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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2012
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in a cornfield in IL
Wow! I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed and a bit of anxiety. I've been selling things in the place I'm renting just trying so hard to earn a little extra money to outfit my van and get the current bills paid up.&nbsp;<br>I cried a little yesterday as I sold a beautiful jewelry cabinet my SIL got me for Christmas. Silly I know.<br>Went through my clothes this morning and wow! I have so much, too much! I have 3 piles now, give away, store, and throw away.&nbsp;<br>While I do have to admit it is a good feeling it's still a bit overwhelming as there's so much. I have no place to store things and still have to figure that out so I want to keep it down as much as possible. I have winter clothing that I don't want to have to buy again so I bought some of those vacuum bags to keep it small. I'm hoping my brother will let me keep some things in his barn but he's also trying to get rid of things so I don't know. He might.&nbsp;<br>I think it's just getting to it and doing it. I'll take a load into the Goodwill today and found someone that wants a bunch of my furniture so I'll give that away.&nbsp;<br>think I just need to talk about it a bit. Don't really have anyone to talk to about this that would understand other than you all.<br>Thanks for listening......probably more to come.&nbsp;<br>Marsha
Me to.&nbsp;Anxious&nbsp;which is why its taking me a long time to get everything ready. I get so overwhelmed I shut down! I am taking my time now. This is a big change for anyone I&nbsp;believe&nbsp;so of course its going to get up a bit crazy. I do a few things on my days off and one thing the days I work. It gets done just slowly. Happy with that now. Good luck!!
Thanks She, I knew that I wasn't alone in this, just needed to get it out there! I'm back in bed, thinking. I need to get my butt up and get moving but just can't seem to pull it off. It's my day off and well, I did get some things done this morning but I've shut down as you said. Scared? maybe.&nbsp;<br>I hope we both get this ball rolling cuz I for one need to start saving some money!!! It's just so dang cold out I can't get moving! Thor, my loving mutt is so good at keeping my feet warm.&nbsp;<br>I keep the heat down so low here that I just freeze if I'm not in bed covered up. I close off the rest of the trailer to keep costs down but it's still a cost I'd rather not have. Just have to wait for warmer days and work in the house when I'm not "shut down". ARRRRGGGGGG!<br>Good luck to you too She and thanks.<br>Marsha
OMG me too! Can't get my butt off the bed cause its soooo much. Maybe we need a different frame of mind? I am thinking of making a list and checking everything off as I go. I guess we are doing more then we think.
Oh my goodness, I thought it was just me! I have been so lazy and "shut down" as you both stated. I have so much to do that I get overwhelmed and don't do anything. Maybe it's just winter. We had some REALLY cold weather Sunday and I lost all momentum. On Friday and Saturday I was getting so much done. I set the timer for 30 minutes and just dove in. Two hours later I had a whole pile of boxes home and my art table clean and ready for the next project. Then Sunday it was so cold I just kept going back to bed. Now I'm in my workweek and after working overnight, I just have no energy to do anything. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/frown.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
Hahaha! She, I agree a different frame of mind is definately needed! I actually did make a list this morning and started checking things off. I got up loaded the van up, checked on my friends house (snowbirds) and will take a load in to town tomorrow. I decided not to do it today to save on gas. I have to go in tomorrow anyway so I'll do it then. I am now back in bed after pulling even more things off the walls. Starting to look like it did when I moved in.....a little. ha! naked! Just a few more big items to get rid of &nbsp;in the living room then I'll start on the back bedroom which is all just storage.<br><br>Jodie,<br>I can imagine that after working all night you're whooped! Rest and then get busy! lol My work week is a little different than most. I clean houses so I'm usually home around 1pm so I have no excuse!&nbsp;<br>I do think the weather has a lot to do with how we feel. It's hard to get moving when it's cold and dreary out!&nbsp;<br>head's up girls.....we CAN do this and we WILL do this!&nbsp;<br>I just keep telling myself of all the wonderful benefits we are going to reap! Keep reading the blogs and chins up!!!!!!<br>Marsha<br><br>ETA: Just found this searching the forum....reading it now.<br>http://www.vandwellers.org/vandwellersguide.pdf
<p style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 20px;">There is one consolation in being sick; and that is the possibility that you may recover to a better state than you were ever in before.</p><p class="bq_fq_a" style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 20px;"><a style="color: #0000aa; text-decoration: initial;" href="http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/h/henry_david_thoreau.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">~</a>Thoreau</p>
I have days where I am overwhelmed, not as much when I am actually on the road, and definitely not as much. A few years ago I started keeping a to-do list for "rough days". It would include a few fun things, or at least not too involved, that might only take a few minutes, but just the feeling of accomplishment often helped break me out of my "stalled" state. Of all else fails I sort and clean out my backpack. Sometimes when my mind is chaotic, bringing order to something is comforting :)
Agreed Katie! Thanks. I'm getting there. almost all my pictures are off the walls, got rid of almost all my furniture. Sold some gave most away. I still have a ways to go yet before I'm ready to move into the van but I'll get there. Then I have aprox. 2 or 3 years before I can actually get on the road and out of Illinois! I refuse to leave without enough money to keep me going. It's going to be a rough next 4 years or so but I have a goal now and I will do it. I've never finished anything in my life, but I believe this is doable! I'm more excited every day to get moving on this I just wish it would warm up. I hate paying this man any more money and struggling any longer now that I know I don't have to.&nbsp;<br>Thanks for all your encouragement!<br><br>kyuubs, I like that saying! Thanks.
