Poo keeping for 1 / 2 weeks?

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QinReno said:
Poo-flavored lemons ... I'm putting the teapot on right now.

Best fruit here comes from two trees that have their feeder roots well into my septic system transpiration pits.   Thousands of years tradition of using cesspit contents on the fields in China.   Porta Pottie contents, plus a bit of Bio Char are a wonderful soil conditioner.
Ticklebellly said:
Best fruit here comes from two trees that have their feeder roots well into my septic system transpiration pits.   Thousands of years tradition of using cesspit contents on the fields in China.   Porta Pottie contents, plus a bit of Bio Char are a wonderful soil conditioner.
Congratulations! I didn't think anything could gross me out anymore. +1 for that.

Far out, you have the solution for this whole thread. Give us your address so we know where to bring the poo bags we've been collecting for weeks. Paint a big white-X on the appropriate lemon tree so we can see it from the street.
Yeah, I have extremely good visual imagery ability, better than most people, and the part I was mainly referring to was ..."two trees that have their feeder roots well into my septic system transpiration pits", and from whence come the best fruit.  :).

I do have a copy of the following book, and on special occasions, the pages come in very handy after you finish reading them.
LadyJo said:
If I'm down a dirt road with several other vandwellers.  I will not bury a plastic bag in the forest.

I don't know if it's been mentioned/suggested already, but how about instead of pooping in a plastic bag, you poop into a small bucket/bowl/pot/container that you can dump, burying the poop directly in the ground where it will become fertilizer for plants?  
(separating pee from poop, of course).....

I picked up a couple of small-ish (think half gallon), plastic buckets from OSH with lids on them, that would likely contain any odor 'till the sun comes up and you feel safe entering the forest.  You could also get into the habit of going to the bathroom during the daytime..  

I don't use them for bathroom purposes, but I don't see any reason why they wouldn't work for that purpose.  

Why on earth would you guys keep poop that long. Is there somethjng wrong with using a toilet. If one isn’t available, is there something wrong with a trash can? Sealed up properly, of course, so no ones gets a surprise. If there is no trash can, is there something wrong with burying it?
Sometimes it is not appropriate to bury, perhaps by a stream or on private property, in an area where it would be too obvious or sometimes I stay in the same place for long periods of time and can;t be bothered moving my van or carrying my porta Potti to a toilet or sometimes there is no toilet to carry it to, I don’t like the idea of throwing plastic bags of poo in a trash can, nor do I like the idea of storing poo bags, that is why I use a porta potti and a pee bottle.
if it's in a plastic bag it should not be put in any toilet or buried. highdesertranger
Exexpeditor said:
Why on earth would you guys keep poop that long. Is there somethjng wrong with using a toilet. If one isn’t available, is there something wrong with a trash can? Sealed up properly, of course, so no ones gets a surprise. If there is no trash can, is there something wrong with burying it?
Many boondockers strive to be able to live for long periods, where by definition there are no such facilities.
John61CT said:
Many boondockers strive to be able to live for long periods, where by definition there are no such facilities.

I get that. But why not just a paper bag and bury it right afterward? Call me a diva, but I’m not trying to live with a bucket fulla turds.
Would certainly have to be multiple paper bags. Even if you can miraculously prevent the occasional simultaneous squirt, sometimes poop has a pretty high liquid content even when it's solid.
Exexpeditor said:
Why on earth would you guys keep poop that long. Is there somethjng wrong with using a toilet. If one isn’t available, is there something wrong with a trash can? Sealed up properly, of course, so no ones gets a surprise. If there is no trash can, is there something wrong with burying it?

Sometimes one cannot bury it: in some locations it is ecologically irresponsible (e.g. desert, where it won't decompose for decades, or where digging will cause erosion), difficult (very rocky or soil filled with tree roots, where it is almost impossible to dig a hole deep enough), or uncomfortable (I can see for miles and miles and miles, I'm not going to squat outside where I'm that exposed).

Exexpeditor said:
I get that. But why not just a paper bag and bury it right afterward? Call me a diva, but I’m not trying to live with a bucket fulla turds.

The paper bag and toilet paper is considered trash and it is illegal to bury trash on public lands.  If one wants to stay away from the maddening crowds you have to come up with an ecologically responsible solution.  Mine is a (sealed) 'bucket fulla turds' that can be directed to a landfill when I am back in civilization.
Exexpeditor said:
I get that. But why not just a paper bag and bury it right afterward? Call me a diva, but I’m not trying to live with a bucket fulla turds.
As there are over 90 posts on this thread, you can see that there are many possible solutions, but when it comes to poo, there are no perfect solutions.
I was going to skip this thread. Today I saw it is 10 pages long. Only on this forum would you have that many posts on fecal material disposal (where do I dump my shit?) A couple of comments.
Nature's Head:
Had one, used full time in son's casita (gussied up Tuffshed) for 7 years.
1-you need the exhaust fan attached to hose and vent to outside.
2-of course it smells had when you open the mouth that eats the shit.. But if you're using the vent fan, not in between. Be aware that you will have some flies gathering outside the vent. They like the smell. You might a whiff inside very occasionally when the windows are all closed.
3-vent fan is 12volts. You have to use an adaptor for alternating current.
Edit:: yes, the Nature's Head DOES compost. Of course, if recently used, it will smell like shit. But 3 days without? Not too bad. 2 weeks? Very light perfume.
Kitty litter:
It turns into a rock when exposed to water and then dries (in AZ desert). Seemed like a good idea at the time.
WalkaboutTed said:
Only on this forum would you have that many posts on fecal material disposal
Not so, many threads on marine forums go for years, thousands of posts.