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Nov 11, 2015
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Hello all.  I'm up against the hardest decision of my life and I'm scared I'm not going to find the happiness I'm looking for.  I just turned 39 last month.  I live in Missouri and have lived here my entire life.  I'm in good physical shape and love mountain biking, snowboarding, hiking, exploring back roads on my dual sport motorcycle, and building things. 

I divorced 2 years ago and was back into another committed relationship within 7 months of my divorce.  I fell quickly in love and was so excited for the future.  Looking back I do believe most of my feelings initially for my current girlfriend had a lot to do with my 12 year marriage ending in abrupt devastation.  Even though it started several months after my wife left, I do believe it was more of a rebound relationship.  My rational side says she is perfect for me, she loves me to pieces and would do anything for my happiness.  I'm attracted to her physically and our sex life is better than I ever experienced with my ex.  She has 2 kids, a 15 year old girl and an 8 year old boy.  I do love and care a great deal for her and want what's best for her and her kids.  I get along great with her daughter, but to say I'm not overly fond of the 8 year old boy would be an understatement.  She tries hard as a mom to correct his wrong doings and her morals and mine line up in the way a child should be raised, he's just extra difficult and has too much exposure to and too many bad influences from her ex's side of the family. Unfortunately that can't be changed due to the divorce custody agreement.  I am not excited at all thinking about the future of helping to raise him.

I have an 84 year old father that even though he's still living on his own, my sister and I can definitely tell he is slowing down quickly and I honestly don't think he has very many years left.  My sister lives right across the street from him and is a stay at home mom.  Even though she keeps very busy with her kids and her church stuff, she is usually quickly available for his needs and can check in on him daily.  My brother in-law is a great guy and helps with his yard work and anything else he physically can't do.  I see my dad at least once a week and talk to him on the phone daily.

I have a great job that I don't hate.  I make decent money and don't have many financial problems.  I'm not wealthy though, I just have learned how to budget my money and don't rely on credit cards.  I live in a rental house with my girlfriend and am closing on the house I own next week which will free up close to another $1000 a month.  I have a good trade skill that I can go anywhere in the country and shouldn't have too much trouble finding work.

My vehicles and toys are paid for and once this house sells I will have no financial or legal ties to Missouri any more.  I have about 5 grand in savings and can live for several months on that in my van if I do have trouble finding work.

I have thought on and off for the better part of a year about relocating to Flagstaff to try to find happiness and to be more content with the direction of my life and be excited about the future.  I love the idea of living in the mountains because of the hobbies I enjoy.  I've fought hard to find happiness here and stop thinking about moving.  But I keep on planning, researching, and secretly buying things for my van to live more comfortably.  I keep getting signs that I should go.  Even though I know he will be sad and will miss me, my father is even telling me he thinks I should go.  He just wants me to be happy.  And now the gathering of the "tribe" literally lines up perfectly with the closing of my house next week on the 15th.

I've given my notice to my employer that I'm leaving and my last day is next Thursday the 16th.  I've talked to the girlfriend within the last month about all this but she is more under the impression that even though I'm considering moving that I'm trying hard to be content staying here.  She doesn't know I've given notice to my job.  She will be a bit blindsided but not totally.  I hate the thought of hurting her because she is such a good caring person.  She has a strong family support system near by and I know she will be fine eventually.

Now that it's down to the wire and everything is in place, I'm ABSOLUTELY scared to death I'm going to regret this decision.  I read everywhere to trust your gut and your instinct.  At this point I can't tell if my inner voice is stronger telling me to go or to stay put.
Apparently this forum doesn't like a copy and paste from a word processing document...  sorry about the font problems
So what are you asking?

You honestly do not want my opinion about your mid life crisis.  Every impulse action I took at that time did not turn out as well as I would have liked.  

It seems the only real problem you have is how to deal with a hurt little boy that is lashing out at the world. (Counseling)   That and the lack of honesty towards someone that loves you.  

The grass is greenest in Missouri.  The state may be backwater, but there is a lot to be said about having roots and family. The road is not for everyone,  Think hard and try a few weekend trips before you quit the job and dump everything to hit the road.
It looks like he has already burned his bridges and he is hoping for a pat on the back.
I'm not real sure what I'm asking and no I'm certainly not looking for a pat on the back. I can't figure out in my head why I've got my whole life here, family, friends, good job, great girlfriend. And yet I can't stop thinking about and planning on living in my van in Arizona.
It is scary to chuck it all for the unknown, for sure. I wish you the best in all you do. Hang in there.
The nomadic urge can be very strong.
Only you can decide if you should follow that life.
You must look within yourself grasshopper.........
Happy Trails
I'm not a big fan of single, unencumbered men getting together with single moms
That's all I'll say here
Historically in many societies proof of the ability to bear children was of great importance.
Temporarydweller said:
I'm not real sure what I'm asking and no I'm certainly not looking for a pat on the back. I can't figure out in my head why I've got my whole life here, family, friends, good job, great girlfriend. And yet I can't stop thinking about and planning on living in my van in Arizona.
I think you should go for it. If you don't because of family, gf, etc you will regret it and that will lead to resentment of all the things that kept you tied in MO. Worst case scenario is that it isn't what you thought it would be and you go back home or you move on to someplace new. Good Luck and Happy Travels!
storm6398 said:
I think you should go for it. If you don't because of family, gf, etc you will regret it and that will lead to resentment of all the things that kept you tied in MO. Worst case scenario is that it isn't what you thought it would be and you go back home or you move on to someplace new. Good Luck and Happy Travels!

I agree 100%!

Modern society revolves around the idea of killing our dreams and substituting them with a warped sense of duty. Don't give into it, follow your dreams and only be with someone who shares your dreams. But, if no one shares your dreams, be prepared to be alone. 