Obamacare survives Supreme Court!!

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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2012
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Basically for a second time obamacare is ratified as the law of the land. It still can be a mess for travelers, but it's a mess everyone deals with. And more insurers will be competing for your business.

Likely it will cause all the states to create their own insurance markets, instead of the federal one. And likely cause all states to grab a piece of the Medicaid subsidy.

Hope that will mean more steady premium prices for lower income folks; due to subsidy.
Now there needs to be a fix for the damn costs to get regulated a little more. No one should have to pay $100,000 in costs for cancer treatment or for survival rehab after a heart attack. Even with the insurance paying most of the bill.
One way to regulate costs is to stop the ability for all of these class action lawsuits against drug and medical companies.   I see so many ads for how you can get $$$ in lawsuit settlements from drug companies who were trying to make your life a bit better.

There is a reason some of these drugs cost $$$.  Part of it is the $$$$$$ spent going through the FDA hoops to get the drug actually tested and past the multiple trials (can take a decade!) and part of it is the $$$$$$ spent trying to build a nest egg for the inevitable time when you get sued.
I'll bet a lot of people in Congress are breathing easier. They wouldn't want to face angry voters who are losing their insurance.
IGBT said:
One way to regIt's  ate costs is to stop the ability for all of these class action lawsuits against drug and medical companies.   I see so many ads for how you can get $$$ in lawsuit settlements from drug companies who were trying to make your life a bit better.

There is a reason some of these drugs cost $$$.  Part onegotiating prices.s the $$$$$$ spent going through the FDA hoops to get the drug actually tested and past the multiple trials (can take a decade!) and part of it is the $$$$$$ spent trying to build a nest egg for the inevitable time when you get sued.

IGBT, it's not the lawsuits. It's the regulations against Medicare being allowed to negotiate drug prices like insurance companies do. The admin (Obama) is trying to push thru regulations that will allow price negotiations, and oh, boy, are the drug companies upset! They are lobbying like crazy to stop it and will be running scare ads and attack ads against anyone who supports negotiating prices.
I'm happy for the 19 million people who will keep their insurance.By the way,CBO estimated repealing the ACA would add $353 billion to the federal deficit over the next 10 years.
So true bob. So right and important. Hope that many more can be added via Medicare expansion when states effectively have to expand it.
Look more recently to the class action suits against drugs like Paxel
The problem with hoops is one size fits all. Preventative or non-medically necessary drugs should have a higher safety bar than drugs to treat serious illnesses we have little or no answer to.
Didn't know Paxil was causing problems.I've been taking it for ptsd for about a year now and I'm happy with the results.
Medications are different for each person. I tried Paxil, it made me worse instead of better.