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Thank you lonfu! I've been taking my time but I feel as if time is running by me at a quicker rate than I can move. lol I still have the back storage room to go through and being a prepper for the past 5 years I've accumulated a lot of food and other items I felt I would need. I believe I will give my niece the food and trust God to take care of me if things get bad as I believe they will. I will keep some of it tho. I have several Sunday dresses that I would like to keep, being the Pastor's sister it seems like I'm always in the "limelight". Plus I'm one of the singers in the Praise Team and well, I guess I can get by with say 3 or 4 dresses. That should be enough. I can switch them out. then there are my "work in the garden clothes" and my "work clothes". Oh dear! lol I thought about that yesterday when I was going through them and realized that all winter I switched between 3 different t-shirts all winter for working and could do the same this summer. So that cuts down on that. Plus I wear shorts so I can probably downsize my shorts. I have about 15 pair right now packed. LOL waaay too many I suppose! hehehe probably have the same amount of summer shirts to wear. Oh MY! I need to just give up on some of them. Some are too young for me anyway. lol I appreciate your insight!<br><br>Ice-maiden, I have no idea how to do what you're talking about, I'll ask my nephew to help me tonight. I only have about 15 or so movies. But I like the idea of putting my music on a zipdrive.....that's a great idea!
sometimes I have to come back and read this thread to keep my focus. I dug into that back room finally and have really made some wonderful progress. Still working on things but have found that I have a lot of "stuff" that can just flat be thrown out. I continue to list things on Craigslist if I feel they can make some money, any money. Just today dropped off all my terracotta planters and plastic pots for freecycle along with a small old tv I wasn't using. It's amazing on how good I'm feeling about that. BUT in the same breath feel some anxiety over the changes. I think I keep second guessing myself and then I have to remember all the benefits I'm going to receive by this change. Thanks for being here so I can vent everytime I feel the need to do it.&nbsp;
Hi, your comments remind me of a quote of CS Lewis "we read to know that we are not alone." As I read your thread, I'm reminded that I'm not alone in my separation anxiety over the many things I deemed crucial to my future success. For now, I'm able to put things in storage while I outfit for departure from my old norm. Phase one is my safety net of stuff in storage as I evaluate my needs while on my journey. Maybe I can have a command central style of life. One more quote. "Perfection is finally attained not when there is no longer anything left to add but when there is no longer anything to take away." Antoine du Saint Exupery. I hope to live the minimalist style.
goodtraveler, thanks for the great quotes! Makes a lot of sense to me! Yes, I believe "separation anxiety" is what I've been experiencing along with am I doing the right thing for me and especially my dog. Is he going to be okay? I'm sure he will but will also probably suffer from separation anxiety from his normal routine.<br>I did rent a very small storage unit very cheaply and will be living stationary on the same property so I'll be "near my stuff". lol&nbsp;<br>I too, want to live the minimalist lifestyle as much as humanly possible. But I'm finding I'm still "scared" to take the leap. I'll be okay it's just the change of things I suppose.<br>I took some pictures of the small rv I'll be living in temporary while I save enough money for a bigger van and to get on the road and I'll post those in another thread.&nbsp;<br>I think buying this town&amp;country van was a mistake as it is just too small so I'll pay it off quickly and then save some more so I can pay cash for something a bit bigger that I will feel more comfortable. I wasn't very smart in the purchase so now I just have to deal with it. ~sigh~<br>Soon there will be "no longer anything to take away". I like that a lot!<br><br>Have a great day everyone! Have a part time job interview today.....wish me luck!
I don't understand all the fuss about clothes.&nbsp; I have jeans, cargo pants&nbsp;and T-shirts almost as old as my son (twenties). Every now and then something appears to magically disappear (I suspect DW but have never had the courage to make an accusation) and it gets cheaply replaced. Some flannel shirts... I occasionally wear a suit but no tie (funerals). I have no idea how old that suit is, but it's still hanging somewhere. I think.&nbsp; Two sweaters: one grungy one not. Unmentionables and socks get replaced most.
