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Mar 21, 2019
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I am new to this forum. I signed up in March when I bought my trailer, but I haven't really been on here. I live in the Pacific Northwest and am planning on traveling when I retire. I really want to live in my trailer, but my situation is  complicated right now and I have to figure out how to retire and get rid of stuff. I'm not sure if I want to sell my house. Anyway, I am a mom, grandma, and a children's librarian. I like my trailer, but I think I should have done more research because now I think I want to have a van or a small motorhome that I don't have to tow. Decisions I'm afraid to make at this point.
Welcome to the CRVL forums Cstrom! Take it slow by getting rid of stuff and cutting down on any unnecessary expenses to build up an emergency fund. Take short trips in your trailer before making any big decisions like selling your house or buying a motorhome. You'll learn a lot about how and where you want to camp. Keep us updated!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
Take baby steps. Many people go thru several different size and type of rv's. You may be getting cold feet. Hook the trailer up and go to a large parking lot and use the stripes to practice pulling, turning and backing your trailer. I seldom to never parallel park. I park at the end of a lot in my car or extended van. I live in a snow state. Each year after the first snow, I drive to a parking lot and practice stopping and doing donuts and pulling out of them. Then I am ready for winter. When I switch from my car to the auto, I have to change my driving style. I have to make wider turns and start stopping sooner in my heavier and longer van. After a couple of turns, and hills, I am good to go.

Don't sell the house so fast. Go on a weekend trip while you are working. Go on a longer week trip. Try living in your trailer in the driveway. See what you like. Don't make any permanent decisions, take small steps. See what you are comfortable with. I found that I love to go on trips, but I love my house. I can afford to keep both. You may be able to afford both for a couple of months. If you like the trailer, rent out your house. If the trailer is too much, and not a case of cold feet, sell it. Don't be afraid. Make choices, try to keep the losses minimal. I have made many choices that upon reflection weren't so great. Live and learn. Research, and give it a try.

I thought when I retired I would love to do "A, B, and C" . I found that I didn't really love A, B was OK and C wasn't even something I wanted. We change. Sometimes we dream, and because we can not do it at the time, we think we really want it, we desire it more. But when we have the time or money, we don't want it. Take baby steps.
I can relate to most of what you said. I run all the options around and around, but I too am afraid to cut all ties. I am over 5 years to full retirement age, but want to "practice" as much as I can in my small SUV while shopping for a van. I have decided against a trailer due to the extra set(s) of wheels, tires, bearings, etc. But each person has to know that for themselves. I hope to continue to learn through these forums.]
There are advantages to having a trailer and disadvantages as well. No one but yourself will know what needs you have that must be weighed against those things. But I would say since you already own a trailer go ahead and see how it works for you because you can most certainly sell it or trade it in at a later date.
HI and you are really on the fence.

Keep home and just travel?
Sell home and go for it?
Is your current trailer what you want?

It just is all about truly finding that set up in your life you want. Only you will know it :) We can't do it for you but one good thing is with the trailer you do have you can trade or sell and get something else with it...the rest of the life decisions have to be yours :) :) best of luck on what you decide
Thank you SO much for your advice! I should know those things.  :blush: My adult kids are in my house right now, but I still may have to sell it. We'll see. I'm hoping to retire in Feb. but I would like to make it down to the WRTR to meet everyone. Oh, I have towed the trailer and its fine. It just seems like a lot of work getting it hooked up, but you have the right idea. I'll take my time.
Thanks for your post. I like the trailer except for the hook up part, but I can do it. I think PODebbie was right about taking my time and not making any quick decisions.
Love your name! I think I will just stick with the trailer for now. It just seems like it would be less work to jump in to a minihome and take off. Pros and cons to both. I am looking forward to practicing.
The hitch/unhitch never bothers us :) cause we want that of set up. Leave the rv and take the truck to drive everywhere.

A class B or C might suit ya. Park and live. But when ya wanna drive somewhere you have to break camp....just don't drive off with your water hose attached at the campsite LOL

There really are pros and cons to all rigs. You just have to find the one that fits how ya wanna roll :)

Your adult kids are living home....that is a dilemma cause if you are gonna sell out from under them they need time to change their living arrangements. Is this something holding you back also?

It is hard sometimes to find that right little open section of life to make a major overhaul and ditch it all and hit the open road :) but if you want it bad enough, you will find it and make it happen. good luck :)
Hi there . . . my mom went through a lot of rig changes during her time as a nomad. I'm starting in a high roof van because I read so many people commenting that they wished they had a high roof and/or extended length. So that's what I went for. I don't want to have to make changes later. I can still pull a small trailer with this van, if I want that.

I've seen videos of older women with trailers who love them and don't find the hook up too difficult. I would expect that you'd just have to take your time and be patient with the process. I'm considering getting a cargo trailer right now... because I have a lot of things (I'm downsizing right now) and thought I could put things in the trailer while I'm working on the van. Then later, turn the cargo trailer into a second room.... like, for an art studio.