Well-known member
Rvwandering, rruff and I were both rather devastated that you blocked our threat at "The Earth is Flat!!!" from any additional comments, telling us simply "due to arguing". The thread was meant to be a friendly debate (which is a kind of "arguing"). Both rruff and I -- if not others -- were actively searching Google for more information to share and strengthen our views. But when we returned, we found you had locked the gate!. . . . I looked over the rules and can not find a specific "Stay On Topic" rule so I'll add it to Bob's Rules: Vision, Spirit and Letter of the Law.
I agree a few people were making really dumb comments, and I would want to delete them as well, along with those containing words like "stupid" and "idiot" (and I would explain to the offenders why). The discussion was in the "off topic" forum, and we were really into it, enjoying our expressing and our learning.
Isn't there an alternative to suddenly running into a total roadblock halfway way down the street? Isn't there a way we can fix it so we can continue to enjoy sharing and learning the views of others?
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