I understand it very well and I understand being overwhelmed with so much to get rid of! We had a three bedroom house with full basement and full garage to get rid of, but we did it. We took our time and continued to unload things after we left too. Once you get on the road and live with stuff for awhile, you'll realize how little you really need and how much the other stuff packed away and never used is weighing you down. <br><br>It is hard, at first. It took me a long time to let go of the things with emotional value, but in the end, it all had to go. I still accumulate art supplies and craft supplies for projects, I guess I always will, but I try to use it up as quickly as possible while staying in one place.<br><br>We have no room in our camper and truck for all the things from the kids lives so we gave it all to them. Let them hoard it for awhile. They can decide what they want to keep from their childhood, like report cards and so forth. They are grown now and capable of managing their own papers and documents and history too. Give those things with sentimental family value to other family members and younger generations to use. <br><br><br><br><br><br>
We store nothing since it is an added expense you don't need. There's a good chance that when you begin to travel you won't get back for that junk anyway.<br>Carry few clothes, there's thrift shops everywhere. When you get something, get rid of something.<br><br>Go where the weather suits your clothes...keep it simple. Why freeze your butt off in snow country while trying to live in a little motorbox wrapped in blankets.<br>That would just plain suck big time.<br><br>We live in a motorhome and have more room than vandwellers, but we still live simply and keep it lean. If we ever decide to go back to living in stix and bricks <br>there's always more stuff to be had that will fill all the empty spaces.<br>Besides, it feels damn good to cleanse oneself of all those material weights.<br><br>Good luck with downsizing and finding cool summers and warm winters.
Buy new and quality unless you are just trying it out and going to throw it out latter. Full time is hard on items. Used is used and will not last as long most of the time. A quality wool blanket will be used a lot&nbsp; more than a used synthetic and last a lifetime. This includes camping supplies and items from truck stops.<br><br>I suggest that you decide what you need before putting any real money into something. High durability items you should look for. They will not break as often. <br><br>Design it strong and make it last.<br><br>James AKA Lynx
Thanks everyone. It's been a difficult run these past 3 weeks. I have unloaded a ton of stuff. but it is liberating.<br>I have decided to give up Sweetie...I was doing this because of financial issues. My landlord at the last minute gave me a reprieve, an offer I couldn't refuse. So I didn't. I am back in the trailer with Thor out at the lake and we're very happy.&nbsp;<br>Maybe later on I'll hit the road with Thor but for now we're gonna stay put. I lived with Thor in the little camper for 3 weeks and decided it wasn't for us. Maybe if I was on the road it would have been different but for now we're gonna stay at home.&nbsp;<br>It all worked out pretty good really. There was a gal who was homeless and really needed a place and since Sweetie was all cleaned up and painted she'll stay there. It's too bad but we're happier here. Thor has a place to run with his best buddy across the road and I'm less stressed.&nbsp;<br>Life will be what it will be. I'll hit the road eventually but now is not the time. I don't want to be forced into it as I felt I was but rather do it because I want to and travel.<br>I'll still hang out and post and read because I'll still be using the van to travel some and camp.<br>Thanks to everyone!
Awww...after all that hard work on Sweetie...oh well.&nbsp; Things always work out for the best, they say, and I guess that's true for you:&nbsp; you got an offer you couldn't refuse for housing, Thor gets to keep his neighbor buddy, and the lady who desperately needed a place has a cozy home.&nbsp; Your time to hit the road will come.
Thanks vantasy! Yes, you're right my time will come. In the mean while we are moving back into the trailer out at the lake. It's so beautiful here and spiritual for me. I am at peace with my decision.<br>I do believe that once I get on the road all will be well and my goal is to work towards that no matter what!&nbsp;<br>now that I've experienced the awesomeness of unloading many precious (to me) material items I will continue until I am at a point when I no longer need to be attached to material things.&nbsp;<br>I am fixing up my little trailer just like I did Sweetie, Shabby Chic and going full blast with the paint! lol I am getting ideas of what I want for myself and Thor for these next few years up to the time we are able to get on the road and experience life to it's fullest!<br><br>

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