Opinions on moisture control with thinsulate

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Aug 29, 2017
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I have a hightop van (crusaire chronicles in the build thread) and Im planning on insulating the roof with thinsulate covered with a fabric headliner. The roof is woven fiberglass, my plan is to spray it with adhesive and apply the thinsulate, then spray the thinsulate and apply the fabric. I need to keep it thin beacause I want to keep the interior standing height. 

This weekend I camped outside of glacier and had a substantial amount of condensation inside. I cooked and ran a buddy heater which I know both produce moisture, I plan to install a webasto heater when I rebuild it.

Do you guys think with a proper working fantastic fan running while cooking that the insulation and headliner plans will work? I dont want moisture building up creating mold or glue failure. I hope that the thinsulate will provide enough of a barrier that the condensation will be prevented...
Better to prevent humidity than try to remove it.

You need lots of ventilation in any case, regardless the insulation.

Getting a full vapour barrier takes specialized material - nothing like Thinsulate - and means sacrificing a lot of interior space, even then not easy.

The Webasto will help, get rid of Buddy asap.

Run it very hot for long stretches with ventilation once in a while without people inside.

Avoid humid+hot locations.
on overhead installations isn't the Thinsulate going to want to pull apart because of gravity. I use Ensolite against the fiberglass and then the material. highdesertranger
Motrukdriver said:
If I was having a moisture problem this would be something I would try.

I have one and it works well. Pulls lots of power so best used as an opportunity load.  I don't see any solar on top of the van now so that might have to come later.  

OP:  I think a roof vent on low (pulling in when cold) and a second screened ventilation port somewhere would help keep the moisture down.  I ended up putting a range vent on one of my rear doors.
The thinsulate would probably stay up.  Not so sure about the headliner.  Let us know what happens. 

Onlookers:   here's the link to his Crusaire Chronicles build thread.
Ventilation is really the only cure for condensation.

Or moving south where it's warmer.
I have a pair of windows in my high top as well as the roof van.

When I'm cooking I use all three to evacuate the hot moist air. Unless it's cold and rainy, I also leave the side passenger door open to provide ventilation.

I also limit the amount of steam caused by cooking by using some backwoods techniques. Rice for example is only on the stove for maybe 5 to 8 minutes. Then it's allowed to sit for the rest of it's cooking time, hence no steam production. Potatoes, pasta and veggies, same thing.

When using my Mr. Buddy, I warm up the van, then turn it down to pilot or low depending on the outside temp. But then I would rather add a layer of clothing than overheat the van. I don't seem to have a problem with high moisture with the Mr. Buddy so I must be doing something different than those who find they have condensation issues...strange!

I also wouldn't be in favor of using something like thinsulate, particularly for a roof/ceiling application. It's not closed cell foam so it will absorb not only moisture but also smells, dirt etc.  It's also not a long strand insulation so it will separate from itself under load/stress. This and then headliner material would be a recipe for disaster IMO.
highdesertranger said:
on overhead installations isn't the Thinsulate going to want to pull apart because of gravity.  I use Ensolite against the fiberglass and then the material.  highdesertranger

Thanks for all the input guys, much appreciated. Might look at other options...

Highdesertranger did you use the peel and stick or a spray glue type application? Did you cover it with fabric?
I have always used contact cement to attach the Ensolite. the peel and stick is fairly new and I have not tried it. I always use 3M 90 for adhesive, well I used to use the non-aerosol but you can't get the good stuff any more in CA. highdesertranger
Ill try and source a piece locally. Does it conform to curves well? Ill try and snap a picture of what Im working with...
Ensolite conforms really well. it is vey soft/pliable closed cell foam. highdesertranger
frater secessus said:
I have one and it works well. Pulls lots of power so best used as an opportunity load.  

This thing is rated as 300ml/D which is about 10oz of water pulled out per day. 
That's not too bad, but in comparison burning 1lb of propane produces 25oz of water.
Running it in an unoccupied vehicle would be good to reduce the initial humidity, but add in combustion, respiration and cooking...it can't keep up.

Shore power wouldn't really be needed.
It's 7.5W at 5 volts. Even with the transformer loss of converting 12v to 5v, you could run it a long time on a 100Ah setup.
BinDerSmokDat said:
This thing is rated as 300ml/D which is about 10oz of water pulled out per day. 
That's not too bad, but in comparison burning 1lb of propane produces 25oz of water.

As I indicated, I have a powered roof vent and screened rear vent for ventilation.   I have also never blown through a pound of propane in a day in any van-sized space.

BinDerSmokDat said:
Running it in an unoccupied vehicle would be good to reduce the initial humidity, but add in combustion, respiration and cooking...it can't keep up.

I would rather have 15oz of moisture in the air than 25oz.

BinDerSmokDat said:
Shore power wouldn't really be needed.
It's 7.5W at 5 volts. Even with the transformer loss of converting 12v to 5v, you could run it a long time on a 100Ah setup.

Mine is 36W and I choose to run it on an opportunity circuit.  Doing it this way means it has zero impact on my battery bank instead of nearly doubling my daily power requirements. 

I will point out that opportunity loading is not the same thing as shore power although they can be related.
As long as u use propane you will have condensation. Induction cooking seens to be catching on you have thevsolar for it.
As long as you have enough ventilation you can cook with propane all day long with little problem.

Key word is "enough".

Cooking up a kilo of Ghost chillies, or smoking with a newborn baby in there, that just takes a bit more.