please help me decide which RV to buy?? help!!!

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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2012
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Hello helpful people, i have decided to buy an RV for our lot, can't spend more than 15 grand, am Canadian and not willing to buy stuff from the states or go thru huge hassles as my parents are now dead and i'm in a depression trying to deal with this little bit of money they gave me...<br /><br />i'm on the lower mainland of british columbia, and i'm looking at 2 larger RV's on the island, but i'm getting old and disabled and really don't want to go to the island, and plus those 2 are private sales and the people aren't all that helpful... one is a 2002 35 ft Kustom Koach a 4 season trailer, with a washer dryer, but big problem with where to put our two computers.... the other is a 37ft not as nice as the 35 ft, and it's a 1999 Cardinal, but he's taken all the main salon furniture out, and i could add in whatever kind of computer stations i want, though that will be an extra expense... also the 1999 will be harder to get 'ok'd to get in our park<br /><br />ok, the other two trailers, they are both 29 ft but have all we need... one is some sort of glendale thing i've never heard of, it's a 1999 BUT it's real pretty inside, which is nice, however i WANT to decorate the trailer the way i want to, and i wouldn't be able to do anything to this one... but it's got a computer desk for hubby and a nice leather recliner for my computer station, a very tempting set up, but would have trouble getting in the 1999 again, our park is fussy...<br /><br />now the one i'm leaning toward at this moment, is a 2004 29 ft Cardinal, it's butt ugly on the inside, so i can decorate it any funky way i want, the bottom is enclosed and heated for winter, it's got a big computer desk for hubby and a couple of ugly recliners i can set up my computer at... they will offer a 30 day warranty for appliances and such to make sure everything works... and deliver it and set it up for us, plus these last two dealerships are easy for us to get to, unlike the pain in the butt peeps on the island lol<br /><br />any advice would be great, we are looking to just leave this parked on our lot, and retire in it when the time comes... all of the trailers are about the same price for me
Its the one with the most of what you are looking for and the newest since age is important to the park.&nbsp; Good luck!<br />Rae
hehe thanks Rae... 2 votes so far, but you know what's funny? the sales guy keeps promising to send me pics and he hasn't... i wonder why he's tempting fate to lose the deal, it's weird
I'm not that familiar with any of these - so no vote for you -- pick the cheapest one that needs the least work - make any changes you need to it -- anything left over - mail me a check <img src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" />
You haven't given us a lot to go on, but here is my reasoning; The first two I eliminated because they didn't have a winter package. In Canada that is a deal breaker. I choose the 2004 because it is 5 years newer and you are less likely to have troubles with it in the long run. Good luck! Bob
well they all either have winter packages or at least a heated underbelly... sorry, i don't know how to explain RVs lol i don't know much about them, that's another reason i would rather buy from a dealer then a person who isn't worried about whether i am pleased with the transaction or not... but i spoke to my park today and they think my lot isn't big enuff for the 2 large trailers, i think they are wrong but i'm not going to start arguing with them... today they also told me that i have to tear down the patio because there won't be enuff room for the slideouts... ugh... so yeah, i guess i will buy the 2004 unless it turns out to be stinky or rickety or something that offends my fine sensibilites lol &nbsp;thanks for your help you guys!!