Northwest Get Together in Oregon Middle July

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Hi all, it was great meeting everyone!  Definitely lots of laughter and yummy snacks and a gorgeous riverside location.  Big thanks to Cheri and Nelda for hosting a wonderful GTG and to everyone else too for making my first outing such a fun time.  I wish I could have stayed longer.

And who knew there was such a luscious food forest growing right along the Banks-Vernonia rail trail?!  Thanks to Towhee for getting Christie and I to stop and investigate and for sharing her wealth of knowledge.

I hope to see everyone again at the winter RTR if not before!   :)
I had such a good time and learned a lot as well. It is so affirming to be able to hang out with people who fully understand what I want to do.

Thanks to Cheri and family for offering this land. To Nelda for organizing breakfast. To all who came. Even at a small gathering like this one I wasn't able to have deep conversation with everybody. There just isn't enough time.

Ronda, Christy and I went over to the Banks Vernonia bike trail. 20 miles of paved off road bike path through the forest. We spent an afternoon biking and eating and talking. Lots of fun. 

I'll post some pics later. After I look up how to attach them. :)
image.jpegNelda, Jerry and Sandie. 

The second pic is of the logo on an old caterpillar DC 10 from the logging museum at camp 18. We walked around and looked at the equipment and tried to figure out how it worked and what it does. The giant bandsaw was quite impressive.


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Logo on old logging equipment ​


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A few more pictures:

  By Wednesday the group is down to just five as people  move onto new adventures.
   With a smaller audience Christy decided to try out her shower tent. That may have been a bad decision because her
    squeals when the warm water ran out had us all laughing. :-D
    012a.jpg     Check out the walking tent!    015a.jpg
  A very big thank you to Cheri and Nelda for organizing this gathering!  We had a great time visiting with old friends and meeting all of the new ones. Hope to see everyone again at the RTR in January!


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What a good time!  I really enjoyed visiting with friends, old and new.  Many thanks to Nelda and Cheri for the organization, and Bill and Denise for generously letting us camp on their beautiful land.  Life is good when with the tribe!

Old growth stump where we camped.
My First GTG and it was Awesome!!! Thank you all for making this trip so grand especially Nelda, Jerry & Cheri. Love you guys :-}   Thank you Nancy teaching us about berries and things, so yummy...  Looking forward to see in you at the RTR in Jan 2017...
God I miss Oregon so badly. Its been over 100' here in Cali. I'm spoiled with the cool days and not having to pump my own gas lol  Here are images I took.

I took Nancy's sweet ride for a spin. :} Thanks Sue for taking the picture :)

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1st fire...
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The 3 images below are the next morning breakfast. Very yummy Thank you Nelda & Cheri <3

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I wish I had gotten on this forum and seen this earlier! I hope it was fun. :)

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