">I called them for a price quote a couple of years ago. I got a quote over the phone.</font></div><div><font face="Arial"><br></font></div><div><font face="Arial">Theses caps are all over Canada. You see them everyday.</font></div><div><br></div><a href="http://www.fibrobec.com/spacekap-en/" target="_blank"><font size="4" face="Arial">http://www.fibrobec.com/spacekap-en/</font></a>
Hey Johnny, which pant leg do you put on first in the mornings?<div><br></div>

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