You guys (gals) need to just understand what is going on with yourselves at this time. There is a thing called the "winter doldrums" and while I may not be using the term correctly, it means to me the time of year when short and possibly cold days makes motivation a little hard and can even get down right depressing. I am in the same boat as far as the "don't know weather to shlt or go blind" mentality. I have a hard time getting anything done and have had some kind of bug for the last two weeks making things worse. Add in the situation with my wife, thank god she didn't catch this bug too, and I can get real depressed. But, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak, with spring just around the corner. And, communicating with someone about frustrations is therapeutic weather or not there is anything beside the attitude that can be changed. Ya'll are doing good so just keep your spirits up and relief is just anound the timely corner.
Thanks Terry, You're probably right. I do get the Winter Blues! Not too often as I love winter. I may not once I get in the van tho. lol Sorry you got a bug! There's an awful lot going round these days!<br>Spring is definitely around the timely corner and i'm very excited for it. It really does help to talk about it tho.&nbsp;<br>I talked to my niece today about storing some things in her garage and she put 2 and 2 together and was very encouraging. I knew she would be. She's about the only one in the family that would be. It felt good.<br><br>
It IS wonderful to talk to others who understand. My mom was in the hospital two weeks ago and I realized that it affected me more than I thought. Last week was a combination of Winter Doldrums/depression, dealing with stress, and just plain having no energy. I live in Florida and I NEED the warm sun. I became a "Naturist" last year and it changed my life. Being out in the sun was so good for my attitude and motivation to LIVE my life. The cold last week, right after my mom's stuff, just sucked me into the dark Spiritually. Working overnight five nights a week, it is too easy to fall into that work sleep work sleep thing and I may not spend time out in the sun form days.<br><br>This weekend is sunny and gorgeous and I actually went out with friends last night and broke my rut. Today I saw mom for lunch and now I am living in the moment.<br><br>twokniveskatie: I completely know what you mean about organizing something. Just cleaning out my purse can shift my mood and make me feel like I accomplished something!<br><br>Thanks for the support everyone! We can do this!<br><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; SJJ, what is a Naturist?
Hey Jodi, I hope your mom is doing better, and I hope you're feeling better.<br><br> I've been downsizing like crazy! Sold more "stuff" got rid of a ton of clothes. I'm just waiting on warmer weather to get my bed and shelves made. I've been looking online at a lot of different pictures of vans. I joined the yahoo groups of vandwellers and there's lots of great pictures and ideas there.&nbsp;<br>I've also been looking at pictures of tiny houses and Vardos. Wow! Vardos are very cool looking! I love them!&nbsp;<br>Well, back to pitching things and I'll keep checking in on ya all!<br>Marsha
Well, progress made. I bought a bunch of tubs for storing things I want to keep and for clothes and food to go in the van. House is starting to look empty and bare. WOOOOHOOOO! I really feel I'm coming along with this. <br>I've decided to camp out in my larger tent for the summer and live in the van over winter. So, I'll spend the summer making sure the van is warm enough to live in when it gets cold. That means spending money I'll save over summer by not paying rent. <br>I figure I'll need a couple of golf batteries for electricity so I'll have heat and my TV over the winter months. I don't watch TV in the summer. Too much to do! Like swimming and playing outside with Thor and working. <br>The goal is to work for the next 3 or 4 years, pay off the van save everything I can, get something bigger and hit the road. Finally living free.<br>How are you guys coming along?<br><br>
I don't know where you are but some places have good used batteries with guarantees. You might go online local and see what you can find.
cleanheart, not to rain on your parade, but you aren't going to run heat or a/c off solar and a few golf cart batteries.
Easy solar calculator:
http://www.batterystuff.com/kb/tools/solar-calculator.html (cut/paste)
Maybe look into a Mr Buddy heater, live where it doesn't get cold, or buy some cold weather camping gear (goretex, thermal, fleece and down).
Check the threads under Heating and Cooling. Lots of good info there.
Thanks Dragonflyinthesky! <br>4x4, I won't be running any a/c, and I was going to get a Buddy Heater. I thought they were electric tho. I will be running my TV tho. Also I have one of those great military sleep systems that is really warm in the winter as I do winter camp. I have a lot of fleece but no goretex or down. I was thinking of the dog while I was working. He'd be in the van while I work but only for 4 hours max. Don't want him freezing on me. He's got short hair and shivers to beat the band! lol but thanks. I have read about everything in the heating and cooling threads several times. :)<br>Marsha
Your plans are similar to mine. I plan to stay at work until I get all the credits I need for when I retire. Saving along the way and hopefully get some of my crafts things going. Then hit the road.

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