On the side employment

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Oct 10, 2012
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<p>So say you are a stealth camping boondocking vandweller (as I hope to be) and you have a regular form of income, whatever that may be, but your savings starts to run a bit low and you are going to be staying somewhere for a bit and you want to grab a seasonal job at a department store or get a few months at a McDonalds just to add a bit of bulk to that savings account in case of an emergency Now in this situation you obviously don't have a physical address you can put down on an application.</p><p>So my question is, what do you put down? Do you put in your mailing address? Your legal address? No address? Whats a person who wants to earn a bit of supplemental income working a part time job that isn't vandweller friendly to do?</p>
You mean if you dont have an address already?&nbsp; I mean, its not illegal to work out of state.&nbsp; <br /><br />Use someone elses address if you can. &nbsp; Get a perm address from one of those mail forwarding places. &nbsp; <br /><br />Its a little more risky but jobs don't usually check addresses, you can theoretically drive around and find a condemned or foreclosed house and use that address (dont do this if they mail your paycheck...).&nbsp; You can hypothetically even use a local motel address.&nbsp; The motel will assume you were a past guest and just send any mail back.<br /><br />The problem you might have is when the address on your paycheck does not match your license.&nbsp; Some anal banks will not cash a check unless it is perfectly matched to id.&nbsp; Online bank where you can scan or photo your check (like ally) wont care though I bet (haven't tried it myself).&nbsp; Direct deposit even better.<br /><br />(disclaimer: i do not condone doing anything illegal or perjuring yourself, this is not legal advice <img src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />).
Something to consider...

most employers will mail your tax docs (1099, w2, etc) to the address you've given them.
Well I am not yet a vandweller, I work a semi conventional job an when I finish up my contract I plan on stepping right into vandwelling, I have two years to prepare myself so while I am saving money and looking for the van of my dreams I am trying to figure out work-arounds to all the potential problems I can think of before I make it to the road and run into them.
I just started working for a larger retailer as a seasonal employee...&nbsp; I've avoided mentioning the name online.&nbsp; This place seems like a good company to work for so I don't want to say their name specifically...&nbsp; They will fire a person if the company does not like what you have posted.&nbsp; I don't want to be in the middle of a red bullseye...&nbsp; *smile*&nbsp; <br /><br /><br /><strong>Permanent address</strong> --- Yes, this company emphatically spells out that you MUST have a permanent address on file...&nbsp; Well, whoop dee doo...&nbsp; I just gave them Dad's house addy.&nbsp; I figure even if something happens to Dad, I can still use that address and set myself reminders to keep a change of address on file with the post office&nbsp;till time to renew the driver's license...&nbsp; (Then bribe a friend to receive mail for me).<br /><br /><strong>Pay methods --- </strong>Direct deposit is an option at this job... In fact, I've used it at the last several places worked.&nbsp; Most of the bigger employers all have it now.&nbsp; Great stuff!<br /><br /><strong>Bank</strong>&nbsp;---&nbsp; I let the bank statements go to my PO Box...&nbsp; All the bills (car insurance, cell,&nbsp; etc.) can be paid electronically - some of them automatically.&nbsp; I only enter the bank once or twice a year and only then cause I happen to be in that town and want to snitch a calendar or free beverage and some yummy cookies.<br /><br /><strong>Tax documents --- </strong>My new employer gives you the option to receive your tax documents electronically.&nbsp; They will email me when the form is ready to use...&nbsp; Then I will do like last year and file for direct deposit.<br /><br />I agree with what others said here... If you are on the road doing seasonal employment, I would just give your residency address, even if it is out of state.&nbsp; I'm sure it won't make any difference, particularly for seasonal or part time work.&nbsp; There is always another option... If you know you are staying a short time, you can always say you are finding a local place to live and need to have a job before moving&nbsp; (and that is why you have an out of state address)...&nbsp; It depends on your comfort / discomfort with stretching things a bit.<br /><br />Brad&nbsp; V.T.<br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>Even though I have an actual physical street address where I live, but I never use it for anything.&nbsp; Instead, I give out both my UPS Mailbox address which is a physical street address, plus my PO Box address as my preferred mailing for all correspondence.&nbsp; Heck, even my driver license has my PO Box listed!&nbsp; But that's because I had been using that same PO Box address for over 12+ years, long before 9/11 and all that Patriot Act chaos occurred.&nbsp; However, there is a catch 22 with signing up for a UPS Mailbox address, as they require you to show 2 forms of&nbsp;proof of your physical street address such as a utility bill, landlord letter, etc.&nbsp; I don't remember if the Post Office requires the same proof, but I'm guessing they might.&nbsp; I have never had an employer question my UPS Mailbox address, since it is in fact a physical street address.&nbsp; The only one time ever in many years that anyone had ever rejected my UPS Mailbox address was Fidelity Investments company for my 401k rollover account.&nbsp; I don't know why Fidelity Investments is so strict, but they are!&nbsp; The one major consideration is that the UPS Mailbox service fee might be a bit pricey for some, as it costs me $111.00 every six months for the smallest box size.&nbsp; The upside to this service is that they accept all my Amazon and online package deliveries, plus I get email notification of everything received.&nbsp; For me, this service is worth the cost.&nbsp; I use my PO Box address for all junk mail and general usage, other than package deliveries.&nbsp; Ever tried waiting in line at the Post Office for clerk service?&nbsp; That's where the expression "going postal" comes from! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/eek.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" /><br /><br /><br /></p>
St Brendens Isle<br />411 Walnut Street<br />Green Cove Springs Florida