Privitization of BLM Land

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well they pretty much have a blank check to do it now
Crow said:
Nonetheless, we the people do need to jealously guard our access to public lands.  It does indeed have unimaginable value and greedy little minds are always scheming for ways to get greedy little fingers in it.

This is exactly right! I actually attended one of the protests against BLM encroachment of public lands a couple years back in Pahrump, NV.
We must maintain vigilance.
It wouldn't surprise me if this all falls apart the day I get into it. A day late and a dollar short pretty much sums up my life. Lol
A Wing and a Prayer said:
It wouldn't surprise me if this all falls apart the day I get into it. A day late and a dollar short pretty much sums up my life. Lol

my thoughts exactly
A Wing and a Prayer said:
It wouldn't surprise me if this all falls apart the day I get into it. A day late and a dollar short pretty much sums up my life. Lol
This makes me think of an article I read on a sailing forum years ago. It seems some uneducated politician was professing that he or she was going to rid this Pacific Northwest community of all the boat live a boards. This would be politician found out the hard way that the live a boards not only lived in the community, most of them were registered voters. :cool:
I think I'll go sit in the corner and eat worms.  I guess I was under the opinion that people came here to find out how to deal with situations where we deal with changes in our lives.  You might try looking for opportunities instead of accepting defeat before you even get beat down.
"I think I'll go sit in the corner and eat worms."

In some lands....worms are considered a delicacy.....I prefer fried....
Phantom Blooper said:
"I think I'll go sit in the corner and eat worms."

In some lands....worms are considered a delicacy.....I prefer fried....

Enigmatic nomad on utube posted a video recently where they're raising grub worms for protein as an experiment ...

... and now we return to the original topic of the thread, lol
slynne said:
I would imagine so and probably if this happens, that will be the best way to keep the lifestyle going. Form a club and buy land for everyone to camp on for free.
No need to do that, there is already an abundance of land-dwellers that are happy to let you park-up. Especially if you contribute in some way while you're there.
Worms are an excellent source of iron and when fired become crunchy...they also take on the flavor of any food in which you put them.

I suspect more fear mongering on this. Media has become modern day terrorists imo. I am neither dem nor rep except that I do support the Constitution which says we are a Constitutional Republic. What that means, how that makes the US different (and better) is that rather than being a democracy where the people vote the powers that be into office and they get to make their own rules, the people vote in the powers that be who cannot create any ole rules but are bound to the Constitution regarding the limits of those rules; the limits of those we put into office.

I am optimistic to say the least now... We the People are going to be heard...whether we agree with each other or not, at least we'll be heard. :D
fun fact the constitution, specifically the first 4 amendments, was vehemently opposed for 7 years in the original congress.
slynne said:
So is this something to be worried about if one had plans to boondock on BLM land? They haven't done anything with it yet but it looks like they may be considering privatizing 640 million acres of BLM land. I am having a hard time conceptualizing that amount of land and can't figure out if this could mean trouble for my future boondocking plans. Any thoughts?
Not to worry.... BLM land has been under private use all over America ever since its inception. For example, oil companies drill on the land but only the specific drill site and equipment infrastructure areas are off use. Cattle ranchers have used BLM land for grazing and we have still had complete unfettered access to those same areas. The same goes with mining and other uses as well.  Look at the City of Los Angeles, although they stole the water from Mono Lake and the Owens River they still provide camping and fishing access all along that corridor.

BTW, these private and corporate use rights of BLM land fund that particular government agency to a large degree. ..
yes but that's not what this is talking about. It wants to completely sell the land off. as in it's 100% private property. In fact its such a big deal that we had a terrorist insurrection over it a year ago. Doesn't seem to make much sense that a group of cattle ranchers who get relatively cheap grazing land permits without paying taxes want it private. But apparently they really, really do.
I'm not sure how much of this pertains to the selling off of BLM land but the C-Span coverage (I am really bored to watch that) of the Retired Navy Seal for Sec of The Interior Ryan Zinke, Zinke stated there was no plan to sell off land. I realize in politics things change with a quickness but maybe there is a slight chance reason will prevail.

The US government is not going to sell/privatize all that land. That gives away the country and their power.
BobBski said:
The US government is not going to sell/privatize all that land.  That gives away the country and their power.

^^ I'm going to go with this. ^^
How on Earth can they take land that belongs to all of us, then sell it to some of us?   :dodgy:
Bardo, it is my understanding that those cattle ranchers had an agreement with that former govt admin to be allowed to graze their cattle and then was told by govt they had no right to be on the land ... no cattle grazing. Truly that was govt takeover of OUR land?
the blm grants grazing permits as general procedure. I don't know if they were denied for some bs reason initially, but we do know they had not paid for the permits for decades but continued to use land they didnt hold the deed to for their own profit. You're right it's the tax payers land, not a few cattle ranchers.

they sure as hell aren't allowed to graze on it if it's privately owned, either.

Most people understand that if you're going to run a ranch you need to own the property to do it, not expect to use hundreds of acres of their neighbors or park land.

Not to mention a whole lot of that land out west was given away to their great great grandparents for free under the homestead act.
Darth Vader - pray that I don't alter it any further. --- welcome to the future of being run be the dark side of the empire.

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