In regards to pickled eggs a couple of years ago my son raised some quail and they were prolific layers. My daughter in law was kind enough to boil hundreds of these little eggs, peel them and pickle them. These were bite size pieces of goodness. Knowing my penchant for all things spicy she added some jalapenos to several quarts I was gifted. Her recipe sounded similar to the one mentioned with onions and carrots as well as the jalapenos. These were the best snack I can remember. She also made deviled eggs out of quail eggs one Thanksgiving. Same thing just pop one in your mouth. I think about 3 dozen. I think I ate over a dozen before dinner and finished them off for desert.
Like others have mentioned they used to sit on the bars in NM and after about 2 beers I would start getting an egg with each beer. My wife would try and discourage me and as other mentioned it would be a memorable ride home and my wife would keep the windows down even in the dead of winter. Ken