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New member
Feb 26, 2021
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Hello Everyone: 
My name is Angela and I am buying an RV this year and hitting the road with my adult daughter. I've wanted to get one since I was a very young adult and thought I would need to wait until I was "age-retired" before I could make that dream a reality. However, my life has moved in such a way that I am now able to join this life. I'm SUPER excited. Over the past year, I have done a lot of research on the "Nomad life" but as you all know, you can never really know "the life" until you've lived the life. I look forward to making friends on the road that are like-minded and have especially enjoyed the many, many interview videos of many of you from CheapRVLiving. My daughter and I will start out on the road together and we are both "budding" writers. We are single, African-American women who want to show other single women (and other African-Americans) that there are opportunities in America to live beyond the ideas of what our society deems as "normal" and STILL be happy. We hope to see you on the road soon! Be safe and God Bless!!
Welcome to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome akhlaw12. We have quite a variety of nomads on here and want to be no meds. And you certainly are welcome. I know what it’s like to want and want and want this life and believe me for me it’s been satisfying to do it even though I’ve run into obstacles every day. I hope you and your daughter found and find what you’re looking for and are blessed on the road and hopefully we bump into each other. And when we do let’s not run over each other. Blessings
THANK YOU (everyone) for all of your warm wishes and welcome!! I'll definitely be reading the Tips/Tricks. I'm very happy to be here in the forum and I'm sure we will learn a lot (and hope to share any knowledge we have with others) as we believe in the "Each one, teach one" philosophy. I forgot to say a few things about us so here they are: (1) we're from Ohio; (2) I live with a disability (but I don't let that rule my entire life) and look forward to showing other persons living with a disability that modifications can help many of us to live this life with dignity and freedom and, lastly (3) we both enjoy reading, cooking/eating, learning about new cultures, history, and traveling. Glad to be here.
It’s me again. :) We have some things in common. Disability, and your list of interests included. I moved to Northwest Ohio as a newlywed in September 77 and you know what January 78 was like. I think it was something like 60 inches of snow in three days and winds to drive it. Quite a few people died in that mess. I’ll never forget those days. We were in Northwest Ohio only 40 miles from Lake Erie. Well we moved back to Pennsylvania so we had some hills and trees to block the snow. you said Ohio and I can’t think of anything about Ohio without thinking of that experience, Sorry I went off on a tangent. welcome to the forum, happy to have you, use some of your writing skills to let us hear about your Preparations and adventures.
"enjoy reading, cooking/eating, learning about new cultures, history, and traveling."

Ditto! Welcome to the forum. I plan to make history my theme when I retire and hit the road full time. I'm thinking visiting local history museums might help me focus best, as one can only tour so many historic residences before going cross-eyed and getting jaded.
Hi there - my name is Cyndi. I am a 60-something empty nester on SS Disability right now. I am converting a Honda Odyssey right now - planning trips for Fall and Winter upcoming. I love walks, swimming, taking care of plants and animals. I cannot wait to meet my fellow Nomads!
Welcome to the CRVL Forum  :)

I think the Nomadic lifestyle will enhance your opportunities to find quality subject matter to develop in your writing.  Twain, Hemingway, and Steinbeck (some that I know of) all traveled while they wrote.
So I think you are on the right track.

If you haven't heard of it I'd mention to you the Writers Store in LA.   All the best !

The Writers Store

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