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Well-known member
Aug 14, 2015
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Good Evening,

Realized when I replied in the "Choosing to be Single and on the Road" thread, that it was my first post.

Lets see 48, single, male, caucasian, employed.

I've been moving back this way for several years.  Lived in a telephone van during my last 2 years of high school, then started "moving up".  Purchased a house when I got married, sold it when I got divorced. 
Lived in apartments for many years. (they would not let me have visitation unless I proved I had a stable dwelling)
Purchased another house in 2003 when I was getting custody of my son. When he left for Basic Training I was stuck in the normal rut.
Purchased the RV on a whim for my 41st birthday. Did pay 9600 cash, to much in retrospect but my subconscious was trying to tell me something.  Took it to watch 2 shuttle launches and my son graduate from Basic.  Most of the time it just sat in the driveway teasing me.  I started getting rid of stuff a couple of years ago, not sure where all of this fear of getting rid of things and traveling came from.  I am fighting it..

Headed out in June of 2015 for a test run.  Went to far and to fast each week.  Broke my collar bone the end of July in ND, and drove back to MS in 3 days, not sure why.   I would be headed out now but my new granddaughter will be visiting here in December. Not going to miss her first Christmas.

I have signed up for a motorcycle rally in Moab, March 2016.  Leaving Jan 1st I should be able to travel 250 to 300 miles each weekend, find somewhere with enough cell service so I can work and be in Moab the first weekend of March.   Don't really have a plan after that, thinking maybe Death Valley and wander north from there.

Please feel free with questions and comments.
Must be the season for lurkers to come out of hiding.. LOL... we seem to have a handful in just the last two days. Welcome.

Sounds like your solid plans for after Christmas will let you overcome your hesitancy. Having a goal location that you know you will enjoy is a terrific motivator. Doesn't sound like you are planning to make the rendezvous in Quartzite though?
I did see the RTR, but 1600 miles in 1 weekend is not a fun drive. 
I don't really want to move every weekend but to make the rally I have to, after the rally moving every other weekend or less is the plan.  My short trip this summer proved I can run 2 laptops, cell booster, and lights daily on my solar system without issues.  I will be adding an electric coffee maker to the mix ;-)  on the stove works but if I can just push a button.
I am only able to move on weekends as I work 8-5 CT weekdays.  Trying to keep this job for 24 more months, the house will be paid off then.
Welcome to the CRVL forums Idmccain! There are people hanging out in Quartzsite, Ehrenburg , Yuma and a few other spots after the RTR. If you find yourself with some free time before your rally let us know!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
All of the folks talking about the RTR have convinced me to change my plans. Talked with my son and will be heading west on the 26th of Dec. It's still going to be a fast run making 550 miles a weekend at 7.7mpg, but should arrive at the RTR on the 10th. Hoping to hangout in the evenings, after work, with some interesting folks.

If there is a semi-professional blogger wandering around during the RTR or after; I would be happy to make dinner or provide a beverage or 3 for a glance at my mess of a blog and some advice on fixing it up. Or scrapping and starting over.
And at the drop of a hat you've changed your plans and heading to RTR after Christmas. I'm jealous of your flexability!
Welcome :)
Welcome ldmccain, you're going to love Moab, it's one of my top 5 places in the country and March should be nice, not hot but not cold either. Shouldn't be any bad crowds either.

Post your blog link and we can all give you some advice!
Welcome to the tribe Larry
1600 miles on a weekend WOULD be hard to do for anyone.
No way for me , been there , done that !
Now , 550 is just about right , I think you will find that 250-300/day will go down smoothly.

I like to start a driving day around 10am and get off the road before 4pm.
Avoiding most of the rush hour "distracted speed demons" and getting to see the sights along the way. I traveled so many through the night runs in the music biz and though light traffic , ya don't see nuttin' !
akrvbob said:
Welcome ldmccain, you're going to love Moab, it's one of my top 5 places in the country and March should be nice, not hot but not cold either. Shouldn't be any bad crowds either.

Post your blog link and we can all give you some advice!

Thank you,  yes went to the 1st annual TW200 rally March 2015.  I could spend months around Moab.

I just can't post the link, it even makes me sad to look at it.  :shy:
I've got almost everything loaded up, so I'm going to spend a few cold rainy evenings working on the blog before I share.
11 days till I get to visit with my granddaughter
22 nights left to sleep in this house.
Pins and needles, no sleepless nights yet,.... ready to get on the road again.

Stuck a link to my blog in my Signature today..
Fire away,...
Welcome to CRVL as a non-lurker.

If you don't know where to go or what to do after your last visit somewhere, check out the bottom link in
my signature line.  There are some great resources like the Tripomatic link.  that will show you loads of
things to see along any highway or town.  The "Go Too" Journey Planner will let you pick your destination
from where you are and use the yellow "Peg Man" feature to see the road (like Google Maps) the same as if
you were in your RV driving down the road.
eDJ_ said:
Welcome to CRVL as a non-lurker.

If you don't know where to go or what to do after your last visit somewhere,

There are so many places I would like to go see don't really need more; yet...

Thank you for the link...

Often the surprises along the way are the greatest finds..
It's not a TW 200, it's a BW 200 but have you ever seen the videos from Mr. Bigwheel and the Enduro Alaska videos? I originally ran across them on and they are hilarious. The narrator sounds like Steven Wright.... if that means anything to you :)
Rugster said:
It's not a TW 200, it's a BW 200 but have you ever seen the videos from Mr. Bigwheel and the Enduro Alaska videos? I originally ran across them on and they are hilarious. The narrator sounds like Steven Wright.... if that means anything to you :)

I hadn't seen them before and that guy is great.
Thank you
If you want the universe to laugh at you write down your plan...

My son will not be down until the 24th so I can stay another week to get to visit with him or see him Christmas day and leave on the 26th.  I asked for vacation on Jan 4th and 5th to drive toward the RTR.  <sigh>

Just today discovered I cannot get a license, car title or tag at my property out in the county without building a dwelling and paying 200.00 a year for garbage pickup.  Plus increased property tax for the building.  Also discovered it is illegal to live in a RV or travel trailer in MS.

If I can't find a thread on domicile state pros and cons going to start one.
I believe in the philosophy that additional postive members always contributes towards the health of a community. This factor underlies, along with the reasons I stated in the past, the primary motivation to stop lurking on this forum. :shy:  I say "Welcome Larry"
Argh. I am on this (road). Dome Rock.
Hopefully someone is already out here.
Found some folks. :)
Now to hide from the rain and get over this cold.

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