Poo keeping for 1 / 2 weeks?

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I was thinking you would use the Doggie Doo bags cuz they're biodegradable and eco-friendly, and you can just bury them in the woods or desert, but if you're going to use a regular garbage bag and then put it in the Echo friendly bag that defeats the purpose, but if you're just wanting to hide what it is just use a brown paper bag probably cheaper. like what desert Ranger said putting kitty litter in pit toilets when they come to empty them will clog their hoses better off just throwing the whole thing in the trash.
A note on "biodegradable"
You would think that toilet paper would be biodegradable, and it is, butt, it takes quite awhile for it to break down.

As a hiker I've seen a lot of toilet paper washed up on trails.  People do their business, cover it up with a little dirt and then the next good rain or spring thaw and that toilet paper is still there and gets washed up for everyone to "enjoy"

If out on a hike, it's pretty simple to do your business but have a couple plastic bags (I use small kitchen trash bags) to put your toilet paper into.  It really doesn't smell and then bring that back to your camp.  Can get rid of it in fire or collect until your next trip into town.
Biodegradable plastic must be in the sun to break down.

Basically a scam, no such thing in real life.

Don't bury it out on public land please.
highdesertranger said:
you put kitty litter into pit toilets? 
You put poo in dumpsters? (generic question, not a personal accusation).

Bob says he poos in a bucket. Has he ever said what he does with the bucket?
QinReno said:
You put poo in dumpsters?
Yes and x500000 as much gets tossed into the daily waste stream by S&B people who have easy daily access to flush toilets.

There is nothing illegal or immoral about doing so.

Some people may be disgusted by the thought, but that is not relevant to anything.
Well I assume what he does with the bucket is leave it in the van. but what he does with the bag and the little gifts that are in the bag he's plainly said a million times he distributes them in different garbage cans.
I think i saw a video that showed the same black bucket used for poop also was used for water used to shower with a small electric pump to feed a spray nozzle.
Likely no more risk than swimming in a natural body of water.

100% purity is not a healthy goal.

Too many people were too harshly potty trained.
I would be comfortable showering with water from a poop bucket provided it was mine and i was diligent and careful with lining the bucket and cleaning up any spills. Yes, i agree with your statement that 100% purity is not a healthy goal.

When i first began cleaning my cooking utensils with a vinegar and water solution, i was skeptical but i have been doing this for about a year in practice for hitting the road - and i haven’t been sick once in that year.

I’m about to start building my commode with bucket and urine diverter.

*i hope i am not drifting off topic.
GreyWulf said:
Well I assume what he does with the bucket is leave it in the van. but what he does with the bag and the little gifts that are in the bag he's plainly said a million times he distributes them in different garbage cans.
Ha, I guess I missed that part a million times.  :heart:

If you've ever dared to peer down into a pit toilet, you see one of 2 things. Either a horrid 10-foot pile of poo mixed with toilet paper, or else a horrid looking sea of black water with an obvious pile of poo underneath. Despite what ranger said, I think a little bit kitty litter in the mix is not gonna have any affect whatsoever on anything. And my kitty agrees  :angel:
But if lots of people started doing it. . .

And that's the big ethical problem, what's fine while only a few people are doing it becomes non-sustainable as that pattern increases.

Then that small group violating the guidelines spoils it for everyone and the public resource gets closed down.

Listen to HDR and obey! :cool:
@john, I am currently watching V for Vendetta so I know about allegiance! E-Vey Lives!

Never fear john and HDR, no one ever listens to me in any case.
please do not bury plastic bags even if they say biodegradable.
please do not burn plastic bags.
please only put human waste and TP into pit toilets. most of them have signs that say this.
just FYI I don't dump poo bags in trash cans or dumpsters either. in fact except for the occasional small bag of trash I don't dump my regular trash in those either.
highdesertranger said:
poo bags in trash cans or dumpsters either.  in fact except for the occasional small bag of trash I don't dump my regular trash in those either.
Ok you left us hanging. You don't do this and you don't do that.
What do you do with your waste?
Give it to the Russians to burn in orbit?
In a container out by the curb, every Tuesday morning?

(it's turtles all the way down)
as I have said before when using the bucket method I take it to the landfill or transfer station along with my other trash.

I also use a porta-pottie when required by law. I dump that at an RV dump station.

by far the most common method I use is the cat hole.

I only use the porta-pottie or bucket when cat holes are impractical or forbidden. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
as I have said before when using the bucket method I take it to the landfill or transfer station along with my other trash.
I'm sorry, but this sounds like a totally unsatisfactory solution to me. Taking a bucket of poo to the transfer station - nuh, uh. Even driving into a landfill and saying I'm here with my bucket of poo - unsavory.

I finally figured out the correct search term for these here parts:

One might guess that the people who empty pit/vault toilets simply dump the stuff in the landfill, but I'm sure the more meticulous locations have better facilities than that, like specific processing plants or incineration.
This starts with an Opps!! Van has been stored three weeks since return to home base and I have started packing for next trip. The Opps bit is that I found my Porta Pottie had not been emptied. Basically, I have stored three morning deposits treated with a tablespoon of straight Sodium Percarbonate per deposit, for three weeks.

When I opened the van after being closed up for that time, no odour to alert me to the potty situation. I have posted earlier that I keep the potty seal in good condition. I credit the SP treatment and a good seal to the success of the accidental experiment. When emptying the potty, I noticed that the toilet paper had broken down quite a lot. I only use a septic safe paper product because it readily breaks down. Pretty sure the SP has no particular effect on the paper. A favourite Lemon tree has now received a welcome nutrient pill via a drip line cat hole and my Porta Pottie is clean and fresh and ready to go.
And here I thought Sodium Percarbonate plus Methane was a bomb - especially after percolating for 3-weeks. So much to learn, so little time. (hmm, I should add that to my signature!).

Poo-flavored lemons ... I'm putting the teapot on right now.
The fact that humanure is **not** used for fertilizing our food production is a massive crime.

Not like the tech isn't well understood, just a question of values and priorities.

Some people were just too harshly potty trained.