Hi. My name is Rick and I read your post and wanted to reply because I have some experience working with grief. Lots of info out there for you to read and tons of folks to talk with who've been through the same thing you are dealing with now. While everyone deals with grief differently, there are predictable stages you may go through. It can seem hopeless and you may even think to carry on is just not worth it anymore. I hope you do because the pain will gradually drop off with your hard work at recovery. Don't be afraid to seek professional help and go on medication if a doctor feels it will help. It's not brave to go on alone if you really need help. Keep reaching out until you get the help that suites you best. Don't give up and take it day by day. Keep working at it! Recovery from grief is a lot of work every day. People DO care even if they are too busy to help or reach out. You can do this and you are worth it. Get to work!