Parking an extended van

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Mar 30, 2015
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For those of you with extended body vans, how difficult is it to find a parking space?

More specifically, I am looking at an extended van for vacations/camping at the moment, with possible full-timing within the next year or so when I retire.  I like to visit places near beaches, and I love small towns.  

Has anyone had difficulty finding spots to park in the public parking areas near beaches, or in tiny towns where they have parking at an angle to the curb rather than parallel?  Does an extended van stick out so much as to be an issue?  I currently have a Suburban, and know how to back into a space and place the "overhang" out of the way, but the vans I'm looking at are the Chevys with a longer wheelbase and less overhang.

I'm thinking about keeping my Geo Tracker as a toad for zipping around towns without the van, but I really hate towing.

That is one reason I went with a shorter van to start with.  When I left CA, (20 + years ago) I had a extended van and was towing a car.  Many members are used to towing, and have it down pat.  I have been in towns where there is no way I could park in the downtown with a longer set up.  Those are few and far between.
Hi RobBob
I have a Dodge RoadTrek/ 19 ft and although the wheel base may be shorter than the Chevy I never have much trouble finding parking. If possible I will back into a space but most lots like Walmart type parking is usually long enough to accommodate the length. A lot of extended cab pick up trucks are that long or longer. I have towed and that is one of the reasons I went to a "B", so I don't need another vehicle.
Just my humble opinion.
Just - Bob
No real trouble. I am 19-20 feet long and fit in most parking spaces. If I have my bike rack on the rear I am another 3-4 feet longer so I aim for RV or trailer parking spaces.
With the extended van I once had and the regular length one I have today I simply aim for further out in the parking lot. Cars tend to park too close and ding my van with their doors and it's easier for me getting in and out if I'm not worried about my doors catching mirrors. With a hitch hauler on I'll definitely be out there with the trucks and RVs taking up two spots.

When angle parking it's helpful to pull up until you feel your front tires at the curb - that takes a couple of feet off of the length so your back end isn't sticking out.

Parallel parking - well, unless there's 2 spots together to slide in to - I don't even try anymore - used to be able to park an old Pontiac Laurentian in a single spot but I'm lazy - I'd rather walk further than arm wrestle the van into a tight parking spot. Guess I like my shiny chrome too much... :D

Personally, parking concerns would be the last thing on my list when choosing a vehicle.
Yea it can be tight in little quaint towns, Key West comes to mind, but you can usually look around and find an end spot to parallel park. Just takes a little extra time.
Thanks, everyone!  Nothing like advice from folks who have "been there, done that."  I truly appreciate your comments and suggestions as I hopefully move toward making a wise choice of vehicle.    :)
I generally try to park in large lots well out in the back forty. Think it's safer? I didn't after one idiot slammed my car around years ago. He just couldn't miss it! :(
My only challenges are in the inner city.   The spaces the town has just aren't really long enough for the
big Vans.  Anywhere else around my area is generally open enough for me to park in.
I have an extended Chevy with long WB and I also have a Hitch Haul for the summer so I'm long and awkward. It's no big deal--you just adapt. If it's too hard you just park further away and walk--which is probaby a good idea anyway!
my crew cab log bed truck comes in at 23ft. sure I must be aware of parking. I either take up 2 spots or park in the back 40 and walk. when I am towing I always park in the back 40. but it's really not a problem just something you deal with. highdesertranger
For me personally even a relatively "short" (by vandweller standards) Chevy G20 has proven too unwieldy for my lifestyle, and parking was a major consideration in my switch to a minivan. A variety of factors keep me in Seattle, where parallel parking into a single spot - during heavy traffic - is often the only way one can get within 5 blocks of their intended destination. Unfortunately I'm too disabled to walk five blocks (on a good day 3 is about my limit), so most of downtown Seattle is simply inaccessible to me due to parking alone.

I can see how if you're traveling and just passing through, you could find spots on the less densely developed areas of the cities to park and whatever you can't reach downtown if you really wanted to you could bus in, bike in, walk, taxicab, or rent a car by the hour. Like many other activities, there are lots of possibilities when you've got the money and/or physical capacity. When you don't, well, if you're me you mentally draw a map of "no-go zones" and then begin to get creative on how to venture into them and return unscathed. The challenge is, perhaps, ultimately comparable to driving a larger rig.
Mine is the 15 passenger extended body van, and it will fit in any normal parking space.

Width has sometimes been a bigger issue to me, if both sides are parked really close to the lines in a narrowly striped lot, it can be tight, so I'll usually look for a different spot.