Poo keeping for 1 / 2 weeks?

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Dry and loose is the goal. Barely moist anyway.

The key factor in time between dumping is how many people are using it.

2, maybe 3 would be the max for 10 days to two-week intervals.

Vegetarians more frequent, children less.
Just to chime in here, I use the kitty-litter and a plastic bag method. On my recent trip to Oregon I decided on a good scheme, which is similar to what others have said here. I dumped the waste into "pit" toilets in the official camp grounds, of course NOT including the plastic bag. The bag actually has very little waste in it when kitty-litter is used, and then the empty bag then went in with the regular garbage, and NEVER into the pit toilet itself. Essentially all you are putting into the pit toilet is the regular stuff with some kitty-litter included, and certainly not going to be a problem for the sanitary removal people, as I see it.
I went to our local Grange in search of pine shavings, because I find that my poop stinks like crazy no matter what anybody says about it not smelling once you separate it from pee. Coir seems to do absolutely nothing, and cat litter helps a bit, but less and less after a little while. A number of people here and elsewhere have strongly recommended pine shavings.

Anyway, a square foot or so was something like ten bucks, but two dollars more would buy you a bulk pack that had 11 times more! Luckily I have a place to park the stuff, but it would take up a whole lot of space in my little trailer otherwise. My car was too full to pick it up at the time, but I guess I'll go buy some later and try it out.

I hope something works, because we're in the 90's' now and get into the 100's, and whatever can ripen, will ripen very quickly.
John61CT said:
With what, Nature's Head or C-Head or what?

No, nothing so fancy.  Just poop in a bag with kitty litter and coir.  On recommendation from someone here, now put in an ammo crate awaiting dumping.  Used to put it in an ordinary dollar store container, but that was useless.
Dingfelder said:
Just poop in a bag with kitty litter and coir.

Have you investigated the Gelling powder used by people like NASA or the Parks rangers pushing the Take out what you take in approach to waste disposal?   I am not aware of any odour control effect but the powder would create less volume than Kitty Litter or Coir or Pine Shavings.   I have idea of the cost differential here, just exploring options.
Ticklebellly said:
Have you investigated the Gelling powder used by people like NASA or the Parks rangers pushing the Take out what you take in approach to waste disposal?   I am not aware of any odour control effect but the powder would create less volume than Kitty Litter or Coir or Pine Shavings.   I have idea of the cost differential here, just exploring options.

Thank you for the suggestion.

I've seen some stuff like that on Amazon.  Very pricey, but some get very good reviews from people who use them to soak up liquids.  I pee and poop separately except for the rare rogue squirt, so the liquid aspect doesn't come into play with me. 

I'm also not too concerned about volume in the poop bag at present; I just need to be able to live with any smells for at least a few days, until trash collection day.  I'm living with an old family friend and don't want to stink her out of her house by putting anything in her garbage can until late at night, the day before trash pick-up.

I could go use her toilet too, we're old friends and she's really very nice, but sometimes I get the urge and have to go too fast to get up and into her place, and also I don't want to keep my use of her hospitality relatively invisible.
Yes, it's harder but not rocket science to DIY a more effective setup with no smells.

But most people would just pay for the well-engineered solution.
I've always wondered.

When you get a big bag of crap stored up, where do you find a "dumpster" to dump it into? Are they all over? Are they free? What does it usually cost to dump a few bags in a dumpster? Do they have dumpsters all over the place or maps that show where they are?

Simple compost toilet: Here's the recipe: 1) 5 gal bucket ("Let's do it" bucket $6 @Home depot or any other) 2) seat/lid (pool noodle/Luggable loo seat& lid combo $12 @ walmart/ amazon/home depot/etc) 3) Liner/trash bag( Any/biodegradable @online/in store?)  4) Poo cover :Most common dirt/peat moss PINE SHAVINGS/coconut shell...But extremely effective and cheap is available @Tractor Supply$6 FOR 40 lbs bag  PINE horse/stall bedding..absorbant, effective and no bad smells >>only the scent of pine! Ahhhhh! Good4Pee too.. Also dont forget to $buy a gamma seal lid for 5 gal bucket,it will tightly seal bucket leaks and smells when not in use/during travel/ or secondary storage backup bucket uring extended boondocking.
A simple pee container is also handy and typically pee& poo should be kept seprate ex: Old Laundry detergent or other suitable covered container, when its full go water a tree or bush :D
ericlp said:
I've always wondered.

When you get a big bag of crap stored up, where do you find a "dumpster" to dump it into?  Are they all over?  Are they free?  What does it usually cost to dump a few bags in a dumpster?  Do they have dumpsters all over the place or maps that show where they are?


BobW is fond of saying he poos in a bucket, but has he ever said what he does with the bucket?
Well as for me, anywhere I see a dumpster I just throw it in, there are dumpsters everywhere, Warehouse districts, construction sites, stores, laundromats, there's dumpsters everywhere you go, even in Parks you can just throw it in the garbage can, dog parks is a great place to toss it, there's many many options just have to keep your eyes peeled.
Ya I was wondering who thinks they need an app to find a place to toss a little trash away?

If you end up with a dozen sealed bags filling up your 5gal storage bin, maybe would be considerate to go to a little more trouble, but. . .
GreyWulf said:
Well as for me, anywhere I see a dumpster I just throw it in, there are dumpsters everywhere, Warehouse districts, construction sites, stores, laundromats, there's dumpsters everywhere you go, even in Parks you can just throw it in the garbage can, dog parks is a great place to toss it, there's many many options just have to keep your eyes peeled.

Definitely have to keep your eyes peeled.

When I lived in various neighborhoods in southern California, an open, unguarded, unlocked dumpster was very very hard to find.  Dumpsters were treated like natural resources and I think there were laws against using them casually.

I would drive all over the place to try to dump my extra trash when I was renting a room to a house full of people who invited lots of friends over and jam-packed the trash by the first couple days.  I was usually unsuccessful, and just wound up double- and triple-bagging my trash for weeks in my room.

I'm in Oregon now, and accessible dumpsters are still hard to find, but tend not to be locked when you do.

Tragedy of the commons type thing - when nobody wants to pay taxes to provide an outlet for trash, it just gets thrown all over the streets or left in the woods.
GreyWulf said:
Good price, but 9x13 is to small to line a bucket with. Walmart bags work the best.
Ummm, you line the bucket and do your business in the usual 13-gallon bag with kitty litter, and then you stuff that bag into the large doggie doo-doo bag. Bags within bags. All the better to seal and con-seal the evidence. Nobody is going to look inside a doggie doo-doo bag to see whose poo is actually in there.
Dingfelder said:
I'm in Oregon now, and accessible dumpsters are still hard to find, but tend not to be locked when you do.
As I mentioned earlier in this thread, when I was up in Oregon several weeks ago, I developed my own scheme of emptying my doo-doo bags into the "pit" toilets in nearby NF campgrounds, which are all over the place up there. And then putting the empty doo-doo bag into the regular waste. When kitty litter is used in the doo-doo bag, there is very little refuse left when you empty it afterwards. I would only try this method if actually using kitty litter in the doo-doo bag. I would not empty the bags into any flush toilets, only pit toilets.
you put kitty litter into pit toilets? that made the pumpers happy. never put anything into pit toilets except human waste and TP. highdesertranger